Closed ryaminal closed 3 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env bash
### zinit ###
if [[ ! -f $HOME/.zinit/bin/zinit.zsh ]]; then
print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{220}Installing %F{33}DHARMA%F{220} Initiative Plugin Manager (%F{33}zdharma-continuum/zinit%F{220})…%f"
command mkdir -p "$HOME/.zinit" && command chmod g-rwX "$HOME/.zinit"
if command git clone "$HOME/.zinit/bin"; then
print -P "%F{33}â–“â–’â–‘ %F{34}Installation successful.%f%b"
print -P "%F{160}â–“â–’â–‘ The clone has failed.%f%b"
# shellcheck disable=1094
source "$HOME/.zinit/bin/zinit.zsh"
zinit self-update
zinit module build
module_path+=("$HOME/.zinit/bin/zmodules/Src"); zmodload zdharma/zplugin
# shellcheck disable=1094
source "$HOME/.zinit/bin/zinit.zsh"
autoload -Uz _zinit
# shellcheck disable=2154,2034
(( ${+_comps} )) && _comps[zinit]=_zinit
# see for the following order of mods
# atinit -> atpull! -> make'!!' -> mv -> cp -> make! -> atclone/atpull -> make -> (plugin script loading) -> src -> multisrc -> atload
# Load a few important annexes, without Turbo
# (this is currently required for annexes)
# the annexes, console-tools, and fuzzy are all meta-plugins. they install loads of stuff
zinit light-mode for \
ryaminal/z-a-meta-plugins \
annexes \
zinit wait'0a' lucid for \
console-tools \
molovo \
OMZL::clipboard.zsh \
OMZL::functions.zsh \
OMZL::misc.zsh \
OMZL::termsupport.zsh \
skywind3000/z.lua \
chitoku-k/fzf-zsh-completions \
blockf clarketm/zsh-completions \
MichaelAquilina/zsh-you-should-use \
pick'autopair.zsh' hlissner/zsh-autopair \
'@asdf-vm/asdf' \
# TODO: add gitmux
# TODO: move alacritty from /usr/bin to polaris or something. requires modifying the .info file, i think.
# the id-as"*_checkout" lines are because those plugins are installed elsewhere("gh-r" or the fuzzy metaplugin or ...), but only the binary. so, we have to check out the repo for the completions and man pages
zinit wait'0b' lucid for \
OMZL::history.zsh \
OMZL::key-bindings.zsh \
from"gh-r" sbin'dasel_linux_amd64 -> dasel' TomWright/dasel \
from"gh-r" sbin"**/delta" dandavison/delta \
from"gh-r" sbin'jq-linux64 -> jq' stedolan/jq \
from"gh-r" sbin'lazygit' jesseduffield/lazygit \
from"gh-r" sbin'rust-analyzer* -> rust-analyzer' rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer \
from"gh-r" sbin'selene' Kampfkarren/selene \
from"gh-r" sbin'neuron' srid/neuron \
from"gh-r" sbin'glow' bpick"*linux_x86_64.tar.gz" charmbracelet/glow \
from'gh-r' sbin'**/shellcheck' 'koalaman/shellcheck' \
from'gh-r' sbin'shfmt_* -> shfmt' '@mvdan/sh' \
from"gh-r" sbin'starship' starship/starship \
from"gh-r" sbin'stylua' JohnnyMorganz/StyLua \
sbin"bin/git-fuzzy" bigH/git-fuzzy \
sbin"direnv" make'!' atclone'./direnv hook zsh > zhook.zsh' atpull'%atclone' src"zhook.zsh" direnv/direnv \
from"gh-r" cloneonly nocompletions bpick"*linux64.tar.gz" atclone"rm /usr/bin/nvim; sudo cp -a nvim-linux64/* /usr" atpull'%atclone' ver"nightly" neovim/neovim \
sbin"target/release/alacritty" atclone"cargo build --release;
sudo tic -xe alacritty,alacritty-direct extra/;
sudo cp extra/logo/alacritty-term.svg /usr/share/pixmaps/Alacritty.svg;
sudo desktop-file-install extra/linux/Alacritty.desktop --set-key=TryExec --set-value=$ZPFX/bin/alacritty --set-key=Exec --set-value=$ZPFX/bin/alacritty;
sudo update-desktop-database;
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1;
gzip -c extra/ | sudo tee /usr/local/share/man/man1/alacritty.1.gz > /dev/null" alacritty/alacritty \
OMZP::copybuffer \
OMZP::git \
OMZP::themes \
Aloxaf/fzf-tab \
id-as'podman-completion' has'podman' run-atpull atclone'podman completion zsh -f _podman' atpull'%atclone' zdharma-continuum/null \
id-as"dandavison_delta_checkout" depth'1' pick"etc/completion/completion.zsh" has"delta" dandavison/delta \
id-as'node-stuff' node'!bash-language-server;' zdharma-continuum/null \
# this group are ones that have '' and cause a shellcheck issue. figured it's better to only disable the shellcheck for those that need it?
# the id-as"*_checkout" lines are because those plugins are installed elsewhere("gh-r" or the fuzzy metaplugin or ...), but only the binary. so, we have to check out the repo for the completions and man pages
# shellcheck disable=2016
zinit wait'0b' lucid for \
from"gh-r" sbin'fnm' atclone"chmod +x ./fnm; ./fnm completions > ~/.zinit/completions/_fnm" atload'eval "$(fnm env)"' atpull'%atclone' run-atpull Schniz/fnm \
sbin"tmux" cloneonly atclone'sh; ./configure; ln -sf $PWD/tmux.1 ~/.zinit/polaris/man/man1/tmux.1' atpull'%atclone' make ver='3.3-rc' tmux/tmux \
id-as'github-cli' from"gh-r" sbin'usr/bin/gh' atclone'ln -sf $PWD/usr/share/man/man1/* $ZPFX/man/man1' atpull'%atclone' cli/cli \
id-as"lotabout_skim_checkout" depth'1' sbin'bin/sk-tmux' pick"shell/completion.zsh" src"shell/key-bindings.zsh" atclone'ln -sf ~/.zinit/plugins/lotabout_skim_checkout/man/man1/* $ZPFX/man/man1' atpull'%atclone' has"sk" lotabout/skim \
zinit wait'0c' lucid for \
atinit"ZINIT[COMPINIT_OPTS]=-C; zicompinit; zicdreplay;" atload"_zsh_autosuggest_start; bindkey '^ ' autosuggest-accept" zsh-users+fast \
# this is super slow, like 250ms slow...
zinit ice wait"0y" lucid if'[[ -f /home/me/.bni/develop.rc ]]'
zinit snippet /home/me/.bni/develop.rc
finish_load() {
# add anything else that needs to happen after everything else is done.
zinit wait'0z' lucid for \
atload"finish_load" zdharma-continuum/null \
This is the entire source of my zinit stuff. I call source this_file
with the contents of above from my ~/.zshrc
AFAIK zinit never created $ZPFX/man/man1
so you must run mkdir -p $ZPFX/man/man1
in your atclone
ice for this to work.
It would make sense to have zinit to this for you though.
Here's what I use for gh:
zinit as"completion" \
lucid \
wait \
light-mode \
nocompile \
from"gh-r" \
id-as"github-cli" \
sbin"*/bin/gh -> gh" \
atclone'rm -f _gh;
gh*/bin/gh completion -s zsh > _gh;
mkdir -p $ZPFX/man/man1;
ln -sfv gh*/share/man/man1/* $ZPFX/man/man1' \
atpull"%atclone" \
for @cli/cli
Based on and the change notes from on 02-03-2018 indicate that some form of this existed at a time.
It's not a huge issue, I've decided to just do:
# create manpath, do this after sourcing zinit.zsh to we can use ZPFX?
mkdir -p "$ZPFX_MANPATH"
# append
after sourcing zinit but before any further zinit commands. the shortcut of MANPATH=":ZPFX_MANPATH"
(note that the assignment starts with a :
, and this indicates to manpath
(see man manpath
and the ENVIRONMENT.MANPATH section) that the entry here is appended(can also put :
at the end for a prepend and a ::
for a "insert in middle").
I installed my system fresh a month ago and I don't recall creating the $ZPFX_MANPATH
or having to modify MANPATH
itself. My guess is that this MANPATH
manipulation was removed and I'm going crazy.
If there is a desire from folks to have this, we can make it an option at install time or something. I'd be willing to do the work, but I'm curious what folks are thinking.
Yep looks like manpath
manipulation was removed at this point:
It's not exactly gone though.
This thing is really weird, I just don't get it.
Here's what happens in a fresh container when you source zinit:
d751d9ee4a86# manpath
d751d9ee4a86# zsh
d751d9ee4a86# source /zinit.git/zinit.zsh
d751d9ee4a86# manpath
Edit: this test has been done with (which pretty much only ensures that ZPFX/man/man1
Hm. Maybe manpath
iterates over every $PATH
entry and add ../man/
to its search path?
Edit: yes. That seems to be the case. For the test below I removed the part in zinit.zsh
where $ZPFX/bin
and $ZPFX/sbin
get added to $PATH
root@5d72dad591a9:/# zsh -ils -c manpath
root@5d72dad591a9:/# echo 'path=( "$ZPFX/bin" "${path[@]}" )' >> /root/.zshrc
root@5d72dad591a9:/# zsh -ils -c manpath
Interesting, manpath
is missing $ZPFX/man
on my machine unless I explicitly set it myself. $ZPFX/bin
is included in my path aswell
is missing$ZPFX/man
on my machine unless I explicitly set it myself.$ZPFX/bin
is included in my path aswell
Are you on macOS perhaps? What version of man are you using?
The above test was with man 2.9.1 (Ubuntu 20.04.3)
I'm running Bedrock Linux 0.7.24beta1 Poki with Zsh and man being provided by a Fedora 35 stratum. man 2.9.4
head -n 5 /etc/man_db.conf
# man_db.conf
# This file is used by the man-db package to configure the man and cat paths.
# It is also used to provide a manpath for those without one by examining
# their PATH environment variable. For details see the manpath(5) man page.
I haven't set $MANPATH
on any of my systems, which may very well be the reason why this works out of the box for me :)
:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 3.8.0 :tada:
The release is available on GitHub release
Your semantic-release bot :package::rocket:
Describe the bug ZPFX=~/.zinit/polaris MANPATH doesn't have $ZPFX/man, also $ZPFX/man doesn't exist.
To Reproduce
Expected behavior Used to be that a $ZPFX/man directory was created and added to the MANPATH directory, this is the expected behavior.
Additional context Mostly I'm just curious if anyone is familiar with why this wouldn't work? Are others seeing this directory existing and an entry in MANPATH? I've tried to look through the code but nothing is indicating the problem.