zcash / zips

Zcash Improvement Proposals
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NUP: the New NUPenning #399

Open dconnolly opened 4 years ago

dconnolly commented 4 years ago

What do we want the NUP to be, vs what it currently is and has been?


Up for discussion:

1: "A suggested replacement --- let's mirror and sync the ZIP/trademark process

That's not to say the NUP is all bad. It's not! There's some great guidance in there, particularly after features have been selected for a hard fork upgrade. It's a thoughtfully designed process by the ECC.

But to date, the actual ZIP selection process — and choosing when/which ZIPs to be a part of a hard-fork upgrade — has happened mostly opaquely. We'd like to change that, and then set a process that doesn't set an regular-cadence deadline to the upgrade, but instead relies on the ZIP editors to "bundle" suggested consensus-changing ZIPs into a given upgrade.

Modifying ZIP 0 to prescribe this process is a good idea, and would scale as we get more teams building independent implementations (or contributing to zcashd and zebra!). Doing it this way would more closely match the trademark agreement, and since both the trademark agreement and the ZIP Editor selection can be expanded to include other parties (e.g., perhaps an MGRC rep?) in the future, it makes sense for the network-upgrade schedule to be in sync with these processes."

2: https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/t/zf-protocol-hangout-about-improving-the-nup-september-16-at-1-pm-et/37340/7?u=steven-ecc

3: The NUP as it exists


daira commented 4 years ago

Hmm, this proposal would be putting a lot of power in the hands of the ZIP Editors.

(Disclosure of interest: @dconnolly and I are the current ZIP Editors.)

dconnolly commented 4 years ago

Hmm, this proposal would be putting a lot of power in the hands of the ZIP Editors.

(Disclosure of interest: @dconnolly and I are the current ZIP Editors.)

This is a good point

jackgavigan commented 3 years ago

NB: I'm speaking for myself here, not on behalf of ECC.

👍 to making the network upgrade process more transparent and accessible to anyone who wants to:

👎 to the ZIP Editors having the authority to decide what changes are included in a network upgrade. The Zcash Trademark Agreement sets forth the criteria for determining whether a network upgrade "should become the new Reference Implementation of Zcash". Without going into too much detail, It's effectively up to ECC and ZFnd, which means that those organisations already have the implicit authority to decide which changes should be included in a network upgrade.