zbluebugz / facebook-clean-my-feeds

Clean up Facebook feeds by hiding sponsored, suggestions and other posts based on keywords.
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Instagram reels skip function here #69

Open Dark3n89 opened 3 months ago

Dark3n89 commented 3 months ago

I've been working on the removal script for a long time, it's almost unreal ... Here I made a function that automatically skips INSTAGRAM REELS and remembers "infected" url addresses, for the next faster rewind. I like your project, you saved me a lot of time and I would like to return the favor :) As a bonus, you can save the list of unwanted urls for future use when you click on the icon :)

` // ==UserScript== // @name Skip Instagram Content on Facebook Reels with URL Tracking // @namespace Skip Instagram // @version 1.0 // @description Automatically skip URLs that have been previously skipped and click "Next" if Instagram content is detected on Facebook Reels. Displays total skipped reels count in a popup and allows exporting skipped URLs to a text file. // @author Projekt Darkside - Brno city Bohemia. // @match https://www.facebook.com/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript==

(function() { 'use strict';

// Multilanguage support for "Next card" button
const multilangNextButton = {
    'en': 'Next card',
    'cs': 'Další karta',
    // Add more languages as needed

// Function to save skipped URL
function saveSkippedURL(url) {
    let skippedURLs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('skippedURLs')) || [];
    if (!skippedURLs.includes(url)) {
        localStorage.setItem('skippedURLs', JSON.stringify(skippedURLs));

// Function to get all skipped URLs
function getSkippedURLs() {
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('skippedURLs')) || [];

// Function to check if URL is skipped
function isURLSkipped(url) {
    let skippedURLs = getSkippedURLs();
    return skippedURLs.includes(url);

// Function to detect browser language
function detectBrowserLanguage() {
    return navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage || 'en';

// Function to update the skipped count badge
function updateSkippedCountBadge(count) {
    let badge = document.getElementById('skippedCountBadge');
    if (!badge) {
        badge = document.createElement('div');
        badge.id = 'skippedCountBadge';
        badge.style.cssText = 'position: fixed; bottom: 10px; left: 10px; background-color: #007bff; color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; padding: 5px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 9999; display: none;';
        badge.title = 'Total skipped Instagram Reels';
    badge.textContent = count;

// Function to show badge and automatically hide it after a short delay
function showAndAutoHideBadge() {
    let badge = document.getElementById('skippedCountBadge');
    if (badge) {
        badge.style.display = 'block';
        setTimeout(() => {
            badge.style.display = 'none';
        }, 4000); // Hide badge after 4 seconds

// Function to export skipped URLs to a text file
function exportSkippedURLs() {
    let skippedURLs = getSkippedURLs();
    let blob = new Blob([skippedURLs.join('\n')], { type: 'text/plain' });
    let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    let a = document.createElement('a');
    a.style.display = 'none';
    a.href = url;
    a.download = 'skipped_urls.txt';

function skipInstagramContent() {
    if (window.location.href.includes("/reel/")) {
        if (isURLSkipped(window.location.href)) {
            // If URL is already skipped, click on the "Next card" button
            let nextButton = findNextButton();
            if (nextButton) {
                console.log("Skipping already skipped URL:", window.location.href);

        let foundInstagramContent = false;

        // Check visible elements containing the word "Instagram"
        document.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(function(node) {
            if (node.offsetParent !== null && node.innerText && node.innerText.includes("Instagram")) {
                console.log("Found Instagram content in text:", node);
                foundInstagramContent = true;

        // Check visible images containing the specified URL
        document.querySelectorAll('img').forEach(function(img) {
            if (img.offsetParent !== null && img.src.includes('https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yy/r/1M3EBv90kJA.png')) {
                console.log("Found Instagram content in image:", img);
                foundInstagramContent = true;

        // If Instagram content is found, click on "Next card" and save URL
        if (foundInstagramContent) {
            let nextButton = findNextButton();
            if (nextButton) {
                console.log("Clicking next button:", nextButton);

// Function to find the "Next card" button based on language
function findNextButton() {
    let language = detectBrowserLanguage().split('-')[0]; // Extract language code
    let ariaLabel = multilangNextButton[language];
    if (ariaLabel) {
        return document.querySelector(`[aria-label="${ariaLabel}"]`);
    } else {
        console.warn(`No translation found for language: ${language}`);
        return null;

// Initialize check on page load

// Observe DOM changes and apply function to newly loaded posts
const observer = new MutationObserver(skipInstagramContent);
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });

})(); `

Dark3n89 commented 3 months ago

Allready working at pure extenssion... i have big problems with same seasson or localstorage load back. ..


zbluebugz commented 3 months ago

Userscript looks good - parts of it is likely to be implemented in fb-cmf.

re issue with storage: - Are you referring to the userscript or the extension?

If userscript, FB will wipe out the "unauthorised" cookies and most storage options.

The following options would work:

fb-cmf uses the Indexed DB option to store user's settings. Relies on the idb-keyval library to manage the storage. (https://unpkg.com/browse/idb-keyval@6.0.3/README.md)

If extension, In Firefox use this: browser.storage.local.set(...) / browser.storage.local.get(...) In Chromium use this: chrome.storage.local.set(...) / chrome.storage.local.get(...)

In the extension, you might need the "permissions" option "unlimitedStorage" in the manifest.json file - this allows more than 5Mb of data to be stored.

Dark3n89 commented 3 months ago

I was talking about my code. It should remember the offending URLs and skip them much faster next time. You will notice this feature when 3-4-6 Instagram reels are skipped in a row.

Maybe it's my fault, I have a complexly secured system. Anyway, I can't keep the list of non-compliant URLs saved. The values are reset to zero very often, or in a new window.

Damn it, the main thing is already working and working damn well.

Here is the newest version: https://github.com/Dark3n89/Instagram-reel-remover but still +/- same bug.

zbluebugz commented 3 months ago

FYI, the indexedDB data is wiped out when the browser clears the cache.

I do note that sometimes the script stops working if db is not opened/ready.

Below is a suggestion on tweaking the code that detects IG content (you'll need to test it more):

// -- This html pattern occurs 1-2 times per reel post
const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div > span[dir] > span > div'));
for (const node of elements) {
    if (node.offsetParent !== null && node.innerText && node.innerText.includes("Instagram")) {
        foundInstagramContent = true;

if (foundInstagramContent === false) {
    // -- Try again, but query for a sprite image that has the IG icon
    // -- (do not specify the filename - fb has multiple copies with different filenames)
    // -- Has to be in a certain HTML structure/pattern that is unique to the IG reel posts
    foundInstagramContent = (document.querySelector('span > div > div > span > i[style*="background-image"]') !== null);
Dark3n89 commented 3 months ago

I am currently working on a version of a regular extension where everything works perfectly and holds the data until the user reloads the extension.

I experimented with an external database, in my new project the reels are destroyed immediately after loading the site even as suggestions.

But it will still take some time, I assume that the external database will help all people globally to get rid of ballast.