zchen156 / vanhouses

Vanhouses dashboard
MIT License
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Peer Review #1

Open zchen156 opened 1 year ago

zchen156 commented 1 year ago

App Link: https://vanhouses-dash-n2zj.onrender.com Repo Link: https://github.com/zchen156/vanhouses

mozhao0331 commented 1 year ago

Nice dashboard! While reviewing your work, I have come across a couple of suggestions that I believe could enhance the user experience and improve the overall readability of the dashboard.

Firstly, with regards to the drop-down menu for the neighborhood and property type, I recommend adding a "select all" button. This will enable users to have a comprehensive view of the data without having to select each option individually.

Secondly, I noticed that the legend of the bubble chart is derived from the raw data column, which may be challenging to read for some users. Therefore, I recommend that you consider improving the readability of the legend to enhance user comprehension.

Overall, Nice work!

hcwang24 commented 1 year ago

Hi Ziyi,

I really enjoyed exploring your dash app and I must say, it's a fantastic-looking app with a great logo design! I'm impressed with the features you've included.

Here are a few constructive feedback that I'd like to share with you to help make the app even better:

  1. The graph in the app takes up a lot of space on the page. I suggest playing around with the layout to make the graph smaller or finding a way to reduce the size of the graph so that it doesn't take up half of the page.

  2. The title of the pie chart should be "Percentage of Houses in Each Community" instead of "Total Count." This will help to make the purpose of the chart clearer and easier to understand.

  3. It might be helpful to use a different color scheme for the bubble chart and the pie chart. This will help readers to easily differentiate between the two charts and avoid any confusion.

Overall, I think your app is fantastic and these suggestions are meant to help make it even better. Thank you for creating such a wonderful tool and I look forward to seeing how you implement these changes.

kenuiuc commented 1 year ago