zcs-cs / Baseball-Reporter

The 2014-2015 AP Computer Science A class's final project that analyzes baseball statistics and compiles an automated news report.
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Divisional Standings #12

Closed ClamsChowder closed 9 years ago

ClamsChowder commented 9 years ago

These are the division standings before this game: Team Name, Number of Wins, Number of Losses, PCT Hens, 4, 2, 67, Clippers, 3, 3, 50, Bats, 3, 4, 43, Indians, 3, 5, 37

I would like this data to be returned as a 2d array where Hens = 1, Clippers = 2, Bats = 3 and Indians = 4

Hunter-Bobeck commented 9 years ago

You will need to access these statistics on a statistic per team basis. I will give examples for just the Indians and the Bats as there are only ever two teams in a game.. You will find that Team A is the label for the Indians, while Team B is the label for the Bats. As you can probably tell, the boolean parameter specifies the team, where true designates Team A and false designates Team B.

Team Names: (for instance, "Indianapolis Indians") String teamAName = data.teamName(true); String teamBName = data.teamName(false);

Note that you may also wish to use more colloquial team demonyms (for instance, the "Indians"): _Team Demonyms:_ String teamADemonym = data.teamDemonym(true); String teamBDemonym = data.teamDemonym(false);

Team Wins: int teamAWins = data.teamStandingsWins(true); int teamBWins = data.teamStandingsWins(false);

Team Losses: int teamALosses = data.teamStandingsLosses(true); int teamBLosses = data.teamStandingsLosses(false);

Team 'PCT's: [Please clarify 'PCT'. Win percentage? Another percentage? I await your clarification in order to give examples of such a method.]


seckart1 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for doing this, Hunter.

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Hunter Bobeck notifications@github.com wrote:

You will need to access these statistics on a statistic per team basis. I will give examples for just the Indians and the Bats as there are only ever two teams in a game.. You will find that Team A is the label for the Indians, while Team B is the label for the Bats. As you can probably tell, the boolean parameter specifies the team, where true designates Team A and false designates Team B.

Team Names: (for instance, "Indianapolis Indians") teamAName = data.teamName(true); teamBName = data.teamName(false);

Note that you may also wish to use more colloquial team demonyms (for instance, the "Indians"): Team Demonyms: teamADemonym = data.teamDemonym(true); teamBDemonym = data.teamDemonym(false);

Team Wins: teamAWins = data.teamStandingsWins(true); teamBWins = data.teamStandingsWins(false);

Team Losses: teamALosses = data.teamStandingsLosses(true); teamBLosses = data.teamStandingsLosses(false);

Team 'PCT's: [Please clarify 'PCT'. Win percentage? Another percentage? I await your clarification in order to give examples of such a method.]


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/zcs-cs/Baseball-Reporter/issues/12#issuecomment-102521717 .

ClamsChowder commented 9 years ago

PCT is win percentage, so wins/(wins+losses). Thanks.

ClamsChowder commented 9 years ago

Also, the reason why I need all the team statistics in the division is to be able to see if the win or loss of a team would move them up or down in ranking. My job is to make a sentence with that information.

Hunter-Bobeck commented 9 years ago

Aye Scotty.

Team 'PCT's: int teamAPCT = data.teamStandingsPCT(true); int teamBPCT = data.teamStandingsPCT(false);

So what kind of other teams data do we need exactly? Are there two other teams we need to look at? I guess I would need to add those data fields as well, but I'm not sure exactly how yet...

ClamsChowder commented 9 years ago

I guess I really only need the PCTs for the other two teams (Hens and Clippers). That data is included in my first post.

Hunter-Bobeck commented 9 years ago

I see, didn't realize that was real data! That's ironic. Thanks.

Hunter-Bobeck commented 9 years ago

Here are the remaining method examples..

I also need to supply you with the demonyms for the other teams: _Other Team Demonyms:_ String teamCDemonym = data.otherTeamDemonym(true); String teamDDemonym = data.otherTeamDemonym(false);

Other Team PCTs: int teamCPCT = data.otherTeamStandingsPCT(true); int teamDPCT = data.otherTeamStandingsPCT(false);

seckart1 commented 9 years ago

And also thank you Elliot and Claire Berman, Rob, and Wesenberg.

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 8:58 AM, ClamsChowder notifications@github.com wrote:

Closed #12 https://github.com/zcs-cs/Baseball-Reporter/issues/12.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/zcs-cs/Baseball-Reporter/issues/12#event-308410741.