zbycz / osmapp

Lets make a universal app for OpenStreetMap
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Vector tiles from Makina maps #133

Open zbycz opened 1 year ago

zbycz commented 1 year ago

Source to spin own instance: https://github.com/makina-maps/makina-maps

We have to wait if/when someone deploys an API for the whole world 😇

Flohhhhh commented 1 year ago

Would be awesome, I make small edits frequently, and I'm still learning about how they impact the map so it would be awesome to see how they reflect more often.

zbycz commented 1 year ago

Btw, if you switch Map layer to "Mapnik" it is usually less than 10 minutes old (some cache refreshing could be needed).

But unlike vector tiles, mapnik has no clickable features.

GPSOruxMaps commented 1 year ago

A little suggestion= Update the OpenStreetMap URL to the latest recommended version. https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png

It would be interesting to add the vector tiles from MapBox, MapTiler unfortunately does not have a proper OSM data refresh rate, their updates are too far apart in time so we'll be seeing the same version for a couple of months.

zbycz commented 1 year ago

@GPSOruxMaps , thanks. I think we already use this URL for Mapnik - see here.

I agree, that adding a MapBox (or Makina :) ) as another source would be super useful. Unforunately i think they send very diferent shape of the map data. It would take some time to adapt, which i currently dont have time to. Also licensing could be an issue.

amenk commented 8 months ago

We are hosting a Makina maps based instance for Africa on https://africa.tiles.openplaceguide.org/ - we can add it, but it covers only Africa. It should be updated minutely (but currently ran some days behind).

Unforunately i think they send very diferent shape of the map data. I think this is only true for MapBox?

Makina maps should work as a drop-in replacement.

zbycz commented 8 months ago

Thanks, good to hear that. I can imagine a selectbox for maptiler/makina if user is in Africa's bbox. Would you find that particulary useful?

Not sure how to make it really user friendly, it feels like a feature only for powerusers, so maybe a localStorage setting would be enough, what do you think?

amenk commented 8 months ago

Sounds like a reasonable idea, but it's also an edge case. osmapp.org would probably benefit most from tile sources which cover the whole world. But if you like to experiment with, to see if Makina maps works as a drop-in replacement well, sure :-)

zbycz commented 8 months ago

I tried it and it worked perfectly. It is really a drop in replacement. Eventually i added a condional Makina layer in the layers switcher.

Please let me know if it works for you: https://github.com/zbycz/osmapp/pull/205

amenk commented 8 months ago

I tried it and it worked perfectly. It is really a drop in replacement. Eventually i added a condional Makina layer in the >layers switcher.

Can you call the Layer OpenPlaceGuide Africa of OPG Africa if it is too long?

Please let me know if it works for you: #205

very nice :)

  • also what should be the attribution?

The attribution mentioned here, please:

https://openplaceguide.org/ "OPG / © OpenMapTiles © OpenStreetMap contributors"

Actually I thought it would be pulled automatically.

  • btw, do know why are buildings missing here in Makina but they are in Maptiler? Doesn't make sense..

they are also not on the OSM baselayer, maybe they were removed recently?

zbycz commented 8 months ago

Updated, you can test it here.

ad missing) yeah, correct. Perhaps some reverted import.

amenk commented 8 months ago


zbycz commented 8 months ago

Deployed live. 🎉 Thank 🙂