zbirenbaum / copilot.lua

Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot
MIT License
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[Copilot] buffer not 'buflisted' in vimagit buffer #279

Open CheesyChocolate opened 4 months ago

CheesyChocolate commented 4 months ago


I use jreybert/vimagit. I can't manage to start and attach the copilot to magit buffer.

here is my copilot config

return {
    config = function()
        require("copilot").setup {
            suggestion = {
                auto_trigger = true,
                keymap = {
                    accept = "<C-b>",
            filetypes = {
                ["*"] = true,

here is all of my nvim config

steps to reproduce

method 1

  1. invoke vimagit by nvim -c MagitOnly
  2. no copilot, checking the status gives the following

[Copilot] Not Started

:Copilot attach

[Copilot] buffer not 'buflisted' [Copilot] to force attach, run ':Copilot! attach'

force attaching  the copilot brings it online and it works.

### method 2

1. inside an existing neovim buffer that has Copilot online, open a new vimagit buffer with `:Magit`
2. copilot not attached, checking the status


[Copilot] Online [Copilot] Disabled (buffer not 'buflisted')

## Question

My real question is how to connect the copilot to a buffer that is not bufflisted. (I mean automatically) 
do I need to make an autocmd?

I'm aware the correct set of action would be to do `:set buflisted` then `:Copilot attach`. but I'm
curious for a method to just attach the Copilot to any buffer.