zed-industries / zed

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PHP extension highlights #10778

Open mariomeraz opened 1 month ago

mariomeraz commented 1 month ago

Check for existing issues

Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it

When installing the PHP extension it only highlights the code with tags in PHP, tags in HTML, Javascript or other languages it does not highlight it.


Zed: v0.131.6 (Zed) OS: macOS 14.4.1 Memory: 8 GiB Architecture: aarch64

If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help explain present your vision of the feature

Captura de pantalla 2024-04-19 a la(s) 8 26 01 a m

If applicable, attach your ~/Library/Logs/Zed/Zed.log file to this issue.

] 2024-04-19T08:30:11-06:00 [ERROR] crates/lsp/src/lsp.rs:760: oneshot canceled 2024-04-19T08:30:11-06:00 [ERROR] crates/lsp/src/lsp.rs:760: oneshot canceled 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] ========== starting zed ========== 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Opening main db 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Using git binary path: Some("/Volumes/OWCminiStack/Applications/Zed.app/Contents/MacOS/git") 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [ERROR] crates/theme/src/settings.rs:368: theme not found: Tokyo Night 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] extensions updated. loading 7, reloading 0, unloading 0 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [ERROR] crates/zed/src/zed.rs:628: EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Opening main db 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] building git repository, .git path in the worktree: ".git" 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Opening main db 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] set status on client 0: Authenticating 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Opening main db 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] set status on client 92728: Connecting 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [ERROR] crates/workspace/src/persistence/model.rs:268: failed to read path after update 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [ERROR] crates/theme/src/settings.rs:368: theme not found: Tokyo Night 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {"@prettier/plugin-php"} 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] starting language server "tailwindcss-language-server", path: "/Volumes/OWCminiStack/SourceCode/PHP/miinka", id: 1 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {"@prettier/plugin-php"} 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {"@prettier/plugin-php"} 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {"@prettier/plugin-php"} 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {"@prettier/plugin-php"} 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {"@prettier/plugin-php"} 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {"@prettier/plugin-php"} 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] starting language server "intelephense", path: "/Volumes/OWCminiStack/SourceCode/PHP/miinka", id: 2 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] set environment variables from shell:/bin/zsh, path:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php8.2.0/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/bin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/local/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/appleinternal/bin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/usr/local/share/dotnet:~/.dotnet/tools:/Users/meraz/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/Users/meraz/.local/bin:/opt/apache-maven/bin 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] fetching latest version of language server "tailwindcss-language-server" 2024-04-19T08:30:12-06:00 [INFO] connected to rpc endpoint https://collab.zed.dev/rpc 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] reload git repository ".git" 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] add connection to peer 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] waiting for server hello 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] got server hello 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] set status to connected (connection id: ConnectionId { owner_id: 0, id: 0 }, peer id: PeerId { owner_id: 392, id: 1878603 }) 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] set status on client 92728: Connected { peer_id: PeerId { owner_id: 392, id: 1878603 }, connection_id: ConnectionId { owner_id: 0, id: 0 } } 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] Installing default prettier and plugins: [("@prettier/plugin-php", "0.22.2"), ("prettier", "3.2.5")] 2024-04-19T08:30:13-06:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed 2024-04-19T08:30:14-06:00 [INFO] reload git repository ".git" 2024-04-19T08:30:14-06:00 [INFO] downloading language server "tailwindcss-language-server" 2024-04-19T08:30:14-06:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed 2024-04-19T08:30:14-06:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed 2024-04-19T08:30:14-06:00 [INFO] starting language server. binary path: "/Users/meraz/Library/Application Support/Zed/node/node-v18.15.0-darwin-arm64/bin/node", working directory: "/Volumes/OWCminiStack/SourceCode/PHP/miinka", args: ["/Users/meraz/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/tailwindcss-language-server/node_modules/.bin/tailwindcss-language-server", "--stdio"] 2024-04-19T08:30:14-06:00 [INFO] starting language server. binary path: "/Users/meraz/Library/Application Support/Zed/node/node-v18.15.0-darwin-arm64/bin/node", working directory: "/Volumes/OWCminiStack/SourceCode/PHP/miinka", args: ["/Users/meraz/Library/Application Support/Zed/extensions/work/php/node_modules/intelephense/lib/intelephense.js", "--stdio"] 2024-04-19T08:30:14-06:00 [INFO] Initialized prettier with plugins: {"@prettier/plugin-php"} 2024-04-19T08:30:14-06:00 [INFO] Language server with id 2 sent unhandled notification window/logMessage: { "type": 3, "message": "Initialising intelephense 1.10.4" } 2024-04-19T08:30:14-06:00 [INFO] Language server with id 2 sent unhandled notification window/logMessage: { "type": 3, "message": "Reading state from /var/folders/bz/3kzjn_593pv02gpxwvgjr4c80000gq/T/intelephense/49be3605." } 2024-04-19T08:30:15-06:00 [INFO] Language server with id 2 sent unhandled notification window/logMessage: { "type": 3, "message": "Initialised in 177 ms" } 2024-04-19T08:30:34-06:00 [INFO] open paths ["/Users/meraz/.config/zed/settings.json"] 2024-04-19T08:30:34-06:00 [INFO] starting language server "json-language-server", path: "/Users/meraz/.config/zed/settings.json", id: 3 2024-04-19T08:30:34-06:00 [INFO] fetching latest version of language server "json-language-server" 2024-04-19T08:30:34-06:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed 2024-04-19T08:30:35-06:00 [INFO] downloading language server "json-language-server" 2024-04-19T08:30:35-06:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed 2024-04-19T08:30:36-06:00 [INFO] starting language server. binary path: "/Users/meraz/Library/Application Support/Zed/node/node-v18.15.0-darwin-arm64/bin/node", working directory: "/Users/meraz/.config/zed", args: ["/Users/meraz/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/json-language-server/node_modules/vscode-json-languageserver/bin/vscode-json-languageserver", "--stdio"] 2024-04-19T08:30:40-06:00 [ERROR] crates/lsp/src/lsp.rs:760: oneshot canceled

JosephTLyons commented 1 month ago

Hey @mariomeraz, what happens if you install the html extension? Do you end up getting hightlights for html inside of your php files?

jaeheeship commented 1 month ago

I had a same problem. But now it's resolved now. I stumbled upon a solution by following the steps below:

  1. Change the file extension from .blade.php to .html
  2. Check that syntax highlighting works correctly with the .html extension.
  3. Then, change the file extension back to .blade.php

After these steps, syntax highlighting started working correctly for all .blade.php

I don't know how to resolve that.

zed vision : Zed 0.131.6

wassson commented 1 month ago

I was running into this issue as well, but manually installing the HTML extension fixed it! This wasn't an issue a few weeks ago (afaik) so it must be a recent change.

mariomeraz commented 1 month ago

Hey @mariomeraz, what happens if you install the html extension? Do you end up getting hightlights for html inside of your php files?

Of course, installing the HTML extension works normally, but you should not ask to do this extra step.
