zebrunner / mcloud-agent

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organize cron expression to improve healing for corrupted devices #34

Open vdelendik opened 3 years ago

vdelendik commented 3 years ago

let's provide default sync script with cron schedule aka every hour which can inspect all device containers and if unheathly or Created or similar is detected just do several attempts to start. If not, think about warn devops engineers about it

vdelendik commented 2 years ago

do regular verification of the registered/whitelisted devices and actually connected. Warn via slack/email etc in case of any mismatch

vdelendik commented 2 years ago

let's concentrate on monitoring solutions and informing admins about changes in cloud.

vdelendik commented 1 year ago

moved to 2.6 to see how it is going with appium:2.0

vdelendik commented 1 year ago

still required especially for the wireless devices where connect might be lost anytime

vdelendik commented 3 weeks ago

everything is more or less stable as is. removed from milestone