zdebruine / singlet

Single-cell analysis with non-negative matrix factorization
39 stars 12 forks source link

Plans for submission to BioConductor #55

Open cindyfang70 opened 4 days ago

cindyfang70 commented 4 days ago

Hello singlet team,

Thank you once again for this awesome package, I have been using it for several months now and I really appreciate having a fast implementation of NMF and the ability to perform automatic rank determination. In fact, I am currently developing a package that depends heavily on NMF, which would not be possible without both singlet and RcppML.

My package is currently nearing completion and I was hoping to be able to submit it to BioConductor. I was wondering if there are any plans to submit RcppML and singlet to BioConductor as well. This would be hugely helpful to me because (as you probably know) dependencies in packages submitted to BioC must be available on BioC or CRAN.

Thank you so much for your consideration and for all your hard work in developing these packages and making NMF much more accessible to the field!

zdebruine commented 3 days ago

Cindy, great to hear! I will not be able to do this myself, but if you want to do it you are more than welcome, and you can PR to the repo as needed. Happy to have you involved as much as needed to make the tool more accessible. debruinz@gvsu.edu.
