zazuko / xrm

A friendly language for mappings to RDF
MIT License
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Runnable XML mapping sample #86

Open mchlrch opened 4 years ago

mchlrch commented 4 years ago

Add a CARML XML mapping sample to rdf-mapping-dsl-user repository. Including the plumbing for processing with carml-cli.

This sample mapping should include the following constructs:

mchlrch commented 3 years ago

For how to use carm-cli with streamName "stdin":

You can use the carml-cli to convert XML And run it like this: java -jar lib/cli-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -m src-gen/mapping.carml.ttl < input/foo.xml

This reads the XML from stdin. For this to work, you need to have source "stdin" in the xrm logical source. Something like this:

logical-source mysource { type xml source "stdin"

mchlrch commented 1 year ago

There is now a template pipeline repo for XML

Once the repo naming is settled, links to the template repo should be added to the READMEs in: