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ZIP: publicly verifiable anonymous voting on the Zcash blockchain (with minimal protocol changes) #359

Open daira opened 7 years ago

daira commented 7 years ago

Issue by arielgabizon Sunday Jan 29, 2017 at 11:36 UTC Originally opened as https://github.com/zcash/zips/issues/102

I feel anonymous voting - whose result can be verified by anyone seeing the blockchain, could really be a killer-app for Zcash. Here's an idea how to do it with no circuit changes and a simple minimal change to the protocol. I've been thinking about this for a while, and it seemed it could be done with no circuit change, but requiring that nodes keep track of more note commitment trees and nullifier sets corresponding to other tokens. I think now that neither is necessary. I give details next, but the basic idea is that for voting it's enough to have tokens where

How it works:

I assume the set of legitimate voters, and their public keys, is known in advance to the 'vote issuer'. The vote issuer creates a 1$ note (of this custom currency) for each voter with his public key, i.e., something that looks like (a_pk,1,rho,r) for random rho and r and sends that note to the voter.

The vote issuer computes the commitment of these notes, and computes the resulting note commitment tree, and its root rt.

The idea is that now each voter will make a transaction with his note, and indicate in that transaction who he is voting for (by, e.g., a signed message in the memo field, details later on)

For this to work on the blockchain we require the following change: The transaction should have a boolean variable check_root such that New Consensus rule: If (check_root == false) and (vpub_new==1) and (miner fee>=t), skip checking if the rt included in the transaction is a valid past root.

Here t is some appropriate value we chose; and miner fee only includes value from additional transparent input as, obviously, we don't want to allow someone to pay a miner fee with a custom token that is not zec.

An advantage (for Zcash) of this approach is that the voter will need to spend some (real, not custom) zec to cast his vote.

Now, to cast a vote, the voter makes a joinsplit with his note and rt he got from the issuer, together with a transparent input to cover the miner fee of at least t. He will indicate his vote by a message signed by JoinSplitPrivKey (this signed message can be shoved into the encrypted memo field)

Now, there will be a deadline for casting a vote. After this deadline, to count the votes the vote counter (anyone who wishes to verify the vote) will scan the blockchain for all transactions with the root rt published by the vote issuer. If he sees more than one transaction with the same nullifier nf, he will discard all those transactions; otherwise, he will sum the various votes and get the result

daira commented 7 years ago

Comment by nathan-at-least Monday Feb 20, 2017 at 06:10 UTC

See also some notes on building voting protocols on top of UDA: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwDmGb8qpc8RdjBELTRLWGVIcHM/view

rex4539 commented 6 years ago


arielgabizon commented 6 years ago

Pasting a forum comment about how this relates to stake voting with ZEC: image

nealmcb commented 6 years ago

Note that this proposal amounts to internet voting, but does not address the host of associated issues like malware on the voter's computer, usability in the face of lost private keys and other voter authentication and authorization issues, denial of service attacks, coercion, and auditability and transparency around all those other requirements.

In addition, using a distributed blockchain system introduces new problems of accountability, complexity, and bias, as touched on here: Blockchains are Great for Audits, but not Elections

Remember that for deeply entrenched reasons, voting systems are run by thousands of often inexperienced and non-technical local or state administrators. But allowing them to be controlled instead by third-party experts introduces yet more dangers to democracy.

For these reasons and more, election integrity experts agree that the low-tech but highly transparent approach of voting on paper remains the best way to preserve democracy. In addition, it is critical to require Evidence-Based Elections, which include doing risk-limiting audits.

See also If I can shop and bank online, why can’t I vote online?

A much fuller exposition of the enormous and unsolved challenges of secure internet voting is at E2E-VIV Project | U.S. Vote Foundation

hloo commented 6 years ago

I have written recently about staking voting with ZEC, not as a dispositive governance mechanism, but as a community organizing tool for a community (like the ZEC community) in which privacy considerations might impede collective action:
