Open zoli opened 10 years ago
Dash added support for fetching GoDocs from, is there any plan to implement support for this feature in Zeal?
Regarding the local $GOPATH package documentation, Kapeli commented that he'd look at adding support for that to Dash, but doesn't seem to have done anything with it still;
I would not expect this implemented in the nearest future. A significant piece of Zeal needs a refactoring and/or rewriting to make support for different docset formats pluggable, and I lack enough of free time at the moment. :(
Dead ?
Deferred :)
exists way to make this manual, or other alternative ?
Hi, I've written a command line tool called godocdash
to do it.
Typically, just go get
this command and run, it takes only a few seconds to generate the docset.
This is a very old issue, but it would be much appreciated. Dash currently has a similar feature that I use often.
We could use godoc for adding go packages documentation existing in $GOPATH to zeal.