zbluebugz / facebook-clean-my-feeds

Clean up Facebook feeds by hiding sponsored, suggestions and other posts based on keywords.
GNU General Public License v3.0
113 stars 13 forks source link

Suggested for you reappeared on News Feed (11/10/2022) #23

Closed hiiro74 closed 1 year ago

hiiro74 commented 1 year ago

As the title said they reappeared again but the weird thing is when I tried to add "Suggested for you" on News Feed - Text filter they are caught and hidden. Just wanted to let you know of this weird instance.

hiiro74 commented 1 year ago

Weird now they are being flagged again. Closing this since it seemed to have resolved itself. Sorry for the hassle.

zbluebugz commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the heads up - News Feed's Suggested posts are a little bit tricker for the script to detect correctly, as there are other type of posts that have a similar HTML structure and shouldn't be flagged to be hidden.

Nice little trick in using Text Filter facility to catch those "Suggested for you" posts. Never thought about that myself ...

BTW, it is not a hassle. I'd rather know about the hiccups the code is having and then review that block of code.

I'll keep an eye out on this issue and adjust the code if it starts to fails too often.

zbluebugz commented 1 year ago

News Feed's Suggested posts now showing up.

zbluebugz commented 1 year ago

Version v4.11 released.