Open zb9678 opened 3 days ago
Set zz = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") zz.Run "choice1.bat", 0, False
@echo off chcp 65001 choice1.ahk echo ErrorLevel=%ErrorLevel% if "%ErrorLevel%"=="1" ( echo Word ) else if "%ErrorLevel%"=="2" ( echo EXCEL ) else if "%ErrorLevel%"=="3" ( echo POWERPNT ) else ( echo 未知的选择 ) pause
; ControlColor(Control, Window, bc := "", tc := "", Redraw := True) { Local a := {} a["c"] := Control a["g"] := Window a["bc"] := (bc == "") ? "" : (((bc & 255) << 16) + (((bc >> 8) & 255) << 8) + (bc >> 16)) a["tc"] := (tc == "") ? "" : (((tc & 255) << 16) + (((tc >> 8) & 255) << 8) + (tc >> 16)) CC_WindowProc("Set", a, "", "") If (Redraw) { WinSet Redraw,, ahk_id %Control% } } CC_WindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) { Local tc, bc, a Static Win := {} ; Critical If uMsg Between 0x132 And 0x138 ; WM_CTLCOLOR(MSGBOX|EDIT|LISTBOX|BTN|DLG|SCROLLBAR|STATIC) If (Win[hWnd].HasKey(lParam)) { If (tc := Win[hWnd, lParam, "tc"]) { DllCall("gdi32.dll\SetTextColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", tc) } If (bc := Win[hWnd, lParam, "bc"]) { DllCall("gdi32.dll\SetBkColor", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt", bc) } Return Win[hWnd, lParam, "Brush"] ; Return the HBRUSH to notify the OS that we altered the HDC. } If (hWnd == "Set") { a := uMsg Win[a.g, a.c] := a If ((Win[a.g, a.c, "tc"] == "") && (Win[a.g, a.c, "bc"] == "")) { Win[a.g].Remove(a.c, "") } If (!Win[a.g, "WindowProcOld"]) { Win[a.g,"WindowProcOld"] := DllCall("SetWindowLong" . (A_PtrSize == 8 ? "Ptr" : "") , "Ptr", a.g, "Int", -4, "Ptr", RegisterCallback("CC_WindowProc", "", 4), "UPtr") } If (Win[a.g, a.c, "bc"] != "") { Win[a.g, a.c, "Brush"] := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateSolidBrush", "UInt", a.bc, "UPtr") } Return } Return DllCall("CallWindowProc", "Ptr", Win[hWnd, "WindowProcOld"], "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", uMsg, "Ptr", wParam, "Ptr", lParam, "Ptr") }
#SingleInstance Force #NoEnv SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% SetBatchLines -1 #Include %A_ScriptDir%\ControlColor.ahk Gui +hWndhMainWnd Gui Font, s9, Segoe UI Gui Color, 0xFF8000 ;Gui Add, Text, hWndhTxt x102 y49 w132 h71 +0x200, 选择要启动的软件 ControlColor(hTxt, hMainWnd, 0xFF8080, 0x800040) Gui Add, Button, gdd x29 y177 w80 h23, Word Gui Add, Button, gee x130 y177 w80 h23, EXCEL Gui Add, Button, gff x234 y177 w80 h23, POWERPNT Gui Add, Button, gaa x29 y137 w80 h23, 11Manager Gui Add, Button, gbb x130 y137 w80 h23, 右键设置 Gui Add, Button, gcc x234 y137 w80 h23, 任务管理器 Gui Add, Button, ggg x29 y97 w80 h23, 键盘可视化 Gui Add, Button, ghh x130 y97 w80 h23, 重复文件 Gui Add, Button, gii x234 y97 w80 h23, 磁盘碎片 Gui Add, Button, gr x29 y57 w80 h23, 文件对比 Gui Add, Button, gs x130 y57 w80 h23, Joplin Gui Add, Button, gt x234 y57 w80 h23, 输入法管理 Gui Add, Button, gu x29 y17 w80 h23, CorelDRW Gui Add, Button, gv x130 y17 w80 h23, PDFXEdit Gui Add, Button, gw x234 y17 w80 h23, RegWork Gui Add, Button, gx x29 y217 w80 h23, 批量重命名 Gui Add, Button, gy x130 y217 w80 h23, KeePass Gui Add, Button, gz x234 y217 w80 h23, WindTerm Gui Show, w340 h260, 选择要启动的软件 Return gg: run C:\3\5\键盘可视化Keyviz\keyviz.exe ExitApp 7 ; 设置返回码为 7 Return hh: run C:\3\6 Duplicate Cleaner v4.1.1 Portable\DuplicateCleanerProPortable.exe ExitApp 8 ; 设置返回码为 8 Return ii: run C:\3\7 SmartDefrag\SmartDefrag.exe ExitApp 9 ; 设置返回码为 9 Return dd: run C:\0 tool\0\9 Office\9 Office2016\Office16\WINWORD.EXE ExitApp 1 ; 设置返回码为 1 Return ee: run D:\ahk1.0\1\2\00 快捷键目录.xlsx ExitApp 2 ; 设置返回码为 2 Return ff: run C:\0 tool\0\9 Office\9 Office2016\Office16\POWERPNT.EXE ExitApp 3 ; 设置返回码为 3 Return aa: run C:\3\Windows11Manager\Windows11Manager.exe ExitApp 4 ; 设置返回码为 4 Return bb: run C:\3\Windows11Manager\App\ContextMenuManager.exe ExitApp 5 ; 设置返回码为 5 Return cc: run C:\3\Windows11Manager\App\MyTask.exe ExitApp 6 ; 设置返回码为 6 Return r: run C:\3\9BCompare\BCompare.exe ExitApp 10 ; 设置返回码为 10 Return s: run C:\3\9 JoplinPortable2\Joplin.exe ExitApp 11 ; 设置返回码为 11 Return t: run C:\3\9 imetl3输入法\输入法管理器.exe ExitApp 12 ; 设置返回码为 12 Return u: run C:\3\9 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4\Programs\CorelDRW.exe ExitApp 13 ; 设置返回码为 13 Return v: run C:\3\PDFXEdit10_Portable_x64\PDFXEdit.exe ExitApp 14 ; 设置返回码为 14 Return w: run C:\3\Registry Workshop\RegWorkshopX64.exe ExitApp 15 ; 设置返回码为 15 Return x: run C:\3\9 ReNamer\ReNamer.exe ExitApp 16 ; 设置返回码为 16 Return y: run C:\3\9KeePass-2.52\KeePass.exe ExitApp 17 ; 设置返回码为 17 Return z: run C:\3\WindTerm_2.6.1\WindTerm.exe ExitApp 18 ; 设置返回码为 18 Return GuiEscape: GuiClose: ExitApp