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crash in nlm2 when NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS is increased #2

Open tomermerhav opened 4 years ago

tomermerhav commented 4 years ago

when NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS is increased, the idx counter which indices the fWeights array, goes out of array range. see comments with //**

__shared__ float fWeights[BLOCKDIM_X * BLOCKDIM_Y]; //****** default fWeights size is 64

    const int   ix = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    const int   iy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
    //Add half of a texel to always address exact texel centers
    const float  x = (float)ix  + 0.5f;
    const float  y = (float)iy  + 0.5f;
    const float cx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS + 0.5f;
    const float cy = blockDim.x * blockIdx.y + NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS + 0.5f;

    if (ix < imageW && iy < imageH)
        //Find color distance from current texel to the center of NLM window
        float weight = 0;

        for (float n = -NLM_BLOCK_RADIUS; n <= NLM_BLOCK_RADIUS; n++)
            for (float m = -NLM_BLOCK_RADIUS; m <= NLM_BLOCK_RADIUS; m++)
                weight += vecLen(
                              tex2D(texImage, cx + m, cy + n),
                              tex2D(texImage,  x + m,  y + n)

        //Geometric distance from current texel to the center of NLM window
        float dist =
            (threadIdx.x - NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS) * (threadIdx.x - NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS) +
            (threadIdx.y - NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS) * (threadIdx.y - NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS);

        //Derive final weight from color and geometric distance
        weight = __expf(-(weight * Noise + dist * INV_NLM_WINDOW_AREA));

        //Write the result to shared memory
        fWeights[threadIdx.y * BLOCKDIM_X + threadIdx.x] = weight;
        //Wait until all the weights are ready

        //Normalized counter for the NLM weight threshold
        float fCount = 0;
        //Total sum of pixel weights
        float sumWeights = 0;
        //Result accumulator
        float3 clr = {0, 0, 0};

        int idx = 0;

        //Cycle through NLM window, surrounding (x, y) texel
        for (float i = -NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS; i <= NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS + 1; i++)
            for (float j = -NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS; j <= NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS + 1; j++)
                //Load precomputed weight
                float weightIJ = fWeights[idx++]; //****** in this line , we go out of array
//******if NLM_WINDOW_RADIUS is larger than 3. just increasing the fWeights array, does not solve ///****** the 
  // ******problem

                //Accumulate (x + j, y + i) texel color with computed weight
                float4 clrIJ = tex2D(texImage, x + j, y + i);
                clr.x       += clrIJ.x * weightIJ;
                clr.y       += clrIJ.y * weightIJ;
                clr.z       += clrIJ.z * weightIJ;

                //Sum of weights for color normalization to [0..1] range
                sumWeights  += weightIJ;

                //Update weight counter, if NLM weight for current window texel
                //exceeds the weight threshold
                fCount      += (weightIJ > NLM_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD) ? INV_NLM_WINDOW_AREA : 0;
tomermerhav commented 4 years ago

I think that the fix should be:

float weightIJ = fWeights[threadIdx.y * BLOCKDIM_X + threadIdx.x]

because each block has its weight. It is meaningless to increment a counter inside the fWeights array, while cycling through every nlm window