zebrunner / mcloud-grid

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improve node registration forbidding inaccessible addresses #144

Open vdelendik opened 5 months ago

vdelendik commented 5 months ago

below you can find an example when node register itself using internal ip which are not accessible by grid. as result all grid becomes broken and due to the limited number of invalid appiums all infra for automation is down.

06:24:29.075 INFO [STFClient.disconnectAllDevices] - [STF] All devices previously reserved for automation will be disconnected in STF.
06:24:30.792 INFO [DefaultGridRegistry.add] - Registered a node
06:24:30.793 INFO [DefaultGridRegistry.add] - Registered a node
06:24:30.822 INFO [DefaultGridRegistry.add] - Registered a node
06:24:30.832 INFO [DefaultGridRegistry.add] - Registered a node

let's review node registration process and fix for sure in selenium3 making extra verification in advance before registering... also let's emulate the same issue for selenium4 grid