zed-industries / zed

Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
47.32k stars 2.74k forks source link

Zed is slow to start on linux #14222

Open HarshNarayanJha opened 2 months ago

HarshNarayanJha commented 2 months ago

Check for existing issues

Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it

Just installed the latest Zed v0.143.6-1 from arch repos. It is considerably slow to start, taking around 10–15 seconds to launch.

λ time zeditor
Executed in   11.55 secs      fish           external
usr time    2.47 millis    0.00 millis    2.47 millis
sys time   38.09 millis   28.35 millis    9.74 millis

This behavior is the same regardless of whether I open an empty workspace or a folder.


Zed: v0.143.6 (Zed) OS: Linux Wayland garuda unknown Memory: 7.1 GiB Architecture: x86_64

Don't know why unknown is there, but I am on Arch Linux using Hyprland WM. GPU: AMD Integrated

If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help explain present your vision of the feature

No response

If applicable, attach your Zed.log file to this issue.


2024-07-11T21:03:07+05:30 [INFO] ========== starting zed ==========
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] perform;
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] read_command;
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] read_command;
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] socket reader;
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] new;
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] Opening main db
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] Using git binary path: None
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] updating SHELL environment variable to value from passwd entry: "/bin/bash"
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [ERROR] theme not found: Xcode Default Dark
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] extensions updated. loading 6, reloading 0, unloading 0
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] activate is not implemented on Linux, ignoring the call
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] Opening main db
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "macOS Classic Light" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "macOS Classic Dark" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "macOS Classic Dark2" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] perform;
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] read_command;
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] read_command;
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] socket reader;
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] set environment variables from shell:/bin/bash, path:/usr/local/i386elfgcc/bin:/run/media/harshnj/E_Drive/flutter-sdk/flutter/bin:/run/media/harshnj/E_Drive/flutter-sdk/flutter/bin:/opt/devkitpro/tools/bin:/home/harshnj/.bun/bin:/home/harshnj/.local/share/pnpm:/home/harshnj/.pyenv/shims:/usr/local/i386elfgcc/bin:/run/media/harshnj/E_Drive/flutter-sdk/flutter/bin:/home/harshnj/.local/bin:/home/harshnj/.local/share/nvm/v22.1.0/bin:/home/harshnj/.pyenv/bin:/opt/devkitpro/tools/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/opt/rocm/bin
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [INFO] building git repository, `.git` path in the worktree: ".git"
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Bare" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Basic" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Classic Dark" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Classic Light" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Default Dark" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Default Light" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode High Contrast Dark" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode High Contrast Light" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Low Key" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Midnight" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Presentation Dark" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Presentation Light" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Spartan" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:17+05:30 [WARN] Theme "Xcode Sunset" is using a deprecated style property: scrollbar_thumb.background. Use `scrollbar.thumb.background` instead.
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Enabling Vulkan Portability
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Enabling color space support
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Adapter "AMD Radeon Graphics (RADV RENOIR)"
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] No ray tracing extensions are supported
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 16 sets
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 16 sets
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Initializing Blade pipelines for surface SurfaceInfo { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, alpha: PreMultiplied }
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Initializing Blade pipelines for surface SurfaceInfo { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, alpha: Ignored }
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Opening main db
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] starting language servers for JavaScript: vtsls, tailwindcss-language-server, eslint
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] starting language server "vtsls", path: "/home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen", id: 1
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] starting language server "tailwindcss-language-server", path: "/home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen", id: 2
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] starting language server "eslint", path: "/home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen", id: 3
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] starting language servers for JavaScript: vtsls, tailwindcss-language-server, eslint
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] fetching latest version of language server "vtsls"
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] fetching latest version of language server "tailwindcss-language-server"
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] fetching latest version of language server "eslint"
2024-07-11T21:03:18+05:30 [INFO] downloading language server "eslint"
2024-07-11T21:03:19+05:30 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
2024-07-11T21:03:19+05:30 [INFO] starting language servers for JavaScript: vtsls, tailwindcss-language-server, eslint
2024-07-11T21:03:19+05:30 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed
2024-07-11T21:03:20+05:30 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed
2024-07-11T21:03:20+05:30 [INFO] starting language server. binary path: "/home/harshnj/.local/share/zed/node/node-v18.15.0-linux-x64/bin/node", working directory: "/home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen", args: ["/home/harshnj/.local/share/zed/languages/eslint/vscode-eslint-release/2.4.4/vscode-eslint/server/out/eslintServer.js", "--stdio"]
2024-07-11T21:03:21+05:30 [INFO] Language server with id 3 sent unhandled notification window/logMessage:
  "type": 3,
  "message": "ESLint server running in node v18.15.0"
2024-07-11T21:03:21+05:30 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed
2024-07-11T21:03:22+05:30 [INFO] Language server with id 3 sent unhandled notification eslint/status:
  "uri": "file:///home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen/part2/phonebook/src/App.jsx",
  "state": 1,
  "validationTime": 1002
2024-07-11T21:03:23+05:30 [INFO] downloading language server "tailwindcss-language-server"
2024-07-11T21:03:23+05:30 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed
2024-07-11T21:03:23+05:30 [INFO] starting language server. binary path: "/home/harshnj/.local/share/zed/node/node-v18.15.0-linux-x64/bin/node", working directory: "/home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen", args: ["/home/harshnj/.local/share/zed/languages/tailwindcss-language-server/node_modules/.bin/tailwindcss-language-server", "--stdio"]
2024-07-11T21:03:23+05:30 [INFO] Language server with id 2 sent unhandled notification window/logMessage:
  "type": 4,
  "message": "Setting up server…"
2024-07-11T21:03:23+05:30 [INFO] Language server with id 2 sent unhandled notification window/logMessage:
  "type": 4,
  "message": "Listening for messages…"
2024-07-11T21:03:24+05:30 [INFO] downloading language server "vtsls"
2024-07-11T21:03:24+05:30 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed
2024-07-11T21:03:25+05:30 [INFO] starting language server. binary path: "/home/harshnj/.local/share/zed/node/node-v18.15.0-linux-x64/bin/node", working directory: "/home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen", args: ["/home/harshnj/.local/share/zed/languages/vtsls/node_modules/@vtsls/language-server/bin/vtsls.js", "--stdio"]
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 16 sets
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 16 sets
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 256 sets
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 256 sets
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] starting language servers for TypeScript: vtsls, eslint
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] starting language servers for TypeScript: vtsls, eslint
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] starting language servers for JavaScript: vtsls, tailwindcss-language-server, eslint
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] starting language servers for TypeScript: vtsls, eslint
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] starting language servers for JavaScript: vtsls, tailwindcss-language-server, eslint
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Language server with id 3 sent unhandled notification eslint/noLibrary:
  "source": {
    "uri": "file:///home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen/part2/phonebook/node_modules/.pnpm/@types+react@18.3.3/node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts"
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Language server with id 3 sent unhandled notification eslint/status:
  "uri": "file:///home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen/part2/phonebook/src/App.jsx",
  "state": 1,
  "validationTime": 75
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Language server with id 3 sent unhandled notification eslint/noLibrary:
  "source": {
    "uri": "file:///home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen/part2/phonebook/node_modules/.pnpm/@types+react@18.3.3/node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts"
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Language server with id 3 sent unhandled notification eslint/status:
  "uri": "file:///home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen/part2/phonebook/src/App.jsx",
  "state": 1,
  "validationTime": 56
2024-07-11T21:03:52+05:30 [INFO] Language server with id 3 sent unhandled notification eslint/noLibrary:
  "source": {
    "uri": "file:///home/harshnj/Documents/NodeJS/fullstackopen/part2/phonebook/node_modules/.pnpm/@types+react@18.3.3/node_modules/@types/react/index.d.ts"
2024-07-11T21:03:54+05:30 [INFO] new;
2024-07-11T21:03:54+05:30 [INFO] keep_updated;
2024-07-11T21:03:54+05:30 [INFO] new;
2024-07-11T21:20:34+05:30 [INFO] open paths ["/home/harshnj/.local/share/zed/logs/Zed.log"]
2024-07-11T21:20:36+05:30 [INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
2024-07-11T21:20:36+05:30 [WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
2024-07-11T21:20:58+05:30 [INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
2024-07-11T21:20:58+05:30 [WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
2024-07-11T21:21:00+05:30 [INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
2024-07-11T21:21:00+05:30 [WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
2024-07-11T21:21:15+05:30 [INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
2024-07-11T21:21:15+05:30 [WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
2024-07-11T21:21:16+05:30 [INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
2024-07-11T21:21:16+05:30 [WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen

Stefano299 commented 2 months ago

I have the same problem on PopOS using AMD radeon graphics

ConradIrwin commented 2 months ago

Interesting that it seems to block on the system. Could you please try again with strace -ftT and see if we can see which calls are blocking for a while.

We had a similar bug on X11 where we'd block waiting to query for settings for multiple seconds, so hopefully we can identify the problem and remove it from the critical path.

Stefano299 commented 2 months ago

I get something like this: log.txt

HarshNarayanJha commented 2 months ago

UPDATE: these are the timings just after a fresh reboot

Executed in    1.25 secs      fish           external
usr time    0.52 millis  521.00 micros    0.00 millis
sys time    3.48 millis  145.00 micros    3.33 millis

Running with strace produces a 18MB logfile! Do you only need certain lines of it?

Stefano299 commented 2 months ago

It opens in about 15-20 seconds for me

ConradIrwin commented 2 months ago

@Stefano299 How did you generate that strace? it seems to be missing the first ~13 seconds of events (based on pid 5298). I think (after you've made sure there are no other instances of zed running) that running strace -ftT zed --foreground should work, but I'm not an expert. (It may as @HarshNarayanJha says be quite a large file!).

That said, there's still some odd looking stuff in here:

Not sure exactly why yet, but it seems like at the least we should only do this once, and ideally we should not do it at all during app boot.

@HarshNarayanJha I'm looking for things that take time, or just seem off. If you don't want to upload the whole log try:

Stefano299 commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I did it wrong. I found the problem, while starting it I get like infinite lines like this: [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:18.3/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000013> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\"\20|\26\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\6\0\0\200\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.000011> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000007> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:04:00.5/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000014> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\"\20\342\25\6\0\20\0`\0\200\4\20\0\200\0\0\0h\201\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.012762> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000062> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:18.1/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000106> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\"\20z\26\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\6\0\0\200\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.000096> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000050> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:02:00.0/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000037> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\303\24\26\6\6\4\20\0\0\0\200\2\20\0\0\0\f\0\0\2\177\0\0\0\4\0\200\201\0\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.001217> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000008> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:01.0/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000014> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\"\20\267\24\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\6\0\0\200\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.000015> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000007> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:04:00.3/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000014> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\"\20\35\26\7\4\20\0\0000\3\f\20\0\200\0\4\0000\201\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.140692> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000030> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:02.3/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000065> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\"\20\272\24\7\4\20\0\0\0\4\6\20\0\201\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\2\2\0\361\1\0 "..., 48) = 48 <0.000041> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000014> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:04.0/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000026> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\"\20\267\24\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\6\0\0\200\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.000030> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000017> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:14.3/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000021> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\"\20\16y\17\0 \2Q\0\1\6\0\0\200\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.000034> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000017> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:04:00.1/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000023> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\2\20@\26\6\4\20\0\0\0\3\4\20\0\200\0\0\200l\201\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.015009> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000089> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000166> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 read(78, "\336\20\342%\0\0\20\0\241\0\0\3\20\0\0\0\0\0\0\200\f\0\0\0~\0\0\0\f\0\0\0"..., 48) = 48 <0.346766> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 close(78) = 0 <0.000059> [pid 7193] 07:09:16 openat(AT_FDCWD, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:00.2/config", O_RDONLY) = 78 <0.000071>

This is what is making zed start so slow on my machine.

ConradIrwin commented 2 months ago

Does seem that way. So now the question is why :D. My suspicion is that this is coming from vulkan, but it does seem like we're probably doing this work more often than we need.

Is there any pattern of what happens before this in the logs? In the trace that you sent it looked like we were also connecting to the X server three times, though enumerating the PCI bus 4-5 times.

Feel free to just upload the log here if it's easier.

HarshNarayanJha commented 2 months ago

It's not that I don't want to upload that big file, but I though it may be useless for you, but in that case, I found things that take

More than 1 Sec ```log [pid 88261] 10:27:38 <... accept resumed>) = 4 <8.794238> [pid 88335] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.257698> [pid 88336] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.258386> [pid 88337] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.258375> [pid 88338] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.258439> [pid 88339] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.258572> [pid 88340] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.259042> [pid 88341] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.258838> [pid 88342] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.259626> [pid 88343] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.259786> [pid 88344] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.259880> [pid 88345] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.260933> [pid 88346] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.261175> [pid 88260] 10:27:39 <... wait4 resumed>0x7ffeb0b00fe0, 0, NULL) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set) <9.683721> [pid 88403] 10:27:39 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.161660> [pid 88261] 10:27:39 <... recvmsg resumed>{msg_name=NULL, msg_namelen=0, msg_iov=[{iov_base="\10\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", iov_len=8}, {iov_base="\3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", iov_len=212952}], msg_iovlen=2, msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC}, MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC) = 16 <1.050974> [pid 88418] 10:27:39 <... recvmsg resumed>{msg_name=NULL, msg_namelen=0, msg_iov=[{iov_base="", iov_len=8}, {iov_base="", iov_len=212952}], msg_iovlen=2, msg_controllen=0, msg_flags=MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC}, MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC) = 0 <1.051446> [pid 88398] 10:27:39 <... read resumed>"rayan Jha\nauthor-mail <50262541+"..., 64) = 64 <0.000048> [pid 88398] 10:27:39 <... read resumed>"n Jha\ncommitter-mail <50262541+H"..., 8160) = 607 <0.000015> [pid 88399] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.023007> [pid 88392] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.521945> [pid 88403] 10:27:41 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.601494> [pid 88396] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.894704> [pid 88394] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.006525> [pid 88395] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.505149> [pid 88393] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.729011> [pid 88398] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.716985> [pid 88402] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.715045> [pid 88518] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.971193> [pid 88391] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.921811> [pid 88397] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.907785> [pid 88400] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.459721> [pid 88399] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.961327> [pid 88392] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.462837> [pid 88396] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.079974> [pid 88409] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <3.067119> [pid 88561] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.140863> [pid 88563] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.141036> [pid 88564] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.141294> [pid 88551] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.229188> [pid 88553] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.247130> [pid 88550] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.247315> [pid 88554] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.247085> [pid 88549] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.988811> [pid 88396] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.035332> [pid 88394] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.547728> [pid 88395] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.808486> [pid 88393] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.808653> [pid 88403] 10:27:44 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.617122> [pid 88398] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.813701> [pid 88402] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.043425> [pid 88391] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.048433> [pid 88400] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.046353> [pid 88397] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.552283> [pid 88399] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.551034> [pid 88392] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.559521> [pid 88396] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.070531> [pid 88409] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.108070> [pid 88402] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.203258> [pid 88391] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.216467> [pid 88400] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.216730> [pid 88397] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.216079> [pid 88399] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.213446> [pid 88392] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.395805> [pid 88396] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.475719> [pid 88394] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.465083> [pid 88393] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.099345> [pid 88570] 10:27:46 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, 6026) = 1 <1.794333> [pid 88655] 10:27:46 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, 8030) = 1 <1.690886> [pid 88403] 10:27:46 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.351449> [pid 88409] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.751469> [pid 88574] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.043222> [pid 88572] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.066824> [pid 88575] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.067192> [pid 88573] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.072590> [pid 88632] 10:27:47 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4596) = 1 <2.153806> [pid 88648] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.609698> [pid 88647] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.609504> [pid 88649] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.609314> [pid 88646] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.531196> [pid 88636] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.729486> [pid 88634] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.729552> [pid 88635] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.729623> [pid 88637] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.729312> [pid 88633] 10:27:47 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <3.603524> [pid 88415] 10:27:47 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <2.637883> [pid 88400] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.014975> [pid 88392] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.308467> [pid 88399] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.298717> [pid 88396] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.282102> [pid 88403] 10:27:48 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.110126> [pid 88394] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.486710> [pid 88395] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.503362> [pid 88393] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.390217> [pid 88401] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.383379> [pid 88398] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.382987> [pid 88402] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.382696> [pid 88397] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.370759> [pid 88391] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.032532> [pid 88409] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.532539> [pid 88395] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.484779> [pid 88756] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.396403> [pid 88393] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.980775> [pid 88752] 10:27:50 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=3, u64=3}}], 1024, 8100) = 1 <1.312790> [pid 88401] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.258531> [pid 88398] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.262932> [pid 88402] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.260380> [pid 88397] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.263478> [pid 88391] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.264632> [pid 88763] 10:27:50 read(18, "<2.0.0-0\n// ^1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <"..., 8192) = 5947 <0.000011> [pid 88400] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.382356> [pid 88570] 10:27:51 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 4079) = 0 <4.099104> [pid 88403] 10:27:51 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <2.561276> [pid 88392] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.682292> [pid 88399] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.699955> [pid 88396] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.331338> [pid 88394] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.849068> [pid 88395] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.362040> [pid 88409] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.765178> [pid 88396] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.332530> [pid 88780] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.120941> [pid 88778] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.120030> [pid 88752] 10:27:52 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=26, u64=26}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <2.274316> [pid 88781] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.126211> [pid 88773] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.128364> [pid 88776] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.127964> [pid 88775] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.128237> [pid 88774] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.127726> [pid 88772] 10:27:52 <... epoll_pwait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1, NULL, 8) = 1 <2.154772> [pid 88760] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <3.676206> [pid 88759] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <3.676227> [pid 88758] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <3.676184> [pid 88761] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <3.676299> [pid 88731] 10:27:52 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=28, u64=28}}], 1024, 5831) = 1 <2.245117> [pid 88408] 10:27:52 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.028474> [pid 88394] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.674350> [pid 88395] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.660943> [pid 88393] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.643960> [pid 88401] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.648816> [pid 88398] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.565818> [pid 88402] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.416832> [pid 88817] 10:27:53 read(18, "<2.0.0-0\n// ^1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <"..., 8192) = 5947 <0.000011> [pid 88397] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.413995> [pid 88391] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.415736> [pid 88400] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.411866> [pid 88409] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.737034> [pid 88392] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.421032> [pid 88399] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.433370> [pid 88655] 10:27:53 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 6307) = 0 <6.338565> [pid 88660] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <8.128519> [pid 88659] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <8.128581> [pid 88658] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <8.128777> [pid 88657] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <8.079209> [pid 88752] 10:27:54 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=26, u64=26}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <2.007636> [pid 88818] 10:27:54 <... epoll_pwait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1, NULL, 8) = 1 <1.989274> [pid 88757] 10:27:54 <... epoll_wait resumed>0x7e2e655fcd60, 1024, -1) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call) <6.085396> [pid 88731] 10:27:54 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=28, u64=28}}], 1024, 3581) = 1 <2.041098> [pid 88408] 10:27:54 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <2.042198> [pid 88403] 10:27:54 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.841685> [pid 88409] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.022303> [pid 88749] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <4.708058> [pid 88747] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <4.708596> [pid 88748] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <4.711323> [pid 88746] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <4.716308> [pid 88402] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.108651> [pid 88397] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.166362> [pid 88400] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.003704> [pid 88399] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.123753> [pid 88409] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.027421> [pid 88396] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.123638> [pid 88394] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.098038> [pid 88395] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.059615> [pid 88736] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <8.001593> [pid 88733] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <8.001507> [pid 88734] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <8.001596> [pid 88735] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <8.001477> [pid 88675] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <10.000055> [pid 88738] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 7382) = 0 <7.418943> [pid 88752] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 1429) = 0 <1.436122> [pid 88395] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.018664> [pid 88393] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.031281> [pid 88749] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.058914> [pid 88747] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.063075> [pid 88748] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.002694> [pid 88746] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <2.000301> [pid 88394] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.383038> [pid 88395] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.285518> [pid 88409] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.584160> [pid 88408] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.173634> [pid 88393] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.284156> [pid 88401] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.283211> [pid 88398] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.284335> [pid 88402] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.282397> [pid 88570] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 8100) = 0 <8.140547> [pid 88397] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.483937> [pid 88391] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.484760> [pid 88731] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.502401> [pid 88738] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=3, u64=3}}], 1024, 8100) = 1 <2.466126> [pid 88400] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.491032> [pid 88392] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.487940> [pid 88399] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.499279> [pid 88396] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.147336> [pid 88396] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.048597> [pid 88399] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.201733> [pid 88396] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.032037> [pid 88394] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.032845> [pid 88395] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.049978> [pid 88401] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.117020> [pid 88393] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.334280> [pid 88398] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.382506> [pid 88402] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.584970> [pid 88397] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.659759> [pid 88403] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <1.252759> [pid 88391] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.636104> [pid 88570] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, 8100) = 1 <4.017761> [pid 88392] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.603233> [pid 88731] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <3.842889> [pid 88400] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <1.238289> [pid 88655] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <9.405540> [pid 88738] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLHUP, data={u32=3, u64=3}}], 1024, 5632) = 1 <3.851281> [pid 88415] 10:28:03 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <15.108899> [pid 88752] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>0x7fff50a0d7d0, 1024, 8100) = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call) <5.991002> [pid 88744] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <13.739497> [pid 88743] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <13.739740> [pid 88742] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <13.739833> [pid 88741] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <13.739812> [pid 88740] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=13, u64=13}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <14.794805> [pid 88748] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <5.524394> [pid 88747] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <5.526223> [pid 88746] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <5.517486> [pid 88749] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <5.512349> [pid 88745] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=13, u64=13}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <14.789985> [pid 88420] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <24.285229> [pid 88421] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=1, u64=1}}], 16, -1) = 1 <24.279070> [pid 88443] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=1, u64=1}}], 16, -1) = 1 <23.873251> [pid 88494] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <23.767961> 10:28:03 <... wait4 resumed>[{WIFEXITED(s) && WEXITSTATUS(s) == 0}], 0, NULL) = 88262 <23.614992> ```
More than 100ms ```log [pid 88262] 10:27:36 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.123293> [pid 88395] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.104090> [pid 88394] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.107251> [pid 88401] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.107601> [pid 88402] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.107354> [pid 88405] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.109946> [pid 88404] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.163404> [pid 88401] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.115209> [pid 88397] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.114948> [pid 88393] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.115070> [pid 88399] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.115718> [pid 88392] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.116028> [pid 88408] 10:27:38 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.170349> [pid 88391] 10:27:38 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.158659> [pid 88393] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.171603> [pid 88405] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.177040> [pid 88413] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.176660> [pid 88399] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.181524> [pid 88409] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.226786> [pid 88392] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.193183> [pid 88401] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.163076> [pid 88391] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.176741> [pid 88398] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.177622> [pid 88395] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.177941> [pid 88416] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.243969> [pid 88400] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.178456> [pid 88394] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.176195> [pid 88402] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.177583> [pid 88397] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.184097> [pid 88396] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.183296> [pid 88408] 10:27:39 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.227019> [pid 88406] 10:27:39 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=1, u64=1}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.383463> [pid 88415] 10:27:39 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.406495> [pid 88443] 10:27:39 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=1, u64=1}}], 16, -1) = 1 <0.129935> [pid 88405] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.107271> [pid 88413] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.107067> [pid 88434] 10:27:39 <... poll resumed>) = 1 ([{fd=76, revents=POLLIN}]) <0.144402> [pid 88414] 10:27:39 <... read resumed>"system\n", 4096) = 7 <0.311275> [pid 88395] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.103113> [pid 88402] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.108402> [pid 88392] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.110562> [pid 88396] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set) <0.112090> [pid 88415] 10:27:39 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.325632> [pid 88400] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.112785> [pid 88397] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.161813> [pid 88394] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.161807> [pid 88399] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.161932> [pid 88468] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.169565> [pid 88393] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.165077> [pid 88416] 10:27:39 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=71, u64=71}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.108957> [pid 88408] 10:27:39 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.155156> [pid 88391] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.267985> [pid 88398] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.268012> [pid 88395] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.165299> [pid 88402] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.159396> [pid 88405] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.274686> [pid 88409] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.673277> [pid 88392] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.182750> [pid 88464] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.297562> [pid 88400] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.179341> [pid 88399] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.132565> [pid 88473] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.298172> [pid 88394] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.130083> [pid 88467] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.298097> [pid 88393] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.130667> [pid 88396] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.144251> [pid 88397] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.144854> [pid 88335] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set) <0.888671> [pid 88415] 10:27:39 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.216233> [pid 88413] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.347154> [pid 88468] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.188396> [pid 88335] 10:27:39 <... futex resumed>) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is set) <0.138295> [pid 88415] 10:27:39 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.136188> [pid 88464] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.179666> [pid 88473] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.171774> [pid 88467] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.150184> [pid 88413] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.100573> [pid 88468] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.101099> [pid 88405] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.100953> [pid 88408] 10:27:40 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.109537> [pid 88409] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.120675> [pid 88408] 10:27:40 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.192612> [pid 88403] 10:27:40 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.199980> [pid 88473] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500053> [pid 88416] 10:27:40 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=71, u64=71}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.838527> [pid 88467] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500027> [pid 88413] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500038> [pid 88408] 10:27:40 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.110046> [pid 88468] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500064> [pid 88464] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500012> [pid 88405] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500034> [pid 88400] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.523925> [pid 88505] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.161033> [pid 88507] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.161012> [pid 88508] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.161144> [pid 88506] 10:27:40 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.159464> [pid 88504] 10:27:41 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.850891> [pid 88415] 10:27:41 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.942686> [pid 88408] 10:27:41 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499769> [pid 88515] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500038> [pid 88408] 10:27:41 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499652> [pid 88521] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.153704> [pid 88522] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.152484> [pid 88520] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.152679> [pid 88519] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.152812> [pid 88525] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.179204> [pid 88527] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.179355> [pid 88524] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.179431> [pid 88526] 10:27:41 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.175140> [pid 88523] 10:27:41 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.842665> [pid 88415] 10:27:41 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.878501> [pid 88408] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499671> [pid 88533] 10:27:42 <... poll resumed>) = 1 ([{fd=19, revents=POLLIN}]) <0.159572> [pid 88517] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=16, u64=16}}], 1024, 4995) = 1 <0.171959> [pid 88517] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLOUT, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4822) = 1 <0.152100> [pid 88517] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4668) = 1 <0.125468> [pid 88546] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500040> [pid 88517] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4528) = 1 <0.125029> [pid 88408] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499487> [pid 88517] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4400) = 1 <0.151137> [pid 88530] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.795410> [pid 88531] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.795557> [pid 88532] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.795737> [pid 88533] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.582596> [pid 88554] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.170258> [pid 88553] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.170275> [pid 88551] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.170371> [pid 88550] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.164144> [pid 88555] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.179537> [pid 88558] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.179725> [pid 88557] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.179785> [pid 88556] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.176226> [pid 88521] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.998631> [pid 88520] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.998877> [pid 88522] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.999116> [pid 88519] 10:27:42 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.999157> [pid 88552] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.849361> [pid 88415] 10:27:42 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.887017> [pid 88403] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.865928> [pid 88562] 10:27:42 <... poll resumed>) = 1 ([{fd=19, revents=POLLIN}]) <0.141316> [pid 88548] 10:27:42 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=16, u64=16}}], 1024, 4994) = 1 <0.154815> [pid 88408] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=1, u64=1}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.463256> [pid 88531] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.357499> [pid 88532] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.356700> [pid 88533] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.312848> [pid 88530] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.291236> [pid 88403] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.226608> [pid 88394] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.964406> [pid 88395] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.464813> [pid 88393] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.230678> [pid 88398] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.231414> [pid 88402] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.231678> [pid 88415] 10:27:43 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.250881> [pid 88548] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLOUT, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4838) = 1 <0.149284> [pid 88574] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.145988> [pid 88573] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.157168> [pid 88575] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.157087> [pid 88572] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.156778> [pid 88548] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4687) = 1 <0.120206> [pid 88569] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500073> [pid 88575] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.128084> [pid 88572] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.127975> [pid 88573] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.128030> [pid 88574] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.127843> [pid 88548] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4564) = 1 <0.124212> [pid 88408] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499584> [pid 88397] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.532005> [pid 88399] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.536668> [pid 88392] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.540382> [pid 88574] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.179862> [pid 88573] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.211484> [pid 88575] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.211471> [pid 88572] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.211457> [pid 88621] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.154112> [pid 88623] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.153199> [pid 88622] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.153284> [pid 88620] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.153406> [pid 88619] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.751011> [pid 88415] 10:27:43 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.790967> [pid 88548] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4436) = 1 <0.531716> [pid 88562] 10:27:43 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.943017> [pid 88408] 10:27:43 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=2, u64=2}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.356340> [pid 88574] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.229696> [pid 88573] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.229760> [pid 88575] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.229905> [pid 88572] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.131756> [pid 88408] 10:27:44 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.125295> [pid 88636] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.100307> [pid 88637] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.100439> [pid 88635] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.100690> [pid 88634] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.100809> [pid 88575] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.217761> [pid 88574] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.226532> [pid 88572] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.226580> [pid 88573] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.143803> [pid 88631] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500085> [pid 88574] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.182653> [pid 88573] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.184568> [pid 88572] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.184404> [pid 88575] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.132613> [pid 88408] 10:27:44 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499476> [pid 88575] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.205422> [pid 88573] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.205122> [pid 88574] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.192411> [pid 88572] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.151145> [pid 88636] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.192097> [pid 88637] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.192239> [pid 88635] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.192621> [pid 88634] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.187217> [pid 88644] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.168095> [pid 88642] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.168187> [pid 88643] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.168246> [pid 88641] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.167441> [pid 88640] 10:27:44 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.862489> [pid 88415] 10:27:44 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.900830> [pid 88574] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.283832> [pid 88575] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.283849> [pid 88572] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.283557> [pid 88573] 10:27:44 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.282406> [pid 88632] 10:27:45 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLOUT, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4964) = 1 <0.112362> [pid 88660] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.166577> [pid 88658] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.166582> [pid 88659] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.167589> [pid 88657] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.167637> [pid 88408] 10:27:45 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499449> [pid 88394] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.557385> [pid 88395] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.298127> [pid 88393] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.297383> [pid 88398] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.291087> [pid 88403] 10:27:45 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.292109> [pid 88632] 10:27:45 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4850) = 1 <0.141641> [pid 88632] 10:27:45 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 4706) = 1 <0.106179> [pid 88654] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500061> [pid 88403] 10:27:45 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.199969> [pid 88408] 10:27:45 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.376013> [pid 88393] 10:27:45 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.425653> [pid 88408] 10:27:46 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499660> [pid 88395] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.941353> [pid 88398] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.950098> [pid 88408] 10:27:46 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499776> [pid 88674] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.280444> [pid 88675] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.267003> [pid 88395] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.583313> [pid 88401] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.585363> [pid 88674] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.208921> [pid 88398] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.490205> [pid 88675] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.208202> [pid 88402] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.477060> [pid 88391] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.476739> [pid 88397] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.476401> [pid 88400] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.476846> [pid 88392] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.292980> [pid 88399] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.212131> [pid 88396] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.210870> [pid 88394] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.210609> [pid 88395] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.210407> [pid 88393] 10:27:46 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.210712> [pid 88408] 10:27:46 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.307768> [pid 88408] 10:27:47 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=5, u64=5}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.141244> [pid 88393] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.146995> [pid 88401] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.154469> [pid 88398] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.153057> [pid 88402] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.156746> [pid 88397] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.167494> [pid 88408] 10:27:47 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.307407> [pid 88391] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.516331> [pid 88674] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500085> [pid 88408] 10:27:47 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.418712> [pid 88718] 10:27:47 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500072> [pid 88723] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.145984> [pid 88721] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.146000> [pid 88724] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.146082> [pid 88722] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.143910> [pid 88720] 10:27:48 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=12, u64=12}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.694250> [pid 88415] 10:27:48 <... recvfrom resumed>"X", 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = 1 <0.725662> [pid 88408] 10:27:48 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.498873> [pid 88403] 10:27:48 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.224000> [pid 88733] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.114487> [pid 88736] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.114777> [pid 88735] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.114685> [pid 88400] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.614321> [pid 88392] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.321769> [pid 88399] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.321978> [pid 88730] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) <0.500078> [pid 88741] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.264503> [pid 88742] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.264480> [pid 88743] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.265137> [pid 88744] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.265419> [pid 88746] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.259582> [pid 88748] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.259290> [pid 88749] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.260056> [pid 88747] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.262949> [pid 88731] 10:27:48 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 296) = 0 <0.296557> [pid 88408] 10:27:48 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.368438> [pid 88396] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.705330> [pid 88748] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.102091> [pid 88749] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.103443> [pid 88744] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.128902> [pid 88742] 10:27:48 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.128965> [pid 88746] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.207440> [pid 88747] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.207626> [pid 88748] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.103569> [pid 88749] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.103165> [pid 88758] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.276081> [pid 88761] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.276254> [pid 88760] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.277464> [pid 88759] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.278129> [pid 88408] 10:27:49 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.498427> [pid 88394] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.999149> [pid 88731] 10:27:49 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=24, u64=24}}], 1024, 7652) = 1 <0.697056> [pid 88753] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.688687> [pid 88754] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.692940> [pid 88755] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.694461> [pid 88749] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.216333> [pid 88748] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.224440> [pid 88747] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.225980> [pid 88746] 10:27:49 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.228397> [pid 88408] 10:27:49 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.498259> [pid 88753] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.709348> [pid 88754] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.705258> [pid 88731] 10:27:50 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=28, u64=28}}], 1024, 6955) = 1 <0.715921> [pid 88747] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.126263> [pid 88748] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.134785> [pid 88746] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.132197> [pid 88749] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.127408> [pid 88408] 10:27:50 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.498330> [pid 88731] 10:27:50 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=28, u64=28}}], 1024, 6232) = 1 <0.235994> [pid 88755] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.951146> [pid 88756] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.248816> [pid 88753] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.248564> [pid 88754] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.248409> [pid 88408] 10:27:50 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.285006> [pid 88739] 10:27:50 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 330) = 0 <0.330844> [pid 88754] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.339750> [pid 88753] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.339768> [pid 88755] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.339856> [pid 88756] 10:27:50 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.339967> [pid 88408] 10:27:50 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.212888> [pid 88739] 10:27:51 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 158) = 0 <0.158716> [pid 88754] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.159234> [pid 88753] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.159327> [pid 88756] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.159289> [pid 88755] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.159362> [pid 88393] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.884326> [pid 88401] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.621527> [pid 88408] 10:27:51 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.498275> [pid 88398] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.716973> [pid 88403] 10:27:51 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.175607> [pid 88739] 10:27:51 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 499) = 0 <0.500718> [pid 88755] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501070> [pid 88753] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501091> [pid 88756] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501131> [pid 88754] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501312> [pid 88402] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.882749> [pid 88397] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.896975> [pid 88391] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.900239> [pid 88400] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.720416> [pid 88392] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.432197> [pid 88399] 10:27:51 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.414606> [pid 88403] 10:27:51 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.148903> [pid 88779] 10:27:51 <... poll resumed>) = 1 ([{fd=19, revents=POLLIN}]) <0.145871> [pid 88763] 10:27:51 <... epoll_pwait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=16, u64=16}}], 1024, 7827, NULL, 8) = 1 <0.135451> [pid 88408] 10:27:51 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.497198> [pid 88763] 10:27:51 <... epoll_pwait resumed>[{events=EPOLLOUT, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 250, NULL, 8) = 1 <0.138034> [pid 88739] 10:27:52 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 499) = 0 <0.500562> [pid 88755] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501090> [pid 88756] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501082> [pid 88754] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501159> [pid 88753] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501251> [pid 88403] 10:27:52 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.227830> [pid 88739] 10:27:52 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 499) = 0 <0.500769> [pid 88756] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501390> [pid 88753] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501439> [pid 88754] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501387> [pid 88755] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501628> [pid 88763] 10:27:52 <... epoll_pwait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=19, u64=19}}], 1024, 7349, NULL, 8) = 1 <0.635983> [pid 88779] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.990670> [pid 88739] 10:27:52 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 333) = 0 <0.334640> [pid 88755] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.334974> [pid 88756] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.335134> [pid 88754] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.335333> [pid 88753] 10:27:52 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.335702> [pid 88403] 10:27:52 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.876544> [pid 88753] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.163566> [pid 88756] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.163499> [pid 88754] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.163663> [pid 88396] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.518092> [pid 88394] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.173595> [pid 88395] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.188921> [pid 88393] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.204094> [pid 88401] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200563> [pid 88398] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200622> [pid 88402] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.197912> [pid 88397] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200793> [pid 88391] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199749> [pid 88400] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200297> [pid 88392] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.195620> [pid 88399] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199155> [pid 88396] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198748> [pid 88394] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199530> [pid 88395] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199168> [pid 88393] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198712> [pid 88401] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198525> [pid 88398] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198254> [pid 88402] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199797> [pid 88397] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198353> [pid 88391] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200332> [pid 88739] 10:27:53 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 398) = 0 <0.399899> [pid 88754] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.400510> [pid 88400] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199892> [pid 88392] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199287> [pid 88399] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198594> [pid 88396] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198464> [pid 88394] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199786> [pid 88395] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198806> [pid 88755] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500232> [pid 88756] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500134> [pid 88753] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500248> [pid 88754] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.100246> [pid 88393] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199587> [pid 88401] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199286> [pid 88398] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199576> [pid 88402] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200555> [pid 88397] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199993> [pid 88391] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199137> [pid 88400] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199396> [pid 88392] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199077> [pid 88399] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201013> [pid 88396] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199774> [pid 88394] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200097> [pid 88395] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.202064> [pid 88393] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200039> [pid 88401] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.202176> [pid 88398] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.202656> [pid 88402] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201432> [pid 88397] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199307> [pid 88391] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199347> [pid 88400] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200455> [pid 88392] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201919> [pid 88399] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199948> [pid 88655] 10:27:53 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 597) = 0 <0.599868> [pid 88658] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.600980> [pid 88657] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.600950> [pid 88659] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.601043> [pid 88660] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.601429> [pid 88396] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201623> [pid 88394] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199947> [pid 88395] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199175> [pid 88739] 10:27:53 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 399) = 0 <0.400678> [pid 88753] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.401231> [pid 88393] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199764> [pid 88401] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198608> [pid 88398] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.196617> [pid 88402] 10:27:53 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.197392> [pid 88397] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200186> [pid 88391] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200751> [pid 88756] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500000> [pid 88755] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.499989> [pid 88754] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500155> [pid 88400] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198760> [pid 88392] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198683> [pid 88399] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198603> [pid 88396] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200260> [pid 88394] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198948> [pid 88395] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198860> [pid 88393] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199174> [pid 88401] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198420> [pid 88398] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199548> [pid 88402] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199081> [pid 88397] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198890> [pid 88391] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198251> [pid 88817] 10:27:54 <... epoll_pwait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=20, u64=20}}], 1024, 151, NULL, 8) = 1 <0.107412> [pid 88400] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.200294> [pid 88392] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198525> [pid 88399] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198985> [pid 88396] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.196651> [pid 88394] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199163> [pid 88395] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199000> [pid 88393] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199495> [pid 88401] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199847> [pid 88398] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199517> [pid 88402] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199505> [pid 88397] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199451> [pid 88391] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199920> [pid 88739] 10:27:54 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 400) = 0 <0.401568> [pid 88755] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.402296> [pid 88400] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199465> [pid 88392] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199440> [pid 88399] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199621> [pid 88396] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199806> [pid 88394] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199476> [pid 88395] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201959> [pid 88756] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500110> [pid 88754] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.499992> [pid 88753] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500263> [pid 88393] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201562> [pid 88401] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201403> [pid 88398] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201568> [pid 88402] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201315> [pid 88397] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199762> [pid 88391] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199369> [pid 88400] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.198765> [pid 88392] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199615> [pid 88399] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199672> [pid 88396] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199483> [pid 88394] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199557> [pid 88395] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.197320> [pid 88393] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.197946> [pid 88401] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.197545> [pid 88398] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.197752> [pid 88402] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.199767> [pid 88397] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.203388> [pid 88391] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.203017> [pid 88400] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.202625> [pid 88392] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.202657> [pid 88739] 10:27:54 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 330) = 0 <0.330842> [pid 88755] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.331305> [pid 88756] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.331346> [pid 88754] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.331369> [pid 88753] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.331527> [pid 88399] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.202803> [pid 88396] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.205121> [pid 88394] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.203103> [pid 88395] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201795> [pid 88817] 10:27:54 <... epoll_pwait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=20, u64=20}}], 1024, 7516, NULL, 8) = 1 <0.618674> [pid 88393] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.202231> [pid 88826] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.924642> [pid 88825] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.921700> [pid 88827] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.925501> [pid 88824] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.925026> [pid 88822] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.927149> [pid 88821] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.926914> [pid 88820] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.926862> [pid 88819] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.926688> [pid 88401] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.202038> [pid 88398] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.201953> [pid 88402] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.189666> [pid 88397] 10:27:54 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.181315> [pid 88754] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.166507> [pid 88755] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.166565> [pid 88756] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.166531> [pid 88391] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.373689> [pid 88409] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.113926> [pid 88400] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.358019> [pid 88408] 10:27:55 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.220472> [pid 88392] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.348418> [pid 88399] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.345780> [pid 88396] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.327877> [pid 88739] 10:27:55 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 192) = 0 <0.192598> [pid 88394] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.348219> [pid 88395] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.385244> [pid 88409] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.115640> [pid 88746] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.248622> [pid 88748] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.248374> [pid 88749] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.244597> [pid 88747] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.242697> [pid 88408] 10:27:55 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499700> [pid 88393] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.780689> [pid 88754] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.745095> [pid 88755] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.744788> [pid 88753] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.744859> [pid 88756] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.745007> [pid 88401] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.865046> [pid 88398] 10:27:55 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.880865> [pid 88752] 10:27:55 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=3, u64=3}}], 1024, 2333) = 1 <0.902505> [pid 88731] 10:27:55 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=28, u64=28}}], 1024, 1538) = 1 <0.902899> [pid 88391] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.989634> [pid 88392] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.997484> [pid 88408] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.498201> [pid 88739] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 397) = 0 <0.398445> [pid 88756] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500490> [pid 88755] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500425> [pid 88753] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500475> [pid 88754] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500552> [pid 88403] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.122853> [pid 88408] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.136405> [pid 88393] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.648105> [pid 88401] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.599054> [pid 88398] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.583079> [pid 88402] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.363910> [pid 88397] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.296780> [pid 88409] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.114156> [pid 88731] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 634) = 0 <0.637214> [pid 88403] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.113812> [pid 88739] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 499) = 0 <0.500600> [pid 88756] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500984> [pid 88755] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500998> [pid 88754] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501163> [pid 88753] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501384> [pid 88403] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.199953> [pid 88408] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499774> [pid 88391] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.745549> [pid 88409] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.472610> [pid 88400] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.731669> [pid 88392] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.750623> [pid 88403] 10:27:56 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.163319> [pid 88399] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.623397> [pid 88396] 10:27:56 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.623516> [pid 88409] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.124651> [pid 88731] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 598) = 0 <0.600819> [pid 88734] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.601867> [pid 88735] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.601852> [pid 88733] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.601874> [pid 88736] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.602043> [pid 88394] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.865207> [pid 88739] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 320) = 0 <0.321568> [pid 88754] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.416832> [pid 88756] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.416838> [pid 88755] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.416856> [pid 88753] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.417050> [pid 88403] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.180106> [pid 88401] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.980920> [pid 88398] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.974231> [pid 88409] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.339235> [pid 88402] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.959831> [pid 88408] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.477412> [pid 88397] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.966697> [pid 88391] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501515> [pid 88400] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501857> [pid 88739] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 191) = 0 <0.191603> [pid 88731] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=28, u64=28}}], 1024, 25789) = 1 <0.335074> [pid 88409] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.112674> [pid 88392] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.598926> [pid 88399] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.601470> [pid 88396] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.615616> [pid 88394] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.365405> [pid 88731] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 200) = 0 <0.201053> [pid 88739] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=3, u64=3}}], 1024, 307) = 1 <0.202381> [pid 88403] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.199959> [pid 88753] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.511644> [pid 88756] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.511655> [pid 88755] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.511514> [pid 88754] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.511663> [pid 88408] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.400387> [pid 88395] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.449195> [pid 88393] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.450490> [pid 88401] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.450649> [pid 88398] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.444178> [pid 88402] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.455831> [pid 88731] 10:27:57 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 100) = 0 <0.100560> [pid 88397] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.530686> [pid 88391] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.532495> [pid 88400] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.532623> [pid 88392] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.418932> [pid 88399] 10:27:57 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.415286> [pid 88739] 10:27:58 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 497) = 0 <0.498681> [pid 88756] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500617> [pid 88755] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500595> [pid 88753] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500745> [pid 88754] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.500792> [pid 88403] 10:27:58 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.566528> [pid 88396] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.786287> [pid 88739] 10:27:58 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 499) = 0 <0.501575> [pid 88755] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.502158> [pid 88754] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.502106> [pid 88756] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.502206> [pid 88753] 10:27:58 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.502347> [pid 88403] 10:27:58 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.598971> [pid 88403] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.165970> [pid 88409] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.105914> [pid 88739] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 433) = 0 <0.434790> [pid 88755] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.435380> [pid 88754] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.435529> [pid 88756] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.435505> [pid 88753] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.435563> [pid 88739] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=3, u64=3}}], 1024, 499) = 1 <0.150451> [pid 88408] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.335205> [pid 88394] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.566257> [pid 88395] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.431473> [pid 88401] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.431627> [pid 88393] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.432805> [pid 88409] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.354625> [pid 88408] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.164288> [pid 88739] 10:27:59 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 344) = 0 <0.345843> [pid 88756] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501187> [pid 88753] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501027> [pid 88755] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501114> [pid 88754] 10:27:59 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501346> [pid 88398] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.892394> [pid 88409] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.427464> [pid 88402] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.890468> [pid 88397] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.609260> [pid 88408] 10:28:00 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.419255> [pid 88403] 10:28:00 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.220649> [pid 88391] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.592576> [pid 88392] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.585664> [pid 88400] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.590553> [pid 88399] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.568462> [pid 88396] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.551168> [pid 88394] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.552616> [pid 88409] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.100387> [pid 88395] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.601194> [pid 88739] 10:28:00 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 499) = 0 <0.501232> [pid 88754] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501902> [pid 88756] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501773> [pid 88755] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501909> [pid 88753] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.502055> [pid 88401] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.753754> [pid 88393] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.765172> [pid 88398] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.317771> [pid 88402] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.328181> [pid 88397] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.339703> [pid 88391] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.355834> [pid 88392] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.375886> [pid 88400] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.386673> [pid 88399] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.401682> [pid 88396] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.399328> [pid 88408] 10:28:00 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499760> [pid 88394] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.467641> [pid 88395] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.613237> [pid 88403] 10:28:00 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.545798> [pid 88401] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.479592> [pid 88739] 10:28:00 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 499) = 0 <0.500603> [pid 88753] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501230> [pid 88756] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501111> [pid 88755] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501131> [pid 88754] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501284> [pid 88393] 10:28:00 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.617218> [pid 88403] 10:28:00 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=0, u64=0}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.200036> [pid 88398] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.650182> [pid 88408] 10:28:01 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.487273> [pid 88402] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.696563> [pid 88403] 10:28:01 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.148529> [pid 88397] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.764619> [pid 88391] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.831903> [pid 88403] 10:28:01 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.150634> [pid 88392] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.877598> [pid 88739] 10:28:01 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 442) = 0 <0.443607> [pid 88754] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.444189> [pid 88755] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.444066> [pid 88756] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.444218> [pid 88753] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.444387> [pid 88400] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.878375> [pid 88399] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.862827> [pid 88403] 10:28:01 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.200082> [pid 88394] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.977991> [pid 88408] 10:28:01 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.488462> [pid 88395] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.780703> [pid 88401] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.764874> [pid 88393] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.632276> [pid 88398] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.598162> [pid 88402] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.549999> [pid 88397] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.483869> [pid 88391] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.432626> [pid 88392] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.399441> [pid 88739] 10:28:01 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 499) = 0 <0.501444> [pid 88753] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.502057> [pid 88756] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501922> [pid 88754] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501954> [pid 88755] 10:28:01 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.502023> [pid 88403] 10:28:01 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.499975> [pid 88408] 10:28:02 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.491356> [pid 88400] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.749351> [pid 88739] 10:28:02 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 499) = 0 <0.501544> [pid 88755] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.502088> [pid 88754] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501914> [pid 88756] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501989> [pid 88753] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.502273> [pid 88408] 10:28:02 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.483611> [pid 88739] 10:28:02 <... epoll_wait resumed>[], 1024, 498) = 0 <0.500553> [pid 88756] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501029> [pid 88755] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501036> [pid 88754] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501177> [pid 88753] 10:28:02 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.501242> [pid 88408] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.484000> [pid 88408] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=4294967295, u64=18446744073709551615}}], 1024, -1) = 1 <0.226145> [pid 88739] 10:28:03 <... epoll_wait resumed>[{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLHUP, data={u32=3, u64=3}}], 1024, 452) = 1 <0.439038> [pid 88399] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.789562> [pid 88753] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.440707> [pid 88756] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.440589> [pid 88755] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.440548> [pid 88754] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.440706> [pid 88396] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.761110> [pid 88394] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.751739> [pid 88395] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.742646> [pid 88401] 10:28:03 <... futex resumed>) = 0 <0.659455> ```

But this output doesn't seem very informative to me 😅. So here is the full log

After the laptop is running for 1 hr or so, running zeditor launch time averages at 6-7 seconds.

One interesting behavior I caught when running zeditor with strace strace -ftT zeditor --foreground &> /tmp/zed_strace.log launches it much slower (maybe because of too much logging), but the theme I have in settings applies after a delay, as it launches with some light mode theme. Here is the clip demonstrating that:


This is not the case with normal launches.

Stefano299 commented 2 months ago

Does seem that way. So now the question is why :D. My suspicion is that this is coming from vulkan, but it does seem like we're probably doing this work more often than we need.

Is there any pattern of what happens before this in the logs? In the trace that you sent it looked like we were also connecting to the X server three times, though enumerating the PCI bus 4-5 times.

Feel free to just upload the log here if it's easier.

I'm sorry, I don't know how to send you the whole log.... I tried doing " > output.txt" but it didn't work. The output is too big and the beginning gets erased in the terminal window...

HarshNarayanJha commented 2 months ago

Does seem that way. So now the question is why :D. My suspicion is that this is coming from vulkan, but it does seem like we're probably doing this work more often than we need. Is there any pattern of what happens before this in the logs? In the trace that you sent it looked like we were also connecting to the X server three times, though enumerating the PCI bus 4-5 times. Feel free to just upload the log here if it's easier.

I'm sorry, I don't know how to send you the whole log.... I tried doing " > output.txt" but it didn't work. The output is too big and the beginning gets erased in the terminal window...

Actually, the whole output just gets logged to stdout and stderr, so you can't really redirect it to a file. You have to redirect both stdout and stderr using &> output.txt, just as I did

strace -ftT zeditor --foreground &> /tmp/zed_strace.log
Stefano299 commented 2 months ago

Thanks, this is the log: zed_strace.log

claytonwramsey commented 2 months ago

It looks like I had the same issue as well. Notably, this only occurred when I disabled the dedicated GPU on my hybrid-graphics laptop. Boot times are fine with the dedicated NVIDIA GPU enabled.

First, I disabled the dGPU with envycontrol:

sudo envycontrol -s integrated

Then, when running Zed, I saw the same startup issues. Here's an strace from running Zed:


Also, here's Zed.log.



## Hardware Information:
- **Hardware Model:**                              Dell Inc. XPS 15 9530
- **Memory:**                                      32.0 GiB
- **Processor:**                                   13th Gen Intel® Core™ i9-13900H × 20
- **Graphics:**                                    Intel® Graphics (RPL-P)
- **Disk Capacity:**                               (null)

## Software Information:
- **Firmware Version:**                            1.13.0
- **OS Name:**                                     Fedora Linux 40 (Workstation Edition)
- **OS Build:**                                    (null)
- **OS Type:**                                     64-bit
- **GNOME Version:**                               46
- **Windowing System:**                            Wayland
- **Kernel Version:**                              Linux 6.9.8-200.fc40.x86_64
HarshNarayanJha commented 2 months ago

Any updates?

lsrrd commented 1 month ago

It looks like I had the same issue as well. Notably, this only occurred when I disabled the dedicated GPU on my hybrid-graphics laptop. Boot times are fine with the dedicated NVIDIA GPU enabled.

To add to this in short: running my system on the iGPU (Intel) with my dGPU disabled with nvidia-utils installed (edit 1: from the arch repos) caused Zed to open in 15-20 seconds. Removing it, and Zed opens like normal. Installed the package again to double check I wasn't hallucinating and can reproduce it.

edit 2: As this is really not my area of expertise, I'm speculating and inferring somewhat. It seems to me the issue, in my instance at least, was the presence of multiple vulkan implementations (provided by vulkan-intel and nvidia-utils) where the GPU it wants to use (??) is not actually available. The Zed logs suggested it always ran on the iGPU.

Stefano299 commented 1 month ago

Can you please tell me how to uninstall nvidia utils?

HarshNarayanJha commented 1 month ago

@Stefano299 apt remove nvidia-utils I believe... you need to have the exact package name

pcrock-thmdo commented 1 month ago

To add to this in short: running my system on the iGPU (Intel) with my dGPU disabled with nvidia-utils installed (edit 1: from the arch repos) caused Zed to open in 15-20 seconds. Removing it, and Zed opens like normal. Installed the package again to double check I wasn't hallucinating and can reproduce it.

I can confirm this was the issue for me on Pop!_OS. I had a disabled NVIDIA GPU, was running on integrated graphics. However a boatload of NVIDIA packages were still installed on my machine. After purging them all (according to official instructions), zed launches instantly.

More specifically, a long time ago I ran this command to switch to integrated graphics:

sudo system76-power graphics integrated

and today I ran this to resolve the zed startup issue:

sudo apt purge ~nvidia
sudo apt autoremove
systemctl reboot