zdharma-continuum / zinit

🌻 Flexible and fast ZSH plugin manager
MIT License
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.zinit-get-package error #16

Closed sundevilyang closed 2 years ago

sundevilyang commented 2 years ago
.zinit-get-package:25: no such file or directory: /var/folders/jv/mdqy177n7sxbpqvqr55_9pwh0000gn/T/tmp.b9qfOmzv
Error: the package `fzf` couldn't be found.
.zinit-get-package:25: no such file or directory: /var/folders/jv/mdqy177n7sxbpqvqr55_9pwh0000gn/T/tmp.Z2EfO0JG
Error: the package `fzy` couldn't be found.

I got the above error, could someone help me?

pschmitt commented 2 years ago

This seems to be the same issue as https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zinit/issues/14

Can you try that again? I just renamed the repositories. Also please at least share the ices you used.

pschmitt commented 2 years ago

Can't reproduce the issue here, not anymore anyway:

f37d71381870% zinit pack for fzy
Package: fzy. Selected profile: default. Available profiles: default, bgn.
Note: The `bgn*` profiles (if any are available) are the recommended ones (the reason is that they expose the binaries provided by the package without altering (i.e.: cluttering...) the$PATH environment variable).
Downloading tarball for fzy...
####################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
ziextract: Unpacking the files from: `fzy-1.0.tar.gz'...
ziextract: Successfully extracted and marked executable the appropriate files (fzy-dvtm, fzy-tmux) contained in `fzy-1.0.tar.gz'.
'contrib/fzy-dvtm' -> '/home/user01/.zinit/polaris/bin/fzy-dvtm'
'contrib/fzy-tmux' -> '/home/user01/.zinit/polaris/bin/fzy-tmux'
make: Entering directory '/home/user01/.zinit/plugins/fzy'
cp src/config.def.h config.h
cc -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c99 -O3 -pedantic -Ideps -c -o src/fzy.o src/fzy.c
cc -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c99 -O3 -pedantic -Ideps -c -o src/match.o src/match.c
cc -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c99 -O3 -pedantic -Ideps -c -o src/tty.o src/tty.c
cc -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c99 -O3 -pedantic -Ideps -c -o src/choices.o src/choices.c
cc -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c99 -O3 -pedantic -Ideps -c -o src/options.o src/options.c
cc -DVERSION=\"1.0\" -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c99 -O3 -pedantic -Ideps -c -o src/tty_interface.o src/tty_interface.c
cc -Wall -Wextra -g -std=c99 -O3 -pedantic -Ideps  -o fzy src/fzy.o src/match.o src/tty.o src/choices.o src/options.o src/tty_interface.o -lpthread
mkdir -p /home/user01/.zinit/polaris/bin
cp fzy /home/user01/.zinit/polaris/bin/
chmod 755 /home/user01/.zinit/polaris/bin/fzy
mkdir -p /home/user01/.zinit/polaris/share/man/man1
cp fzy.1 /home/user01/.zinit/polaris/share/man/man1/
chmod 644 /home/user01/.zinit/polaris/share/man/man1/fzy.1
make: Leaving directory '/home/user01/.zinit/plugins/fzy'
f37d71381870% fzy --version
fzy 1.0 © 2014-2018 John Hawthorn

Let me know by updating this here issue if you still are having trouble with zinit and fzy.

Demwunz commented 2 years ago

I'm getting a similar error

3. [meta-plugins annex] Loading meta-plugin: `console-tools' consisting of: 1) dircolors-material, 2) sharkdp, 3) ogham∕exa, 4) BurntSushi∕ripgrep, 5) jonas∕tig.
.zinit-get-package:25: no such file or directory: /var/folders/my/hj_zy79n5dg8nsjqh7gy4tkh0000gn/T/tmp.6AtWm7uq
Error: the package `dircolors-material` couldn't be found.

5. [meta-plugins annex] Loading meta-plugin: `fuzzy' consisting of: 1) fzf, 2) fzy, 3) lotabout∕skim, 4) peco∕peco.
.zinit-get-package:25: no such file or directory: /var/folders/my/hj_zy79n5dg8nsjqh7gy4tkh0000gn/T/tmp.2du8YFX1
Error: the package `fzy` couldn't be found.

This seems to be a result of this setup:

zinit load zdharma-continuum/zinit-annex-meta-plugins
zinit for annexes zsh-users+fast console-tools fuzzy