Open airtonix opened 1 year ago
i was using toggle term previously where I had this in my lazy config :
local PluginSpec = { -- Terminal "akinsho/toggleterm.nvim", version = '*', config = function() require("toggleterm").setup({}) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufEnter" }, { pattern = { "term://*toggleterm#*" }, callback = function() vim.cmd("startinsert!") end }) end } return PluginSpec
this nvim_create_autocmd approach works for nvterm, except i feel like it needs a bit more, like:
Basically I want to be an heretical vim user (may the emporer of man smile upon me) and never leave insert mode when in a terminal.
I saw this in the docs
behaviour = { auto_insert = true, }
but it doesn't do what i expected.
i was using toggle term previously where I had this in my lazy config :
approach works for nvterm, except i feel like it needs a bit more, like:Basically I want to be an heretical vim user (may the emporer of man smile upon me) and never leave insert mode when in a terminal.