zck921031 / EEG-BCI

Experiment for EEG signals. Dataset from http://www.bbci.de/competition/
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load_data error #1

Open share123321 opened 6 years ago

share123321 commented 6 years ago

loading dataset : @load_bci_ii_ia

Error using load Unable to read file 'E:\data\BCI_Competition\BCI_II\Data_sets_Ia\Traindata_0a.txt\Traindata_0.mat'. No such file or directory.

Error in load_bci_ii_ia (line 3) load( [PATH, 'BCI_II\Data_sets_Ia\Traindata_0a.txt\Traindata_0.mat']);

Error in load_bci (line 6) [xTr, yTr, xTe, yTe] = f(PATH);

Error in demo (line 8) [xTr, yTr, xTe, yTe] = load_bci(PATH, @load_bci_ii_ia);

share123321 commented 6 years ago

I have downloaded the '.txt' files, but loading the '.mat' went wrong. And there is no 'Testlabel.mat' to be loaded.