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Active theme extension loading priority #10173

Open Moshyfawn opened 5 months ago

Moshyfawn commented 5 months ago

Check for existing issues

Describe the feature

The current extension loading priority can produce a visible delay in the loading of the active theme on editor start. The idea is to load the active theme extension with the highest priority to avoid the flickering effect.

Ref: #8474

If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help present your vision of the feature

No response

Moshyfawn commented 5 months ago

Additional info: because of this, Zed will emit an error when trying to load the theme initially.

[ERROR] crates/theme/src/settings.rs:368: theme not found: Catppuccin Mocha - No Italics

Eiji7 commented 5 months ago

I have the exactly same error as in the author's comment. I have no idea about load priorities, but the code emitting the error is located in fn load(sources: SettingsSources<Self::FileContent>, cx: &mut AppContext) -> Result<Self> in file src/settings.rs in theme crate.


In my case the theme name is "VScode Dark Plus". I found that same code is called twice which confirms what author of this issue have described.

The first result of themes.get(theme_name) call is:

Err(theme not found: VScode Dark Plus)

A second call returns expected data and does not produce any warnings or errors:

Ok(Theme { id: "ed673f58-c976-4669-b9e2-e180f15f0984", name: "VScode Dark Plus", appearance: Dark, styles: ThemeStyles { window_background_appearance: Opaque, system: SystemColors { transparent: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.0, a: 0.0 }, mac_os_traffic_light_red: Hsla { h: 0.0139, s: 0.79, l: 0.65, a: 1.0 }, mac_os_traffic_light_yellow: Hsla { h: 0.114, s: 0.88, l: 0.63, a: 1.0 }, mac_os_traffic_light_green: Hsla { h: 0.313, s: 0.49, l: 0.55, a: 1.0 } }, accents: [], colors: ThemeColors { border: Hsla { h: 0.125, s: 0.035087716, l: 0.22352941, a: 1.0 }, border_variant: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.031578943, l: 0.18627451, a: 1.0 }, border_focused: Hsla { h: 0.57471263, s: 1.0, l: 0.22745098, a: 1.0 }, border_selected: Hsla { h: 0.57471263, s: 1.0, l: 0.22745098, a: 1.0 }, border_transparent: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.0, a: 0.0 }, border_disabled: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.014925372, l: 0.13137256, a: 1.0 }, elevated_surface_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.020408161, l: 0.09607843, a: 1.0 }, surface_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.020408161, l: 0.09607843, a: 1.0 }, background: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.11764706, a: 1.0 }, element_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.014925372, l: 0.13137256, a: 1.0 }, element_hover: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.8461548, l: 0.97450984, a: 0.105882354 }, element_active: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.6666667, l: 0.9529412, a: 0.13725491 }, element_selected: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.6666667, l: 0.9529412, a: 0.13725491 }, element_disabled: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.05263154, l: 0.9627451, a: 0.07450981 }, drop_target_background: Hsla { h: 0.56666666, s: 0.04273504, l: 0.22941177, a: 1.0 }, ghost_element_background: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.0, a: 0.0 }, ghost_element_hover: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.8461548, l: 0.97450984, a: 0.105882354 }, ghost_element_active: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.6666667, l: 0.9529412, a: 0.13725491 }, ghost_element_selected: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.6666667, l: 0.9529412, a: 0.13725491 }, ghost_element_disabled: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.05263154, l: 0.9627451, a: 0.07450981 }, text: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.055555556, l: 0.92941177, a: 1.0 }, text_muted: Hsla { h: 0.125, s: 0.051282052, l: 0.69411767, a: 1.0 }, text_placeholder: Hsla { h: 0.14583333, s: 0.03333333, l: 0.47058824, a: 1.0 }, text_disabled: Hsla { h: 0.12962963, s: 0.042253517, l: 0.41764706, a: 1.0 }, text_accent: Hsla { h: 0.58275056, s: 1.0, l: 0.71960783, a: 1.0 }, icon: Hsla { h: 0.125, s: 0.051282052, l: 0.69411767, a: 1.0 }, icon_muted: Hsla { h: 0.14583333, s: 0.03333333, l: 0.47058824, a: 1.0 }, icon_disabled: Hsla { h: 0.12962963, s: 0.042253517, l: 0.41764706, a: 1.0 }, icon_placeholder: Hsla { h: 0.14583333, s: 0.03333333, l: 0.47058824, a: 1.0 }, icon_accent: Hsla { h: 0.58275056, s: 1.0, l: 0.71960783, a: 1.0 }, status_bar_background: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.1882353, a: 1.0 }, title_bar_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.020408161, l: 0.09607843, a: 1.0 }, toolbar_background: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.11764706, a: 1.0 }, tab_bar_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.020408161, l: 0.09607843, a: 1.0 }, tab_inactive_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.020408161, l: 0.09607843, a: 1.0 }, tab_active_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.030303027, l: 0.064705886, a: 1.0 }, search_match_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.031578943, l: 0.18627451, a: 1.0 }, panel_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.020408161, l: 0.09607843, a: 1.0 }, panel_focused_border: Hsla { h: 0.57471263, s: 1.0, l: 0.22745098, a: 1.0 }, pane_focused_border: Hsla { h: 0.57471263, s: 1.0, l: 0.22745098, a: 1.0 }, pane_group_border: Hsla { h: 0.125, s: 0.035087716, l: 0.22352941, a: 1.0 }, scrollbar_thumb_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.05263154, l: 0.9627451, a: 0.07450981 }, scrollbar_thumb_hover_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.8461548, l: 0.97450984, a: 0.105882354 }, scrollbar_thumb_border: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.0, a: 0.0 }, scrollbar_track_background: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.11764706, a: 1.0 }, scrollbar_track_border: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.031578943, l: 0.18627451, a: 1.0 }, editor_foreground: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.83137256, a: 1.0 }, editor_background: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.11764706, a: 1.0 }, editor_gutter_background: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.11764706, a: 1.0 }, editor_subheader_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.014925372, l: 0.13137256, a: 1.0 }, editor_active_line_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.05263154, l: 0.9627451, a: 0.07450981 }, editor_highlighted_line_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.8461548, l: 0.97450984, a: 0.105882354 }, editor_line_number: Hsla { h: 0.14705883, s: 1.000001, l: 0.9666667, a: 0.4509804 }, editor_active_line_number: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.83137256, a: 1.0 }, editor_invisible: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.8461548, l: 0.97450984, a: 0.105882354 }, editor_wrap_guide: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.8461548, l: 0.97450984, a: 0.105882354 }, editor_active_wrap_guide: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.8461548, l: 0.97450984, a: 0.105882354 }, editor_document_highlight_read_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.8461548, l: 0.97450984, a: 0.105882354 }, editor_document_highlight_write_background: Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.8461548, l: 0.97450984, a: 0.105882354 }, terminal_background: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.11764706, a: 1.0 }, terminal_foreground: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 1.0, a: 0.9490196 }, terminal_bright_foreground: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 1.0, a: 0.9019608 }, terminal_dim_foreground: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 1.0, a: 0.8 }, terminal_ansi_black: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_bright_black: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_dim_black: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.0, a: 0.8 }, terminal_ansi_red: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.5306123, l: 0.6156863, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_bright_red: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.5306123, l: 0.6156863, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_dim_red: Hsla { h: 0.99469215, s: 0.7511962, l: 0.5901961, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_green: Hsla { h: 0.284153, s: 0.281106, l: 0.4254902, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_bright_green: Hsla { h: 0.2763158, s: 0.27941176, l: 0.73333335, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_dim_green: Hsla { h: 0.41954026, s: 0.54716986, l: 0.41568628, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_yellow: Hsla { h: 0.11296297, s: 0.5294118, l: 0.6666667, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_bright_yellow: Hsla { h: 0.04844962, s: 0.46739134, l: 0.6392157, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_dim_yellow: Hsla { h: 0.14719626, s: 1.0000001, l: 0.5803922, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_blue: Hsla { h: 0.5755208, s: 0.60952383, l: 0.5882353, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_bright_blue: Hsla { h: 0.5578231, s: 0.98, l: 0.8039216, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_dim_blue: Hsla { h: 0.57254905, s: 1.0, l: 0.5, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_magenta: Hsla { h: 0.84656084, s: 0.35195526, l: 0.6490196, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_bright_magenta: Hsla { h: 0.84656084, s: 0.35195526, l: 0.6490196, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_dim_magenta: Hsla { h: 0.6997245, s: 0.55760366, l: 0.5745098, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_cyan: Hsla { h: 0.46612465, s: 0.53246754, l: 0.5470588, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_bright_cyan: Hsla { h: 0.46612465, s: 0.53246754, l: 0.5470588, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_dim_cyan: Hsla { h: 0.5309883, s: 1.0, l: 0.39019608, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_white: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.83137256, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_bright_white: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.83137256, a: 1.0 }, terminal_ansi_dim_white: Hsla { h: 0.14583333, s: 0.03333333, l: 0.47058824, a: 1.0 }, link_text_hover: Hsla { h: 0.07217263, s: 1.0000001, l: 0.56078434, a: 1.0 } }, status: StatusColors { conflict: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.5306123, l: 0.6156863, a: 1.0 }, conflict_background: Hsla { h: 0.99469215, s: 0.7511962, l: 0.5901961, a: 1.0 }, conflict_border: Hsla { h: 0.99469215, s: 0.7511962, l: 0.5901961, a: 1.0 }, created: Hsla { h: 0.284153, s: 0.281106, l: 0.4254902, a: 1.0 }, created_background: Hsla { h: 0.36426115, s: 0.4092827, l: 0.46470588, a: 1.0 }, created_border: Hsla { h: 0.36426115, s: 0.4092827, l: 0.46470588, a: 1.0 }, deleted: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.5306123, l: 0.6156863, a: 1.0 }, deleted_background: Hsla { h: 0.99469215, s: 0.7511962, l: 0.5901961, a: 1.0 }, deleted_border: Hsla { h: 0.99469215, s: 0.7511962, l: 0.5901961, a: 1.0 }, error: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.5306123, l: 0.6156863, a: 1.0 }, error_background: Hsla { h: 0.99469215, s: 0.7511962, l: 0.5901961, a: 1.0 }, error_border: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.11764706, a: 1.0 }, hidden: Hsla { h: 0.12962963, s: 0.042253517, l: 0.41764706, a: 1.0 }, hidden_background: Hsla { h: 0.12962963, s: 0.042253517, l: 0.41764706, a: 1.0 }, hidden_border: Hsla { h: 0.12962963, s: 0.042253517, l: 0.41764706, a: 1.0 }, hint: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.5882353, a: 1.0 }, hint_background: Hsla { h: 0.57254905, s: 1.0, l: 0.5, a: 1.0 }, hint_border: Hsla { h: 0.57254905, s: 1.0, l: 0.5, a: 1.0 }, ignored: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }, ignored_background: Hsla { h: 0.12962963, s: 0.042253517, l: 0.41764706, a: 1.0 }, ignored_border: Hsla { h: 0.12962963, s: 0.042253517, l: 0.41764706, a: 1.0 }, info: Hsla { h: 0.5578231, s: 0.98, l: 0.8039216, a: 1.0 }, info_background: Hsla { h: 0.57254905, s: 1.0, l: 0.5, a: 1.0 }, info_border: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.11764706, a: 1.0 }, modified: Hsla { h: 0.11296297, s: 0.5294118, l: 0.6666667, a: 1.0 }, modified_background: Hsla { h: 0.14719626, s: 1.0000001, l: 0.5803922, a: 1.0 }, modified_border: Hsla { h: 0.14719626, s: 1.0000001, l: 0.5803922, a: 1.0 }, predictive: Hsla { h: 0.12878788, s: 1.0, l: 0.95686275, a: 0.39607844 }, predictive_background: Hsla { h: 0.12878788, s: 1.0, l: 0.95686275, a: 0.39607844 }, predictive_border: Hsla { h: 0.12878788, s: 1.0, l: 0.95686275, a: 0.39607844 }, renamed: Hsla { h: 0.57254905, s: 1.0, l: 0.5, a: 1.0 }, renamed_background: Hsla { h: 0.57254905, s: 1.0, l: 0.5, a: 1.0 }, renamed_border: Hsla { h: 0.57254905, s: 1.0, l: 0.5, a: 1.0 }, success: Hsla { h: 0.36426115, s: 0.4092827, l: 0.46470588, a: 1.0 }, success_background: Hsla { h: 0.36426115, s: 0.4092827, l: 0.46470588, a: 1.0 }, success_border: Hsla { h: 0.36426115, s: 0.4092827, l: 0.46470588, a: 1.0 }, unreachable: Hsla { h: 0.14583333, s: 0.03333333, l: 0.47058824, a: 1.0 }, unreachable_background: Hsla { h: 0.14583333, s: 0.03333333, l: 0.47058824, a: 1.0 }, unreachable_border: Hsla { h: 0.14583333, s: 0.03333333, l: 0.47058824, a: 1.0 }, warning: Hsla { h: 0.11296297, s: 0.5294118, l: 0.6666667, a: 1.0 }, warning_background: Hsla { h: 0.14719626, s: 1.0000001, l: 0.5803922, a: 1.0 }, warning_border: Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.11764706, a: 1.0 } }, player: PlayerColors([PlayerColor { cursor: Hsla { h: 0.57254905, s: 1.0, l: 0.5, a: 1.0 }, background: Hsla { h: 0.57471263, s: 1.0, l: 0.22745098, a: 1.0 }, selection: Hsla { h: 0.58908045, s: 0.69047624, l: 0.16470589, a: 1.0 } }, PlayerColor { cursor: Hsla { h: 0.06342183, s: 0.9338844, l: 0.5254902, a: 1.0 }, background: Hsla { h: 0.07751938, s: 1.0, l: 0.16862746, a: 1.0 }, selection: Hsla { h: 0.07916666, s: 0.64516133, l: 0.12156863, a: 1.0 } }, PlayerColor { cursor: Hsla { h: 0.89444447, s: 0.6465517, l: 0.54509807, a: 1.0 }, background: Hsla { h: 0.8825137, s: 0.52136755, l: 0.22941177, a: 1.0 }, selection: Hsla { h: 0.875, s: 0.41025636, l: 0.15294118, a: 1.0 } }, PlayerColor { cursor: Hsla { h: 0.22541969, s: 0.8034682, l: 0.6607843, a: 1.0 }, background: Hsla { h: 0.25252524, s: 0.32038835, l: 0.2019608, a: 1.0 }, selection: Hsla { h: 0.25925925, s: 0.28125, l: 0.1254902, a: 1.0 } }, PlayerColor { cursor: Hsla { h: 0.75555557, s: 0.51282054, l: 0.5411765, a: 1.0 }, background: Hsla { h: 0.7679739, s: 0.38345864, l: 0.26078433, a: 1.0 }, selection: Hsla { h: 0.7741935, s: 0.35632184, l: 0.17058824, a: 1.0 } }, PlayerColor { cursor: Hsla { h: 0.11683849, s: 1.0000001, l: 0.61960787, a: 1.0 }, background: Hsla { h: 0.103896104, s: 1.0, l: 0.1509804, a: 1.0 }, selection: Hsla { h: 0.1, s: 0.71428573, l: 0.10980392, a: 1.0 } }, PlayerColor { cursor: Hsla { h: 0.45628417, s: 0.59803927, l: 0.4, a: 1.0 }, background: Hsla { h: 0.4484848, s: 0.61797756, l: 0.17450981, a: 1.0 }, selection: Hsla { h: 0.4354839, s: 0.5081968, l: 0.11960784, a: 1.0 } }, PlayerColor { cursor: Hsla { h: 0.99469215, s: 0.7511962, l: 0.5901961, a: 1.0 }, background: Hsla { h: 0.9711111, s: 0.6302521, l: 0.23333333, a: 1.0 }, selection: Hsla { h: 0.97154474, s: 0.5324675, l: 0.1509804, a: 1.0 } }]), syntax: SyntaxTheme { highlights: [("attribute", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5578231, s: 0.98, l: 0.8039216, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("boolean", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5755208, s: 0.60952383, l: 0.5882353, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("comment", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.3137255, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("comment.doc", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.3137255, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("constant", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5755208, s: 0.60952383, l: 0.5882353, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("constructor", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5755208, s: 0.60952383, l: 0.5882353, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("function", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.16666667, s: 0.41666666, l: 0.7647059, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("keyword", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5755208, s: 0.60952383, l: 0.5882353, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("number", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.2763158, s: 0.27941176, l: 0.73333335, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("operator", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.84656084, s: 0.35195526, l: 0.6490196, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("preproc", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5755208, s: 0.60952383, l: 0.5882353, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("property", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5578231, s: 0.98, l: 0.8039216, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("punctuation", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("punctuation.bracket", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("punctuation.delimiter", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.2509804, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("punctuation.list_marker", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("punctuation.special", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.0, s: 0.0, l: 0.5019608, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("string", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.04844962, s: 0.46739134, l: 0.6392157, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("string.escape", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.11296297, s: 0.5294118, l: 0.6666667, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("string.regex", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.04844962, s: 0.46739134, l: 0.6392157, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("string.special", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.11296297, s: 0.5294118, l: 0.6666667, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("string.special.symbol", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.11296297, s: 0.5294118, l: 0.6666667, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("tag", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5755208, s: 0.60952383, l: 0.5882353, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("text.literal", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.04844962, s: 0.46739134, l: 0.6392157, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("type", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.46612465, s: 0.53246754, l: 0.5470588, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("variable", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5578231, s: 0.98, l: 0.8039216, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None }), ("variable.special", HighlightStyle { color: Some(Hsla { h: 0.5578231, s: 0.98, l: 0.8039216, a: 1.0 }), font_weight: None, font_style: None, background_color: None, underline: None, strikethrough: None, fade_out: None })] } } })