zbirenbaum / neodim

Neovim plugin for dimming the highlights of unused functions, variables, parameters, and more
315 stars 10 forks source link

Specify that neodim requires nvim-treesitter #16

Closed rodamaral closed 2 years ago

rodamaral commented 2 years ago

Even though this plugin is supposed to run aftet the LspAttach, it somehow requires treesitter for some functionality instead of just LSP. Users that make use of packer and lazy loading might run into issues because of that.

zbirenbaum commented 2 years ago

The plugin uses LSP and treesitter. It has to use treesitter to get the highlight info of the node at the location provided by the LSP. I lazy load everything and never had problems. I think that the implementation for people running >=0.8 uses the inbuilt vim.treesitter module so there shouldn’t be problems.