zbx-sadman / unifi_miner

UniFi Miner helps deliver data from UniFi Controller to Zabbix
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Setup with Zabbix 3 and Ubuntu 14.04 server #3

Closed philthynz closed 8 years ago

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

I am trying to setup the uifi miner with zabbix 3. I am currently following the steps here https://www.zabbix.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44717&page=2

I have:

  1. copied unifi_miner.pl to /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/. And it is working with some input commands.
  2. copped unifi.conf that i found here to /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ .
  3. I have Include=/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/
  4. Changed UserParameter in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/unifi.conf to include /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/unifi_miner.pl

Just a question before i continue. Should i be using unifi.conf or unifi_proxy.conf? Can i use Miner with unifi_proxy.conf? I can't see that mentioned in the miner guide

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago


Do u have UniFi Controller and Zabbix Server on the same host?

philthynz commented 8 years ago

No. Same site, same lan.

Unifi controller on Windows 10 PC Zabbix v3 and zabbix agent on Ubuntu 14.04

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Hmm. I see some confusion somewhere too.

  1. The unifi_miner templates here ask us to use the "UniFi Proxy template". But the templates here do not reference what's in my current unifi.conf:
UserParameter=unifi.discovery[*],/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/unifi_miner.pl -o $1 -u $2 -p $3
UserParameter=unifi.uap.state[*],/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/unifi_miner.pl -o uap -i $1 -k $2 -a $3
UserParameter=unifi.uap.mac.state[*],/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/unifi_miner.pl -o uap -m $1 -k $2 -a $3
UserParameter=unifi.wlan.state[*],/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/unifi_miner.pl -o wlan -i $1 -k $2
UserParameter=unifi.site.state[*],/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/unifi_miner.pl -o $1 -k $2 -a $3

The zabbix templates are setup to use "unifi.proxy".

Which template should i use for unifi_miner?

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

Unifi controller on Windows Windows 10 is an challenge because no perl support on host.

So, you can use Miner with Zabbix Agent, that placed on other linux box. And on Zabbix Server host (Ubuntu 14.04 server), too, of course.

I would do the following: 1) Move unifi_miner.pl to /usr/local/bin/zabbix or other non-related to Zabbix Server dir (just to avoid confusion in the future); 2) Take unifi.conf from github for actual release (1.3.x) and place to /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ with using Include= in zabbix_agentd.conf. Or just paste UserParameter=unifi.proxy[*],/usr/local/bin/zabbix/unifi_miner.pl -a "$1" -o "$2" -s "$3" -k "$4" -i "$5" -n "$6" -c "$7" to tail of zabbix_agentd.conf. 3) Restart Zabbix Agentd, delete all Miner's cache files (it's important) from cachedir (/dev/shm) and test integration: zabbix_get -s "unifi.proxy[discovery,wlan]" ( is the same that, used just for convenience); 4) On success - create via Zabbix web interface new host with address and link to its the template for Proxy actual release - Miner and Proxy use the same template; 5) Open the beer and see to Zabbix's Latest Data.

Instructions on the forum quite outdated.

philthynz commented 8 years ago

@zbx-sadman Thanks for the help. I won't read those old forums anymore :)

So i have done what you recommended. And i have:

root@zabbix:~# ls /usr/local/bin/zabbix/unifi_miner.pl
root@zabbix:~# tail -5 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
# Default:

##unifi config##
UserParameter=unifi.proxy[*],/usr/local/bin/zabbix/unifi_miner.pl -a "$1" -o "$2" -s "$3" -k "$4" -i "$5" -n "$6" -c "$7"

The server and the controller are on the same lan. The zabbix server and agent are on the same server. Do i need to adjust unifi_miner.pl in anyway?

philthynz commented 8 years ago

And if i run the test command like you recommended. It has no output:

root@zabbix:~# zabbix_get -s "unifi.proxy[discovery,wlan]"
  zabbix_get -s host-name-or-IP [-p port-number] [-I IP-address] -k item-key
  zabbix_get -s host-name-or-IP [-p port-number] [-I IP-address]
                --tls-connect cert --tls-ca-file CA-file
                [--tls-crl-file CRL-file] [--tls-agent-cert-issuer cert-issuer]
                [--tls-agent-cert-subject cert-subject]
                --tls-cert-file cert-file --tls-key-file key-file -k item-key
  zabbix_get -s host-name-or-IP [-p port-number] [-I IP-address]
                --tls-connect psk --tls-psk-identity PSK-identity
                --tls-psk-file PSK-file -k item-key
  zabbix_get -h
  zabbix_get -V
zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

Yes, i've lost something: _zabbixget -s -k "unifi.proxy[discovery,wlan]".

Don't use with zabbix_get IP and port of UniFi Controller. You must ask zabbix agent for metric, it call unifi_miner.pl via UserParameter. Miner fetch data from UniFi Controller, return back result to zabbix agent and its return value of metric to you.

So, point zabbix_get to IP of host where agent with Miner is placed. I guess that is Ubuntu server and its reacheable with address or localhost hostname (and via its adress in your local network, of course).

And don't forget to restart agent after config change.

philthynz commented 8 years ago

So that output gives a connection error

root@zabbix:~# zabbix_get -s -k "unifi.proxy[discovery,wlan]"
zabbix_get [9387]: Get value error: cannot connect to [[]:10050]: [111] Connection refused

And the zabbix agent was restarted after i changed zabbix_agentd.conf.

Do i need to edit unifi_miner.pl with my connection settings? IP, port, username etc...? Or will it ask for them?

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

If you already set in unifi_miner.pl location of UniFi Controller, change username and password to actual and got any information with making simple request (like unifi_miner.pl -a discovery -o uap) then Miner work well.

Now you must resolve zabbix_agentd issue. I think that you need to looking agent's log and search refusing connection reason. May be you need to add an IP address to Server= or zabbix_agentd just not started after editing the config (can't access to Include= dir for example, or so).

You can do simple testing of agentd works with zabbix_get -s <hostname-or-ip> -k "agent.ping".

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Ok, i have the miner working from zabbix_get. I just had to change unifi_miner.pl with my controller.

I have also imported the template zabbix. But now i am receiving an error "Value should be a JSON object" in from the discovery rules. Do you know what this could be?

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

Yes, i think that is common Miner newbees problem:


Low-level discovering rule not running or new values into data items does not appear

Symptom: a Miner script fails with the error like '...unlink error' or 'Presumably no rights to unlink', which is showed in the Zabbix's web interface. The LLD rule fails with error "Value should be a JSON object".

Possible reason: there was a single or multiple script runs under the account other (e.g. root), that of a limited user (e.g. zabbix) account. Causing the cache files were created and owned by non-regular user and cannot be deleted with limited user.

Fix: Change group/owner of the cache files or delete them from cachedir. If u delete its, they will be recreated when UniFi Miner will be started. To speed up the fix process you can delete all the cache files.

Just clear cache dir and wait while discovery rule re-run. Or unlink template and link again to kick Zabbix's LLD procedure.

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Thanks again for the help :)

Unfortunately that is not working.

root@zabbix:/usr/local/bin/zabbix# ls -l /dev/shm/
total 64
-rw-rw-rw- 1 zabbix zabbix     2 Jul  1 17:25 https___192_168_2_10_8443_api_s_default_list_extension
-rw-rw-rw- 1 zabbix zabbix  4351 Jul  1 17:25 https___192_168_2_10_8443_api_s_default_list_wlanconf
-rw-rw-rw- 1 zabbix zabbix 43912 Jul  1 17:25 https___192_168_2_10_8443_api_s_default_stat_device
-rw-rw-rw- 1 zabbix zabbix   602 Jul  1 17:25 https___192_168_2_10_8443_api_s_default_stat_health
-rw-rw-rw- 1 zabbix zabbix   145 Jul  1 17:25 https___192_168_2_10_8443_api_self_sites

I have also added the zabbix user to the sudo group just as a test for permissions. I am still getting the same "Value should be a JSON object" error from LLD.

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Hmm server restart seemed to fix it :) I can see some stats being pulled now. I'll leave it for a while and see what we get. Thanks!

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

May be Zabbix 3 works with LLD timeouts a little differently that my Zabbix 2.4 - i don't know. But this problem is mostly caused by a problem with the cache.

/dev/shm is a RAM-partition and that certainly will be cleared on reboot. And LLD timeout expires while your server restart. You can choose any explanation ;)

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Ok, we're getting there :)

The LLD has added the items to the host. I am still waiting for some data to come through, maybe it just takes a while.

Also, there is an error for the "Network LAN DHCPD start" LLD items:

In the error log:

item "Unifi Controller:unifi.proxy[get,network,default,"[_id=570c93582ed0a10ddd9bc7bb].dhcpd_start"]" became not supported: Special characters "\, ', ", `, *, ?, [, ], {, }, ~, $, !, &, ;, (, ), <, >, |, #, @, 0x0a" are not allowed in the parameters.

I presume that _id is causing the issue. Can i just change the template and then change _id to id in "unifi_miner.pl"?

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

No, you must try to find solution in Wiki before any actions:

Zabbix's data item going to UNSUPPORTED state

Symptom: complex keys, which contains the filter causes data item going to UNSUPPORTED state.

Possible reason: the Zabbix agent cannot process the key containing the characters'[', '&', ']' and etc.

Fix: use the UnsafeUserParameters=1 directive in the Zabbix-agent configuration file.

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Ok, thanks. I will check the Wiki for common issues :)

I am still seeing an error "Value should be a JSON object" after re-adding the template to the host. No data was coming through so i removed and re-added it. I don't think there is an issue with permissions. I am writing the cache to /run/shm, and the zabbix user has rw access to the json files created:

root@zabbix:~# ls -la /run/shm/
total 8
drwxrwxrwx  2 root   root    80 Jul  5 12:09 .
drwxr-xr-x 23 root   root   760 Jul  5 11:12 ..
-rw-rw-rw-  1 zabbix zabbix 602 Jul  5 12:09 https___192_168_2_10_8443_api_s_default_stat_health
-rw-rw-rw-  1 zabbix zabbix 145 Jul  5 12:09 https___192_168_2_10_8443_api_self_sites

Any other ideas why this error is happening?

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

Be sure that you use actual Miner (currently v1.3.4). An oldest releases had one error, thah causes "Value should be a JSON object" errror. If you still get error with actual release, try this: zabbix_get -s <host> -k "<zabbix_key_from_discovery_rule>" You must see pure JSON with LLD information. Its can be validated by http://pro.jsonlint.com/ for example. If you see additional data in output (may be perl erorr like Argument "" isn't numeric in addition (+) at... or another) - show its.

Take in account that Zabbix have limit of incoming data (65535 chars) and big JSONs (like Users discovery, or discovery of over that 9000 UAP on site) will be cutted and become invalid.

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Ok, So i am running v1.3.4. If i run zabbix_get -s -k "unifi.proxy[discovery,health]" it is not a normal JSON. Here are the first 4 lines of the output.

root@zabbix:~# zabbix_get -s -k "unifi.proxy[discovery,health]"
[2681] 2016-07-05 12:43:05 [.] globalConfig:
$VAR1 = {
          'key' => '',
          'objecttype' => 'health',

This is different to the JSON files in /run/shm. Those JSON files are fine:

root@zabbix:~# cat /run/shm/https___192_168_2_10_8443_api_s_default_stat_health 

The JSON files created under run/shm can be validated with http://jsonlint.com/

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

Seems that debug is enabled. configDefs -> debuglevel in unifi_miner.pl must be FALSE (its equal 0 => debuglevel=0). Do u set it to a number? ...or you use -d n option with UserParameter in your zabbix_agentd.conf

See example with debug enabled:

./unifi_miner.pl -a "discovery" -o "health" -s "" -k "" -i "" -n "" -c "" -d 2
[3516] 2016-07-05 14:14:15 [.] globalConfig:
$VAR1 = {
          'sitename' => 'default',
          'ua' => undef,

And without debug:

./unifi_miner.pl -a "discovery" -o "health" -s "" -k "" -i "" -n "" -c ""
philthynz commented 8 years ago

Ahh ok. Yes i did have debug on:

   # Debug level 
   'debuglevel'               => ['d', TYPE_NUMBER, 2],

I've put it to FALSE, the JSON output is fine now:

root@zabbix:/usr/local/bin/zabbix# zabbix_get -s -k "unifi.proxy[discovery,health]"

I will use -d n if i want to debug next time. Now i'll just wait for some data to come through.

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Hey @zbx-sadman Thanks for the help so far.

How long does it usually take for the data to come under "Latest Data" in Zabbix? I have all the items imported without error. Only the ICMP data seems to be coming through. I have put the Zabbix server config on debug level 3, and i'm seeing the unifi.proxy activity in /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log

  4206:20160705:151938.432 In substitute_key_macros() data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,{#SITENAME},_id,{#ID}]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 End of substitute_key_macros():SUCCEED data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,default,_id,5756f7692ed0b5ae05f3e159]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 In substitute_key_macros() data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,{#SITENAME},_id,{#ID}]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 End of substitute_key_macros():SUCCEED data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,default,_id,5756f7552ed0b5ae05f3e158]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 In substitute_key_macros() data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,{#SITENAME},_id,{#ID}]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 End of substitute_key_macros():SUCCEED data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,default,_id,574e872f2ed0ebdec8493d7d]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 In substitute_key_macros() data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,{#SITENAME},_id,{#ID}]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 End of substitute_key_macros():SUCCEED data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,default,_id,5404a444d0f9054c70518ec4]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 In substitute_key_macros() data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,{#SITENAME},_id,{#ID}]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 End of substitute_key_macros():SUCCEED data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,default,_id,5404a444d0f9054c70518ec3]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 In substitute_key_macros() data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,{#SITENAME},_id,{#ID}]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 End of substitute_key_macros():SUCCEED data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,default,_id,574e870d2ed0ebdec8493d7c]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 In substitute_key_macros() data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,{#SITENAME},_id,{#ID}]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 End of substitute_key_macros():SUCCEED data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,default,_id,574e864d2ed0ebdec8493d78]'
  4206:20160705:151938.432 In substitute_key_macros() data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,{#SITENAME},_id,{#ID}]'
  4206:20160705:151938.433 End of substitute_key_macros():SUCCEED data:'unifi.proxy[get,wlan,default,_id,574e86172ed0ebdec8493d77]'

But no other data apart from ICMP

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

Ough. I think that you observe to Imported Template and sight that Data Items has Zabbix agent (active) type. I also think that you do not enable Active checks in zabbix_agentd.conf. Just find ActiveServer directive...

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

I remembered that I did the video of installation and setiing up process. May be its will helpful: UniFi Miner installation and setting up (Change video quality to 720p by clicking on the gear icon)

philthynz commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the video's. That is the same config i have done.

Each item is "zabbix agent (active)": image

And in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf i already have:

##### Passive checks related

### Option: Server
#       List of comma delimited IP addresses (or hostnames) of Zabbix servers.
#       Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here.
#       If IPv6 support is enabled then '', '::', '::ffff:' are treated equally.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# Server=



### Option: ServerActive
#       List of comma delimited IP:port (or #hostname:port) pairs of Zabbix servers for active checks.
#       If port is not specified, default port is used.
#       IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets if port for that host is specified.
#       If port is not specified, square brackets for IPv6 addresses are optional.
#       If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled.
#       Example: ServerActive=,zabbix.domain,[::1]:30051,::1,[12fc::1]
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# ServerActive=


Thats the same config you did in the video's :) In my config, the server, agent and miner box are all the same server. The miner is pulling info from a Windows PC with the Unifi controller

I will wait a while and see if any more data comes through.

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

Ok, all seems ok.

Make sure that Hostname in zabbix_agentd.conf the same Hostname to which Template linked. If names is different - Zabbix server send empty active checks list to Zabbix agentd and its do nothing. This showed into _zabbixagentd log on debuglevel=4: request to Zabbix Server of active checks on agentd start and every 120 sec after, and reply with keys that need to gather and send back to server.

Or change type to Zabbix agent (non-active) for several items. Just for test. And you can change type for all items, but then Zabbix server pollers must be increased. There are many ways to put data into Zabbix DB - you must find better for you ;)

philthynz commented 8 years ago

@zbx-sadman Thanks for all the help. The issue was the hostname needed to be I had it set to a generic name before, because i though the agent would pull through the data regardless of the hostname.

It all seems to be working very well with Zabbix v.3 and a windows controller.

zbx-sadman commented 8 years ago

So good.

Please contact with me via email if you have more that UAPs - a need live info / statistic for Switches / Routers / Phones / etc.