I'd like to use COMMOT in my already processed Seurat data. To this aim, I transformed the Seurat object into AnnData as specified here: https://mojaveazure.github.io/seurat-disk/articles/convert-anndata.html. However, this transformed object has some compatibility problems in Python: Spatial not detected, genes specified differently and not detected...
Is it possible to use COMMOT in my Seurat object to avoid these issues?
Hi all!
I'd like to use COMMOT in my already processed Seurat data. To this aim, I transformed the Seurat object into AnnData as specified here: https://mojaveazure.github.io/seurat-disk/articles/convert-anndata.html. However, this transformed object has some compatibility problems in Python: Spatial not detected, genes specified differently and not detected...
Is it possible to use COMMOT in my Seurat object to avoid these issues?
Thank you in advance! Best.