zcash / halo2

The Halo2 zero-knowledge proving system
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Define a stable serialization format for `VerifyingKey` #449

Open str4d opened 2 years ago

str4d commented 2 years ago

in https://github.com/appliedzkp/zkevm-circuits/blob/main/circuit-benchmarks/src/evm_circuit.rs#L84 using the vk in memory works fine, but saving&reloading the VK (not PK mentioned in this issue) doesn't work. (and https://github.com/zcash/halo2/blob/main/examples/sha256/benches.rs works good) Would you happen to have a chance to know any clue?

Originally posted by @HAOYUatHZ in https://github.com/zcash/halo2/issues/443#issuecomment-1004612419

0xmountaintop commented 2 years ago

a bit more of the context:

  1. we switch to pairing bn256 instead of using pasta
  2. the reported error is virtual selectors are removed during optimization
ursi commented 2 years ago

the following code can be added to the end of the main function in simple-circuit.rs to demonstrate this error.

use halo2_proofs::{
    plonk::{create_proof, keygen_pk, keygen_vk, VerifyingKey},
use pasta_curves::{vesta, EqAffine};
use rand_core::OsRng;

let params: Params<EqAffine> = halo2_proofs::poly::commitment::Params::new(k);

let vk = keygen_vk(&params, &circuit).unwrap();

let mut vk_buffer = vec![];
vk.write(&mut vk_buffer).unwrap();
let vk =
    VerifyingKey::<EqAffine>::read::<_, MyCircuit<Fp>>(&mut &vk_buffer[..], &params).unwrap();

let pk = keygen_pk(&params, vk, &circuit).unwrap();
let mut transcript = Blake2bWrite::<_, vesta::Affine, _>::init(vec![]);

    &mut OsRng,
    &mut transcript,
ursi commented 2 years ago

Possible helpful info: If you change this line to vec![(lhs * rhs - out)] (and comment out the assertions from the MockProver section), you will no longer get any errors.

ursi commented 2 years ago

The code that is supposed to test this is used on a circuit that has no selectors

str4d commented 2 years ago

I've figured out the problem.

ViewingKey::read reads two components from the encoding (commitments to fixed columns, and the permutation verifying key), and reconstructs the ConstraintSystem from the provided Params:


During keygen, we generate both the fixed column commitments and the permutation verifying key. However, we also mutate the ConstraintSystem:


The problem is that the effect of ConstraintSystem::compress_selectors is not being persisted in the VerifyingKey. That function mutates the following fields of ConstraintSystem:

We don't want to re-synthesize the circuit in VerifyingKey::read; otherwise there's no point in serializing the VerifyingKey in the first place. So we need to serialize one of the following:

I suspect it will be easier to serialize the inputs. k is known from params, num_selectors is known in VerifyingKey::read due to re-running circuit configuration, and the serialization requires max(num_selectors << (k - 8), 1) bytes. We could probably use the bitvec crate to make this easier. By contrast, we currently don't have a serialization for either Column or Expression, and I'd prefer we don't try to define one, even if it would help us to avoid re-running selector compression (and maybe save some bytes in the VerifyingKey encoding).

daira commented 2 years ago

I would prefer that we not rerun selector compression, just for simplicity of analysis. Selector compression is supposed to be expressible as an optimization that transforms PLONKish circuits to PLONKish circuits. That is, it should be possible to serialize the transformed gates.

ebfull commented 2 years ago

Note that changing the serialization of the verification key to resolve this issue will be incompatible with older proofs, because the verification key is serialized in order to initialize the common inputs for Fiat-Shamir.

str4d commented 2 years ago

In a pairing, @ebfull and I decided that for halo2_proofs 0.1.0 we will remove the VerifyingKey::write and VerifyingKey::read APIs as we do not have time to fix this before then. We are instead making the necessary modifications internally to ensure that when a serialization format is defined, it doesn't cause proofs to become invalid. This issue can now be about defining that format.

L-as commented 2 years ago

Related: Currently you need the circuit to read the VerifyingKey, which seems counterintuitive to me. Is there any chance this limitation could be lifted, such that you don't need the code for creating the circuit to verify a proof?

ebfull commented 2 years ago

@L-as You do need the Circuit though note that you don't need an instance of the circuit. This is because the Circuit implementation instructs the verifier about how it should behave (the gates, columns, etc.) unlike in many other SNARKs where this stuff is constant size and the verification behavior is the same regardless of the circuit. In theory we could encode all of this data into the verification key too, we haven't done so yet because it's very complicated. (Related: https://github.com/zcash/halo2/issues/117)

daira commented 1 year ago

The verification key serialization should include the number of public input elements.