zdenham / next-static-utils

Tooling to host Next.js websites with app router statically
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Does this work for modals? #4

Open KoenLemmen opened 5 days ago

KoenLemmen commented 5 days ago

This looks super awesome for static websites! Thanks for making this.

I'm looking if this solution is also suitable for this problem: https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/63951 Since its issue is closely related to the issues within this scope.

zdenham commented 4 days ago

Hi @KoenLemmen thanks for checking this out. I haven't messed around too much with parallel / intercepting routes.

I'll give it a whirl with the repro repo you've provided and see. It seems like the same error for dynamic pages (which works with next-static-utils), so I'm optimistic it could work!

KoenLemmen commented 4 days ago

I tried messing around with it myself, but I think the issue is more related to parallel / intercepting routes than generateStaticParams().

I tested it like this: https://github.com/KoenLemmen/nextgramminimal/tree/static-utils I might be doing it wrong of course. But I still get the same error.