zdennis / activerecord-import

A library for bulk insertion of data into your database using ActiveRecord.
MIT License
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OracleEnhancedAdapter connection.instance_variable_get :@config #9

Closed vhochstein closed 13 years ago

vhochstein commented 13 years ago

it seems gem is nt working with activerecord oracleEnhanced Adapter.

Im getting a nil exception in self.load_from_connection(connection), cause @config instance variable is nt defined in connection class, which leads to a nil exception in: require_adapter config[:adapter]

My question: There is no special Import oracle Adapter at all in gem, is it save to just skip requiring a special one for oracle, or is a db specific adapter a must for your gem to work?

zdennis commented 13 years ago

I do not use Oracle and the kind gentle soul who did and made sure the gem/plugin worked with Oracle has moved on, so I removed the Oracle adapter from the code-base.

It appears that require_adapter should not fail (but just use the fallback import capabilities) if no db-specific adapter is found rather than die violently.

Would you mind replacing the self.require_adapter method in activerecord-import/lib/activerecord-import/base.rb to the following:

 def self.require_adapter(adapter)
  require File.join(AdapterPath,"/abstract_adapter")
  path = File.join(AdapterPath,"/#{adapter}_adapter")
  if File.exists?("#{path}.rb")
    require File.join(AdapterPath,"/#{adapter}_adapter")

If that works for you I'll release a new update. Thanks,

vhochstein commented 13 years ago

you need to do some additional changes in self.load_from_connection

require_adapter(config.nil? ? nil : config[:adapter]) cause it is nt guaranteed that @config is defined in connection class.

and react to nil in require_adapter accordingly...

It s a pity that your oracle guy has moved on. :-( Will see what happens...

zdennis commented 13 years ago

We can probably get this working for Oracle again. My problem last time was that I had no way to run import tests against Oracle so I could never be sure if anything broke. If you have the ability to run Oracle tests or help me get a VM set up running Oracle lite I'd be more than happy to add it back in.

vhochstein commented 13 years ago

I would say that preferred solution would be to get you up and running. So far I did not work with oracle lite, but I know Oracle full client and instant client. I think we will be able to get you up and running. I was nt able so far to test oracle import, cause I m currently in the process of upgrading my first application to rails 3 and I have nt reached to the import stuff so far. :-(

zdennis commented 13 years ago

@vhochstein, I'm probably not going to use Oracle any time soon. If you are interested or know of anyone who is, I'd be happy to accept patches and spend a little bit of time getting an environment set up to run Oracle tests, but for the near-term I don't see me spending time on it. too many other things to do with tools I use daily. Keep me posted. Thanks,

kristyan commented 13 years ago


I got the same error when running passenger/rails 3/ruby 1.9.1 against mysql.

Has this happened before for mysql?

Here is my gem list


abstract (1.0.0) actionmailer (3.0.3, 2.3.8, 2.3.5) actionpack (3.0.3, 2.3.8, 2.3.5) activemodel (3.0.3) activerecord (3.0.3, 2.3.8, 2.3.5) activeresource (3.0.3, 2.3.8, 2.3.5) activesupport (3.0.3, 2.3.8, 2.3.5) acts-as-taggable-on (2.0.6) anthonygarcia-db2s3 (0.4.1) anthonygarcia-mailfactory (1.4.2) arel (2.0.6) arrayfields (4.7.4) aws-s3 (0.6.2) bj (1.0.1) builder (3.0.0, 2.1.2) bundler (1.0.10, 1.0.7) bunny (0.6.0) calendar_date_select (1.16.1) cap_gun (0.2.4) capistrano (2.5.19) cgi_multipart_eof_fix (2.5.0) chardet (0.9.0) chef (0.9.12) daemon-spawn (0.2.0) daemon_controller (0.2.5) daemons (1.1.0) delayed_job (1.8.4) elif (0.1.0) erubis (2.6.6, 2.6.5) eventmachine (0.12.10) eventmachine_httpserver (0.2.0) exceptional (2.0.10) extlib (0.9.15) eycap (0.5.2) faker (0.3.1) fastercsv (1.5.1) fastthread (1.0.7) fattr (2.1.0) file-tail (1.0.5) gem_plugin (0.2.3) geoip (0.8.8) geokit (1.5.0) highline (1.6.1) hodel_3000_compliant_logger (0.1.0) hoe (2.6.2) hpricot (0.8.2) html5 (0.10.0) i18n (0.5.0) json (1.4.6, 1.2.4) json_pure (1.4.6) kgio (2.0.0) machinist (1.0.6) mail (2.2.14, 2.2.13, 2.2.12) main (4.2.0) mime-types (1.16) mixlib-authentication (1.1.4) mixlib-cli (1.2.0) mixlib-config (1.1.2) mixlib-log (1.2.0) moneta (0.6.0) mongrel (1.1.5) mongrel_cluster (1.0.5) mysql (2.8.1) net-scp (1.0.4) net-sftp (2.0.5) net-ssh (2.0.23) net-ssh-gateway (1.0.1) newrelic_rpm (2.13.2) ohai (0.5.8) oink (0.1.2) orderedhash (0.0.6) paperclip ( passenger (3.0.2) polyglot (0.3.1) rack (1.2.1, 1.1.0, 1.0.1) rack-mount (0.6.13) rack-test (0.5.7, 0.5.6) rails (3.0.3, 2.3.8, 2.3.5) railties (3.0.3) rake (0.8.7) rcov (0.9.8) RedCloth (4.2.2) redgreen (1.2.2) rest-client (1.6.1) rmagick (2.12.2) rr (1.0.0) ruby-prof (0.8.1) ruby-smpp (0.2.1) rubyforge (2.0.4) rubygems-update (1.4.1) scout (5.1.4) shoulda (2.10.2) slim-attributes (0.7.6) spruz (0.2.2) systemu (1.2.0) thor (0.14.6) timeliness (0.3.3) treetop (1.4.9) tzinfo (0.3.23) unicorn (3.1.0) uuidtools (2.1.1) will_paginate (2.3.11) xml-simple (1.0.12)