zdia / gorilla

Password Gorilla manages passwords
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Force use of case/digits/etc... #220

Open ciampix opened 3 years ago

ciampix commented 3 years ago

Sometimes I bump into sites that require you to enter password with Upper/lover case, dots, digits, etc. Gorilla password generation options permit but not enforce to use those signs, and the end result is that you have to repeat the password generation until it matches the site minimum requirements. I would like that those options would be more strict and not just possibility options.


rich123 commented 3 years ago

Greetings Marco. Thank you for the work you have done on the Italian translations.

This should be straightforward, although right at this moment my time is quite limited, so it may be some time before I can work to add a "require at least X of each" selection to the UI.

As a workaround for those sites I've encountered that have such requirements (which do not add security, but those same sites are likely also simply checking off a box on a compliance form as well) is to generate a password, and then for capitol or specific punctuation either capitalize one or more existing random characters or append a required punctuation mark. Now, I'd agree that doing so reduces the "randomness" in a strict sense. But converting this "dbX5Bj#Tuitb" to "dBX5B7j#Tuitb&" to meet such requirements still results in a much more 'randomized' password than what most users might do (which would be some form of "PassWord32$!").

Another issue I've encountered are sites that have hidden "invalid character" requirements. They say something like "at least 2 punctuation or special" but then reject a password containing # or $ or ! with no feedback as to which "character" caused the rejection. I've had to do multiple generations sometimes before I randomly generated one that was "acceptable", which is very frustrating. Sadly, none of us can fix silent rejection of special characters, due to the "silent" part.

dverbeeck commented 2 years ago

This appears to be a dupe of 210