zed-industries / zed

Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
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Svelte syntax highlighting is lacking #12833

Open didier opened 2 weeks ago

didier commented 2 weeks ago

Check for existing issues

Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it

Compare VS Code (left) vs. Zed (right). You'll see the highlighting in VS Code is much more complete. I hope we can address this for Zed too.

Notable points are string interpolation, directives like class:name={condition}, brackets and spread operators.

CleanShot 2024-06-10 at 10 24 52@2x


Zed: v0.138.6 (Zed) OS: macOS 14.5.0 Memory: 32 GiB Architecture: aarch64

If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help explain present your vision of the feature

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If applicable, attach your ~/Library/Logs/Zed/Zed.log file to this issue.

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Gioppix commented 1 week ago

any update on this? I'm tired of vscode crashing but i can't switch because of this :o