zbluebugz / facebook-clean-my-feeds

Clean up Facebook feeds by hiding sponsored, suggestions and other posts based on keywords.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Font size and space between posts settings #31

Open thiendt2k1 opened 1 year ago

thiendt2k1 commented 1 year ago

Hi, it's me again, after a long time with no trouble, today i install the script to my old computer, with 1360 x 768 pixels, and it is terrible, cause it takes too much space between hidden posts and font size just take too much, i managed to change the script css once, but there're update and all my customize are gone, so may i suggest the option to scale down font size and space, and it quite easy to achieve i guess, thanks. image

zbluebugz commented 1 year ago

Will look into this.

In the meantime, there's a couple of options: 1) Use the Verbosity's option "" to hide them. 2) Install "Stylus" addon/extension and use the following sample CSS code to re-style them.

/* notification container */
div[cmfr="0"] {
    margin: 0.5rem !important;
    padding: 0.25rem !important;
/* notification - button and text */
.wbtn button, .wtxt {
    font-size: 0.6rem !important;

/* tabs (used on groups/videos post when Verbosity = "7 posts hidden" is enabled) */
h6[cmfr] {
    font-size: 0.6rem;
    padding: 0.25rem !important;