zed-industries / zed

Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
46.61k stars 2.64k forks source link

UI issue of REPL #15249

Closed failable closed 2 weeks ago

failable commented 1 month ago

Check for existing issues

Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it


The cross button is overlapped with the text.


Zed: v0.146.0 (Zed Preview) OS: macOS 14.5.0 Memory: 32 GiB Architecture: x86_64

If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help explain present your vision of the feature

No response

If applicable, attach your Zed.log file to this issue.


rgbkrk commented 1 month ago

Interesting. I don't know how to reproduce this, other than what appears to be line numbers turned off. What theme are you using? Any other settings I should be aware of?

failable commented 1 month ago

@rgbkrk Hello, I am not sure. Below is my whole setting

// Zed settings
// For information on how to configure Zed, see the Zed
// documentation: https://zed.dev/docs/configuring-zed
// To see all of Zed's default settings without changing your
// custom settings, run the `open default settings` command
// from the command palette or from `Zed` application menu.
  "language_models": {
    "openai": {}
  "show_wrap_guides": false,
  "projects_online_by_default": false,
  "theme": "One Light",
  "ui_font_size": 14,
  "ui_font_family": "Open Sans",
  "buffer_font_family": "DM Mono",
  "buffer_font_size": 12,
  "buffer_line_height": "standard",
  "default_dock_anchor": "expanded",
  "cursor_blink": false,
  "confirm_quit": true,
  "always_treat_brackets_as_autoclosed": true,
  "show_completion_documentation": false,
  "hover_popover_enabled": false,
  "extend_comment_on_newline": false,
  "features": {
    "inline_completion_provider": "copilot"
  "tabs": {
    "close_position": "left"
  "inlay_hints": {
    "enabled": false
  "collaboration_panel": {
    "button": false
  "chat_panel": {
    "button": false
  "notification_panel": {
    "button": false
  "outline_panel": {
    "button": false
  "assistant": {
    "default_model": {
      "provider": "openai",
      "model": "gpt-4o"
    "default_height": 360.0,
    "provider": null,
    "version": "2",
    "button": false,
    "default_width": 360
  "gutter": {
    "line_numbers": false,
    "code_actions": false,
    "folds": false,
    "runnables": false
  "toolbar": {
    "breadcrumbs": true,
    "quick_actions": false
  "tab_bar": {
    "show": false,
    "show_nav_history_buttons": false
  "task": {
    "show_status_indicator": false
  "git": {
    "inline_blame": {
      "enabled": false
    "git_gutter": "tracked_files"
  "project_panel": {
    "indent_size": 8,
    "button": false,
    "scrollbar": {
      "show": "never"
  "scrollbar": {
    "show": "never"
  "indent_guides": {
    "enabled": false
  "calls": {
    "mute_on_join": true,
    "share_on_join": false
  "journal": {
    "hour_format": "hour24"
  "languages": {
    "Python": {
      "format_on_save": "on",
      "formatter": {
        "external": {
          "command": "pyformat",
          "arguments": ["-"]
  "lsp": {
    "rust-analyzer": {
      "initialization_options": {
        "checkOnSave": {
          "command": "clippy"
        "completion": {
          "snippets": {
            "custom": {
              "main (tokio)": {
                "prefix": ["main_tokio"],
                "body": ["#[tokio::main]", "async fn main() {", "\t$0", "}"],
                "scope": "item"
              "todo!": {
                "prefix": ["t"],
                "body": ["todo!()$0"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "unimplemented!": {
                "prefix": ["u"],
                "body": ["unimplemented!()$0"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "vec!": {
                "prefix": ["v"],
                "body": ["vec![$0]"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "format!": {
                "prefix": ["f"],
                "body": ["format!(\"{}\", $0);"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "write!": {
                "prefix": ["w"],
                "body": ["write!(\"{}\", $0);"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "writeln!": {
                "prefix": ["wl"],
                "body": ["writeln!(\"{}\", $0);"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "println!": {
                "prefix": ["p"],
                "body": ["println!(\"{}\", $0);"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "println! (debug)": {
                "prefix": ["dp"],
                "body": ["println!(\"{:?}\", $0);"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "println! (pretty)": {
                "prefix": ["dpp"],
                "body": ["println!(\"{:#?}\", $0);"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "thread::spawn": {
                "prefix": ["spawn"],
                "body": ["thread::spawn(move || {", "\t$0", "});"],
                "requires": ["std::thread"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "AsRef<Path>": {
                "prefix": ["ap"],
                "body": ["AsRef<Path>$0"],
                "requires": ["std::path::Path"],
                "scope": "expr"
              "derive": {
                "prefix": ["d"],
                "body": ["#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]$0"],
                "scope": "item"
              "derive (serde)": {
                "prefix": ["ds"],
                "body": ["#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]$0"],
                "requires": ["serde::Serialize", "serde::Deserialize"],
                "scope": "item"
              "thiserror": {
                "prefix": ["te"],
                "body": [
                  "#[derive(Error, Debug)]",
                  "pub enum ${1:Error} {",
                "requires": ["thiserror::Error"],
                "scope": "item"
              "thiserror (error)": {
                "prefix": ["e"],
                "body": ["#[error(\"$0\")]"],
                "scope": "item"
  "terminal": {
    "button": false,
    "blinking": "off",
    "line_height": "standard",
    "env": {
      "EDITOR": "zed --wait"
  "telemetry": {
    "diagnostics": false,
    "metrics": false
  // // Rose Pine Dawn
  // "experimental.theme_overrides": {
  //   // "status_bar.background": "#F9F4EE",
  //   "status_bar.background": "#FDF9F3",
  //   "title_bar.background": "#FDF9F3",
  //   // "tab_bar.background": "#f6f6f6",
  //   // "tab.inactive_background": "#f6f6f6",
  //   // "panel.background": "#fafafa",
  //   "border": "#EEEAE4",
  //   // "hint": "#bbbbbb",
  //   // "editor.active_line.background": "#aaaaaa0f",
  //   // "ghost_element.selected": "#f1f1f1",
  //   // "ghost_element.hover": "#eaeaea",
  //   // "ghost_element.active": "#dadada",
  //   // "warning": "#ffa54fcc",
  //   "editor.background": "#FDF9F3",
  //   "editor.gutter.background": "#FDF9F3"
  //   // "text": "#454545",
  //   // "text.muted": "#aeaeae",
  //   // "elevated_surface.background": "#f6f6f6",
  //   // "border.variant": "#eaeaea",
  //   // "modified": "#eac351"
  //   // "modified": "#f9d978"
  // }
  // // Serendipity Morning
  // "experimental.theme_overrides": {
  //   "panel.background": "#FDFDFE",
  //   "border": "#F2F2F2",
  //   // "predictive": "#8388AD",
  //   "terminal.background": "#FDFDFE"
  // }
  // // Fleet Light
  // "experimental.theme_overrides": {
  //   "text.accent": "#a31d8d"
  // }
  // One Light
  "experimental.theme_overrides": {
    "status_bar.background": "#fafafa",
    "title_bar.background": "#fafafa",
    "tab_bar.background": "#f6f6f6",
    "tab.inactive_background": "#f6f6f6",
    "panel.background": "#fafafa",
    "border": "#f2f2f2f2",
    "border.variant": "#eaeaea",
    "hint": "#bbbbbbf0",
    "editor.active_line.background": "#aaaaaa0f",
    "ghost_element.selected": "#f1f1f1",
    "ghost_element.hover": "#eaeaea",
    "ghost_element.active": "#dadada",
    "warning": "#ffa54fcc",
    "background": "#fafafa",
    "text": "#454545",
    "text.muted": "#aeaeae",
    "elevated_surface.background": "#f6f6f6",
    "modified": "#eac351"
    // "modified": "#f9d978"
  // Xcode
  // "experimental.theme_overrides": {
  //   "status_bar.background": "#fdfdfd",
  //   "title_bar.background": "#fdfdfd",
  //   "tab_bar.background": "#fafafa",
  //   "tab.inactive_background": "#fdfdfd",
  //   "panel.background": "#fefefe",
  //   "border": "#f0f0f0",
  //   "hint": "#cdcdcd"
  // }
  // // Xcode Bare
  // "experimental.theme_overrides": {
  //   "status_bar.background": "#ffffffff",
  //   "title_bar.background": "#ffffffff",
  //   "tab_bar.background": "#fafafa",
  //   "tab.inactive_background": "#fdfdfd",
  //   "panel.background": "#ffffffff",
  //   "border": "#fafafaff",
  //   "border.variant": "#f0f0f0ff",
  //   "hint": "#10618cff",
  //   "elevated_surface.background": "#f8f8f8ff"
  // }
failable commented 1 month ago

@rgbkrk The issue seems to happen when the gutter is hidden, e.g.

  "gutter": {
    "line_numbers": false,
    "code_actions": false,
    "folds": false,
    "runnables": false

If it is shown, the UI looks like


rgbkrk commented 3 weeks ago

Ok we improved how this is styled which will make it easier to fix this one. https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/pull/16308

I think with some simple changes it looks ok, but it might be better to just move the close button to the right when the gutter bits are disabled:


failable commented 1 week ago

@rgbkrk Hello, it seems there are still some issues with the UI (with gutter hidden). If the mouse is hovered on the button, we can see the button is overlapped with the first character of the output.

Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 14 49 00 Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 14 50 01
Zed: v0.150.3 (Zed Preview)
OS: macOS 14.6.1
Memory: 32 GiB
Architecture: x86_64
rgbkrk commented 1 week ago

Not much gutter left! We could just not put the button in at all if someone had disabled all the UI affordance area we need.

failable commented 1 week ago

No button is OK, but I wish we can