zcablii / SARDet_100K

Offical implementation of MSFA and release of SARDet_100K dataset for Large-Scale Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Object Detection
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inference for tif files #16

Closed paster489 closed 4 months ago

paster489 commented 4 months ago

Hi all,

I tried to do inference for large tif files: with resolution 28780x48283 pixels. the python code is:

            from mmengine.utils import get_git_hash
            from mmengine.utils.dl_utils import collect_env as collect_base_env
            import mmdet
            from mmdet.apis import DetInferencer
            import msfa
            from mmdet.apis import init_detector, inference_detector
            from PIL import Image
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            import json
            import os
            import numpy as np
            import PIL.Image

            def main():

                config_file = './local_configs/SARDet/other_backbones/fg_frcnn_dota_pretrain_sar_r101_wavelet.py'
                checkpoint_file = './mmdetection/SAR_Yuxuan_weights/fg_frcnn_dota_pretrain_sar_r101_wavelet/best_coco_bbox_mAP_epoch_12.pth'

                image_dir = '/home/paster/Documents/SAR_inference/Images/Umbra_SAR_imagaes_download/'
                json_file_path = './output_umbra_sar_r101/summary.json'

                inferencer = DetInferencer(model=config_file, weights=checkpoint_file, device='cpu')

                image_path_tif = "/home/paster/Documents/SAR_inference/Images/Umbra_SAR_imagaes_download/Acapulco Flooding_01abc40f-a2ca-4c6d-a77a-3a48275db352_GEC.tif"
                image_path_jpg = "/home/paster/Documents/SAR_inference/Images/val/0000004.jpg"

                infer = inferencer(image_path_jpg, out_dir='./output_umbra_sar_r101')
                for pred in infer['predictions']:
                    print(f"labels={pred['labels']} scores={pred['scores']}")

                print('  ')

                import tifffile as tifi
                img = tifi.imread(image_path_tif)
                infer_tif = inferencer(img, out_dir='./output_umbra_sar_r101')

                for pred in infer_tif['predictions']:
                    print(f"labels={pred['labels']} scores={pred['scores']}")

            if __name__ == '__main__':

after the running the code it was issue for tif file, which have _batch_input.shape = torch.Size([1, 800, 800]) when your validation jpg files have _batch_input.shape = torch.Size([3, 800, 800]). after changing forward function in data_preprocess.py file:

              def forward(self, data: dict, training: bool = False) -> Union[dict, list]:
                      """Performs normalization, padding, and bgr2rgb conversion based on

                          data (dict): Data sampled from the dataset. If the collate
                              function of DataLoader is :obj:`pseudo_collate`, data will be a
                              list of dict. If the collate function is :obj:`default_collate`,
                              data will be a tuple with batch input tensor and list of data
                          training (bool): Whether to enable training time augmentation. If
                              subclasses override this method, they can perform different
                              preprocessing strategies for training and testing based on the
                              value of ``training``.

                          dict or list: Data in the same format as the model input.
                      data = self.cast_data(data)
                      _batch_inputs = data['inputs']

                      # Process data with `pseudo_collate`.
                      if is_seq_of(_batch_inputs, torch.Tensor):
                          batch_inputs = []
                          for _batch_input in _batch_inputs:
                              print('_batch_input.shape = ', _batch_input.shape)  # For debugging

                              # Channel transformation
                              if self._channel_conversion:
                                  # Check if input tensor has shape [1, 800, 800]
                                  if _batch_input.shape[0] == 1:
                                      # Repeat the single channel to create a 3-channel image
                                      _batch_input = _batch_input.repeat(3, 1, 1)
                                  # Convert to RGB from BGR
                                  _batch_input = _batch_input[[2, 1, 0], ...]

                              # Convert to float after channel conversion to ensure efficiency
                              _batch_input = _batch_input.float()

                              # Normalization
                              if self._enable_normalize:
                                  _batch_input = (_batch_input - self.mean) / self.std


                          # Pad and stack tensors
                          batch_inputs = stack_batch(batch_inputs, self.pad_size_divisor, self.pad_value)

                      # Process data with `default_collate`
                      elif isinstance(_batch_inputs, torch.Tensor):
                          assert _batch_inputs.dim() == 4, (
                              'The input of `ImgDataPreprocessor` should be a NCHW tensor '
                              'or a list of tensor, but got a tensor with shape: '

                          if self._channel_conversion:
                              # Check if input tensor has shape [1, 800, 800]
                              if _batch_inputs.shape[1] == 1:
                                  # Repeat the single channel to create a 3-channel image
                                  _batch_inputs = _batch_inputs.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1)
                              # Convert to RGB from BGR
                              _batch_inputs = _batch_inputs[:, [2, 1, 0], ...]

                          # Convert to float after channel conversion to ensure efficiency
                          _batch_inputs = _batch_inputs.float()

                          # Normalize
                          if self._enable_normalize:
                              _batch_inputs = (_batch_inputs - self.mean) / self.std

                          h, w = _batch_inputs.shape[2:]
                          target_h = math.ceil(h / self.pad_size_divisor) * self.pad_size_divisor
                          target_w = math.ceil(w / self.pad_size_divisor) * self.pad_size_divisor
                          pad_h = target_h - h
                          pad_w = target_w - w
                          batch_inputs = F.pad(_batch_inputs, (0, pad_w, 0, pad_h), 'constant', self.pad_value)
                          raise TypeError('Output of `cast_data` should be a dict of '
                                          'list/tuple with inputs and data_samples, '
                                          f'but got {type(data)}: {data}')

                      data['inputs'] = batch_inputs
                      data.setdefault('data_samples', None)
                      return data

the inference was killed for tif image:

                      _batch_input.shape =  torch.Size([1, 800, 800])
                      Inference ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━   Killed                

do you have an idea how to run your models inference for large tif files which are out of scope of you validation set? which image preprocesssing need I do?

thanks for the help

zcablii commented 4 months ago

You can utilize image_demo.py for inferring a single image. However, I have a few reminders for you.

  1. Please ensure that the pixel values in your TIFF file range from 0 to 255. If they do not fall within this range, you may need to preprocess your image. Ideally, consider converting it to JPG or PNG format to ensure compatibility.
  2. If your image is excessively large, directly resizing it to 800x800 pixels may result in the target becoming invisible. To mitigate this issue, consider cropping the images to approximately 800x800 pixels first. Then, merge the detection results from each cropped image.