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Pairing cryptography library in Rust
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New core implementation #15

Open ebfull opened 7 years ago

ebfull commented 7 years ago

I'm designing a new "core" for the cryptography in this library, mostly in the interest of performance and flexibility.

Features include:

API preview:

pub trait Field<E: Engine>: Sized +
                            Eq +
                            PartialEq +
                            Copy +
                            Clone +
                            Send +
                            Sync +
                            Debug +
    fn zero() -> Self;
    fn one(&E) -> Self;
    fn random<R: rand::Rng>(&E, &mut R) -> Self;

    fn is_zero(&self) -> bool;

    fn square(&mut self, &E);
    fn double(&mut self, &E);
    fn negate(&mut self, &E);
    fn add_assign(&mut self, &E, other: &Self);
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, &E, other: &Self);
    fn mul_assign(&mut self, &E, other: &Self);
    fn inverse(&self, &E) -> Option<Self>;
    fn sqrt(&self, &E) -> Option<Self>;
    fn powi<I: IntoIterator<Item=u64>>(&self, engine: &E, exp: I) -> Self;
    fn powb<I: IntoIterator<Item=bool>>(&self, engine: &E, exp: I) -> Self;

pub trait PrimeField<E: Engine>: Field<E>
    type Repr: AsRef<[u64]>;

    fn from_str(&E, s: &str) -> Result<Self, ()>;
    fn from_repr(&E, Self::Repr) -> Result<Self, ()>;
    fn into_repr(&self, &E) -> Self::Repr;

/// A representation of a group element that can be serialized and deserialized,
/// but is not guaranteed to be a point on the curve.
pub trait GroupRepresentation<E: Engine, F: Field<E>, G: Group<E, F>>: Copy +
                                                                       Clone +
                                                                       Sized +
                                                                       Send +
                                                                       Sync +
                                                                       Debug +
    /// Attempt to parse the representation as an element on
    /// the curve in the affine.
    fn to_affine(&self, &E) -> Option<G::Affine>;

    /// This is like `to_affine` except the caller is
    /// responsible for ensuring the point is on the curve.
    /// If it isn't, this function is allowed to panic,
    /// but not guaranteed to.
    fn to_affine_unchecked(&self, &E) -> G::Affine;

pub trait GroupAffine<E: Engine, F: Field<E>, G: Group<E, F>>: Copy +
                                                               Clone +
                                                               Sized +
                                                               Send +
                                                               Sync +
                                                               Debug +
                                                               PartialEq +
                                                               Eq +
    fn to_jacobian(&self, &E) -> G;
    fn to_compressed(&self, &E) -> G::Compressed;
    fn to_uncompressed(&self, &E) -> G::Uncompressed;

pub trait Group<E: Engine, F: Field<E>>: Sized +
                                         Eq +
                                         PartialEq +
                                         Copy +
                                         Clone +
                                         Send +
                                         Sync +
                                         Debug +
    type Affine: GroupAffine<E, F, Self>;
    type Compressed: GroupRepresentation<E, F, Self>;
    type Uncompressed: GroupRepresentation<E, F, Self>;
    type Prepared: Clone + 'static;

    fn zero(&E) -> Self;
    fn one(&E) -> Self;
    fn random<R: rand::Rng>(&E, &mut R) -> Self;

    fn is_zero(&E) -> Self;

    fn to_affine(&self, &E) -> Self::Affine;
    fn prepare(&self, &E) -> Self::Prepared;

    fn double(&mut self, &E);
    fn negate(&mut self, engine: &E);
    fn add_assign(&mut self, &E, other: &Self);
    fn add_assign_mixed(&mut self, &E, other: &Self::Affine);
    fn mul_assign(&mut self, &E, other: &E::Fr);

pub trait Engine: Sized {
    type Fq: PrimeField<Self>;
    type Fr: PrimeField<Self>;
    type Fqe: Field<Self>;
    type Fqk: Field<Self>;
    type G1: Group<Self, Self::Fq>;
    type G2: Group<Self, Self::Fqe>;

    fn new() -> Self;

    fn miller_loop<'a, I>(&self, I) -> Self::Fqk
        where I: IntoIterator<Item=&'a (
                                    &'a <Self::G1 as Group<Self, Self::Fq>>::Prepared,
                                    &'a <Self::G2 as Group<Self, Self::Fqe>>::Prepared

    fn final_exponentiation(&self, &Self::Fqk) -> Self::Fqk;

    fn pairing(&self, p: &Self::G1, q: &Self::G2) -> Self::Fqk
            [(&p.prepare(self), &q.prepare(self))].into_iter()
zookozcash commented 7 years ago

Very cool. :-) Can't wait to see it.