zebzhao / Angular-QueryBuilder

A modernized Angular 4+ query builder based on jquery QueryBuilder
MIT License
291 stars 218 forks source link

Is this a dead project? #224

Open gabrielemarano opened 2 years ago

gabrielemarano commented 2 years ago


I would need to know if this project is supported for future versions of Angular or is a discontinued / dead project.

I see that it remained at version 8 of Angular, is this because there is total compatibility with later versions or because this is no longer supported?



windbeneathyourwings commented 2 years ago

It seems like a waste to abandon this. I'm not aware of anything similar to this for Angular. I'm also using this in my main personal project to create display rules, filters, etc.

bezchristo commented 2 years ago

@zebzhao hasn't made any commits to github in any repo since 29 August 2020. Hope he is ok.

tscislo commented 2 years ago

@zebzhao is this project maitained?

tscislo commented 2 years ago

@windbeneathyourwings @bezchristo do you know any alternatives to this, which are still maitained?

bezchristo commented 2 years ago

@tscislo the only other ones I know about are paid versions.

raysuelzer commented 2 years ago

If someone wants to help out with this project. I forked and upgraded to angular-12 and put on npm. This will at least let you run it on angular-12.


tscislo commented 2 years ago

@raysuelzer we tried original version event with ng 13 and at first glance it looks that it works. What have you changed in your fork, what challenges have you encountered runnig oryginal version with ng 12?

raysuelzer commented 2 years ago

I forget the exact problems, but it was having issues with AOT and Ivy support. It wouldn't build production mode. I didn't try with ng13 so maybe it works with ng13, which would be great.

tscislo commented 2 years ago

Just to let you know that I was able to use this project without any modifications in ng13. We even forked this internally and it builds nicely with in new ng13 partial compilation mode.

eisnerw commented 2 years ago

I am using it with ng11 and I subclassed it so that I could enhance it. I've added support for NOT and I'm now working on named rulesets. At some point, I'll try to do a PR.

raysuelzer commented 1 year ago

This should work on v15 now thanks to contributions.

ckmanna commented 7 months ago

@raysuelzer we tried original version event with ng 13 and at first glance it looks that it works. What have you changed in your fork, what challenges have you encountered runnig oryginal version with ng 12?

i am trying to use this with angular cli 13, but i am getting this error in app.component.html file that Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'query-builder'. can you help me please.