Open nick-youngblut opened 3 years ago
For anyone getting the error:
Error: 3 jobs failed with: "Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) : object 'sparseLowRankiCov' of mode 'function' was not found" Traceback: 1. spiec.easi(df %>% as.matrix, method = "slr", r = 10, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, . nlambda = nlambda, sel.criterion = "bstars", = TRUE, . pulsar.params = pargs) 2. spiec.easi.default(df %>% as.matrix, method = "slr", r = 10, . lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, nlambda = nlambda, sel.criterion = "bstars", . = TRUE, pulsar.params = pargs) 3. eval(call, environment()) 4. eval(call, environment()) 5. pulsar(data = X, fun =, fargs = args, rep.num = 100, . seed = 8080, ncores = 12, criterion = "stars", ub.stars = TRUE, . lb.stars = TRUE, thresh = 0.05) 6. .try_mclapply(isamp, estFun, fargs = fargs, mc.cores = ncores, . mc.preschedule = FALSE, pass.errors = !lb.stars) 7. stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
It's likely due to the fact that the latest bioconda version is 1.1.0, and it appears that sparseLowRankiCov was not added until v1.1.1
Yep and thanks. I'll push an update.
For anyone getting the error:
It's likely due to the fact that the latest bioconda version is 1.1.0, and it appears that
was not added until v1.1.1