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Find all navigate to line #11397

Open nixpulvis opened 2 weeks ago

nixpulvis commented 2 weeks ago

Check for existing issues

Describe the feature

After using the find all function to search for matches and returning multiple matches within the same file, I would like to navigate to other matches by clicking on them. Unless I'm missing something, currently only the first match is opened when you click on the file name.

Sorry if this was already mentioned, I tried to search the issues. Or if I'm just missing the functionality.

If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help present your vision of the feature

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Moshyfawn commented 1 week ago

If I understand your request correctly, you're looking for that thin line that you can press to go to the next definition on that particular line. Let me know if that's what you're looking for.

nixpulvis commented 1 week ago

Indeed that is the functionality I was looking for!

Just my two cents, but perhaps a small redesign of this interface could benefit users.

A. Allow collapsing of the top filename match (useful for searches with a lot of matched files) B. Jump to match when clicking (double clicking?) on the match itself

I appreciate being able to treat the match buffer more or less like a normal buffer, but given that the matched text is already specially formatted, it makes sense to me to also give it a special action.

I also noticed, if I click on the "Expand Excerpt" button it will show duplicate lines if the matches are near each other. This could be optimized to simply remove the line between the matches.

JosephTLyons commented 1 week ago

Adding this to the papercuts project, as we've found that a lot of users don't know they can jump from mullt-buffer to buffer.

nixpulvis commented 1 week ago

I'm happy to test or give feedback as a new user here. I'm loving Zed and using it more and more now.