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🎯 Hunt for missing repos! #15

Closed pschmitt closed 2 years ago

pschmitt commented 2 years ago

While migrating stuff to zdharma-continuum I noticed that a few repos are neither available via softwareheritage.org, the wayback machine nor google cache.

If anyone has these on disk please let me know:

Feel free to add a comment if you are missing a particular repo.

dmitmel commented 2 years ago


https://github.com/unixorn/redis. This is the only fork, but it is severely outdated.


This one was probably a fork: https://github.com/tortious/zplugin-console, but I found a newer (and differently named) version which seems to have full commit history: https://github.com/NorthIsMirror/zplugin-view. Proof: Google-cached page as of 2021-09-01 of the repositories list of zinit-zsh says that the latest commit in zinit-console was on 2020-02-07.

Freed-Wu commented 2 years ago

<psprint/zsh-editing-workbench> and <psprint/zsh-cmd-architect> also disappeared. Any method to recover them?

pschmitt commented 2 years ago

<psprint/zsh-editing-workbench> and <psprint/zsh-cmd-architect> also disappeared. Any method to recover them?

I've restored both from softwareheritage.org. Here you go:

pschmitt commented 2 years ago


unixorn/redis. This is the only fork, but it is severely outdated.


This one was probably a fork: tortious/zplugin-console, but I found a newer (and differently named) version which seems to have full commit history: NorthIsMirror/zplugin-view. Proof: Google-cached page as of 2021-09-01 of the repositories list of zinit-zsh says that the latest commit in zinit-console was on 2020-02-07.

Thanks for digging!

I've forked:

NorthIsUp commented 2 years ago

my NorthIsMirror org is just a full dump of all the repos from software heritage + anything I had locally, so most of the missing stuff should be there.

the different name is funny tho...

pschmitt commented 2 years ago

my NorthIsMirror org is just a full dump of all the repos from software heritage + anything I had locally, so most of the missing stuff should be there.

Thanks for setting this up! It definitely helped getting the stuff back up under the zdharma-continuum org. 99% is done now, only a few repos didn't survive (see above)

the different name is funny tho...

psprint probably wanted to rename the project but forgot to change the repo url 🤷‍♂️

yutkat commented 2 years ago

I wat to add z-a-readurl. Here(https://github.com/yutkat/z-a-readurl) is my fork.

pschmitt commented 2 years ago

I wat to add z-a-readurl. Here(yutkat/z-a-readurl) is my fork.

https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zinit-annex-readurl/ :eyes:

yutkat commented 2 years ago

@pschmitt Thank you very much!

alichtman commented 2 years ago

I believe we're done with the migration.