zed-industries / extensions

Extensions for the Zed editor
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GLSL language server support #492

Open jansol opened 1 year ago

jansol commented 1 year ago

Check for existing issues



Tree Sitter parser link


Language server link


Misc notes

Common file suffixes are listed in the reference parser readme (there are quite a few). In addition to those, .glsl is frequently used for GLSL files that contain shared code to be included in other files.

jonikorpi commented 7 months ago

I’m sure I’m not the only one who was wondering what the state of this is, so:

JosephTLyons commented 2 months ago

Just to note, the GLSL code currently resides in the Zed repo, but it will be removed as a built-in language and will be published to the extension store soon. Right now, it has tree-sitter support - all that is left is for someone to add the code to bring in the language server.