zed-industries / zed

Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
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Zed refuses to use GPU (Nvidia) WSL 2 #15295

Open brys0 opened 4 months ago

brys0 commented 4 months ago

Check for existing issues

Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it

wsl -v

WSL version:
Kernel version:
WSLg version: 1.0.61
MSRDC version: 1.2.5326
Direct3D version: 1.611.1-81528511
DXCore version: 10.0.26091.1-240325-1447.ge-release
Windows version: 10.0.22631.3880

Tried the regular ver. of zed as well zed --version

Zed  preview 0.146.0 

Attempting to run zed results in it using the llvmpipe software renderer and not my dedicated gpu.

To attempt and resolve this I have tried the following


WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only.
Selected GPU 0: Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER), type: 2

This works, gpu is dedicated correctly and used in the application.


Fri Jul 26 10:47:57 2024
| NVIDIA-SMI 550.90.07              Driver Version: 556.12         CUDA Version: 12.5     |
| GPU  Name                 Persistence-M | Bus-Id          Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp   Perf          Pwr:Usage/Cap |           Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                                         |                        |               MIG M. |
|   0  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 ...    On  |   00000000:01:00.0  On |                  N/A |
| 22%   55C    P0             61W /  250W |    1796MiB /   8192MiB |      3%      Default |
|                                         |                        |                  N/A |

| Processes:                                                                              |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                              GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                               Usage      |
|    0   N/A  N/A        35      G   /Xwayland                                   N/A      |

vulkaninfo (truncated)

Presentable Surfaces:
GPU id : 0 (Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER)):
        Surface types: count = 2
        Formats: count = 2
                        format = FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB
                        colorSpace = COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR
                        format = FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
                        colorSpace = COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR
        Present Modes: count = 4

MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=list zed --foreground

selectable devices:
  GPU 0: 10de:1e81 "Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER)" discrete GPU
  GPU 1: 10005:0 "llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits)" CPU

Things I've tried:

Running zed with DRI_PRIME=1 Running zed with MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=10de:1e81 (my gpu id) Running zed with MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT_FORCE_DEFAULT_DEVICE=1 (Running zed with this causes the application not to display at all, the logs are similar as well) Running zed with VK_ICD_FILENAMES=nvidia_icd.json Running zed with WAYLAND_DISPLAY=''

Additional steps I've tried:

Restarting computer Restarting WSL Reinstalling Ubuntu WSL from scratch Installing CUDA drivers on Windows and Linux Reinstalling mesa on Linux



Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB Device ID 0F91E45C-0632-495F-9E08-DC08052333DE Product ID 00330-80000-00000-AA933 System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

GPU Settings nvcplui_63pmFZRPdY


            .-/+oossssoo+/-.               brys0@brys
        `:+ssssssssssssssssss+:`           ----------
      -+ssssssssssssssssssyyssss+-         OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS on Windows 10 x86_64
    .ossssssssssssssssssdMMMNysssso.       Kernel:
   /ssssssssssshdmmNNmmyNMMMMhssssss/      Uptime: 9 mins
  +ssssssssshmydMMMMMMMNddddyssssssss+     Packages: 818 (dpkg), 6 (snap)
 /sssssssshNMMMyhhyyyyhmNMMMNhssssssss/    Shell: bash 5.1.16
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss.   Theme: Adwaita [GTK3]
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+   Icons: Adwaita [GTK3]
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso   Terminal: Windows Terminal
ossyNMMMNyMMhsssssssssssssshmmmhssssssso   CPU: Intel i7-9700K (8) @ 3.600GHz
+sssshhhyNMMNyssssssssssssyNMMMysssssss+   GPU: b46e:00:00.0 Microsoft Corporation Device 008e
.ssssssssdMMMNhsssssssssshNMMMdssssssss.   Memory: 546MiB / 15954MiB

If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help explain present your vision of the feature


If applicable, attach your Zed.log file to this issue.


2024-07-26T13:13:18.418476216-05:00 [INFO] ========== starting zed ==========
2024-07-26T13:13:18.427655516-05:00 [INFO] Compositor detection: _NET_WM_CM_S?=false, _NET_WM_CM_OWNER=false, _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK=true
2024-07-26T13:13:18.427801716-05:00 [INFO] x11: compositor present: true, gtk_frame_extents_supported: false
2024-07-26T13:13:18.438767016-05:00 [INFO] Opening main db
2024-07-26T13:13:18.440276416-05:00 [INFO] Using git binary path: None
2024-07-26T13:13:18.471715916-05:00 [INFO] extensions updated. loading 1, reloading 0, unloading 0
2024-07-26T13:13:18.472276016-05:00 [INFO] set environment variables from shell:/bin/bash, path:/home/brys0/.local/bin:/home/brys0/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/wsl/lib:/mnt/c/Program Files/ImageMagick-7.1.1-Q16-HDRI:/mnt/c/Program Files/Common Files/Oracle/Java/javapath:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v12.2/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v12.2/libnvvp:/mnt/c/Program Files/Java/jdk-17/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v12.1/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v12.1/libnvvp:/mnt/c/Windows/system32:/mnt/c/Windows:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/Wbem:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/:/mnt/c/Program Files/dotnet/:/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/PhysX/Common:/mnt/c/Program Files/GitHub CLI/:/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/FAHClient:/mnt/c/Strawberry/c/bin:/mnt/c/Strawberry/perl/site/bin:/mnt/c/Strawberry/perl/bin:/mnt/c/ProgramData/chocolatey/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/.gpg/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/pnpm:/mnt/d/v/.bin:/mnt/l/v/.bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Program Files/JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEA/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/go/bin:/mnt/c/adb:/mnt/c/Program Files/LLVM/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/FileDrop:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/Nsight Compute 2023.2.0/:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Roaming/nvm:/mnt/c/Program Files/nodejs:/mnt/c/Program Files/Go/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/Git/cmd:/mnt/c/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA App/NvDLISR:/mnt/c/Program Files/PowerShell/7/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Cloudflare/Cloudflare WARP/:/mnt/c/Program Files/Tailscale/:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/.cargo/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38/Scripts/:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38/:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/pnpm:/mnt/d/v:/mnt/l/v/L:/v:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps:/mnt/c/Program Files/JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEA/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/go/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Roaming/npm:/mnt/c/mingw64/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Roaming/nvm:/mnt/c/Program Files/nodejs:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/go/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/bin:/mnt/c/Program Files/qemu:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/cmdline-tools/latest/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/.dotnet/tools:/mnt/l/UnLockCatch/tools/vcruntime:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/.bun/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/GitHubDesktop/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/Packages/PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0/LocalCache/local-packages/Python310/Scripts:/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Nmap:/mnt/c/cygwin64/bin:/mnt/c/Users/bryso/AppData/Local/atom-ng/bin:/snap/bin
2024-07-26T13:13:18.472719816-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.472907316-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.472934116-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.571051016-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.572132616-05:00 [INFO] activate is not implemented on Linux, ignoring the call
2024-07-26T13:13:18.572268616-05:00 [INFO] Opening main db
2024-07-26T13:13:18.573790116-05:00 [INFO] Using Visual { id: 73, colormap: 0, depth: 32 }
2024-07-26T13:13:18.573831716-05:00 [INFO] Creating colormap 6291459
2024-07-26T13:13:18.634600316-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.634656516-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.634679516-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.634700416-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.634722116-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.712598616-05:00 [INFO] Enabling color space support
2024-07-26T13:13:18.905278916-05:00 [WARN] Rejected for device extension "VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block" not supported
2024-07-26T13:13:18.906456416-05:00 [INFO] Adapter "llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits)"
2024-07-26T13:13:18.906482516-05:00 [INFO] Ray tracing is supported
2024-07-26T13:13:18.915122116-05:00 [INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
2024-07-26T13:13:18.916431816-05:00 [WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
2024-07-26T13:13:18.918517316-05:00 [INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 16 sets
2024-07-26T13:13:18.918544316-05:00 [INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 16 sets
2024-07-26T13:13:18.918564316-05:00 [INFO] Initializing Blade pipelines for surface SurfaceInfo { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, alpha: Ignored }
2024-07-26T13:13:18.937097416-05:00 [INFO] Refreshing at 6948 micros
2024-07-26T13:13:18.937243016-05:00 [INFO] x11: no compositor present, falling back to server-side window decorations
2024-07-26T13:13:18.937959116-05:00 [INFO] Using GPU: GPUSpecs { is_software_emulated: true, device_name: "llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits)", driver_name: "llvmpipe", driver_info: "Mesa 24.1.4 - kisak-mesa PPA (LLVM 15.0.7)" }
2024-07-26T13:13:18.979880716-05:00 [ERROR] DBus error zbus error I/O error: No such file or directory (os error 2)
2024-07-26T13:13:18.980698116-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.980846316-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.981251116-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:18.981620916-05:00 [INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed
2024-07-26T13:13:18.982596016-05:00 [INFO] Opening main db
2024-07-26T13:13:19.008659616-05:00 [INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
2024-07-26T13:13:19.010129216-05:00 [ERROR] no worktrees when constructing ProjectLspAdapterDelegate
2024-07-26T13:13:19.032219516-05:00 [WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
2024-07-26T13:13:19.103651916-05:00 [INFO] starting language server. binary path: "/home/brys0/.local/share/zed/node/node-v22.5.1-linux-x64/bin/node", working directory: "/", args: ["/home/brys0/.local/share/zed/copilot/copilot-v0.5.0/dist/agent.js", "--stdio"]
2024-07-26T13:13:19.523031715-05:00 [INFO] Language server with id 0 sent unhandled notification LogMessage:
  "level": 0,
  "message": "[DEBUG] [agent] [2024-07-26T18:13:19.519Z] Agent service starting",
  "metadataStr": "[DEBUG] [agent] [2024-07-26T18:13:19.519Z]",
  "extra": [
    "Agent service starting"
2024-07-26T13:13:19.524996815-05:00 [INFO] Language server with id 0 sent unhandled notification client/registerCapability:
  "registrations": [
      "id": "5e9e6f7b-45ed-44b5-82ad-3ca36ad10476",
      "method": "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders",
      "registerOptions": {}
2024-07-26T13:13:19.579037315-05:00 [INFO] Language server with id 0 sent unhandled notification LogMessage:
  "level": 0,
  "message": "[DEBUG] [agent] [2024-07-26T18:13:19.542Z] Telemetry initialized",
  "metadataStr": "[DEBUG] [agent] [2024-07-26T18:13:19.542Z]",
  "extra": [
    "Telemetry initialized"
2024-07-26T13:13:20.859572514-05:00 [ERROR] Failed to open with dbus: ZBus Error: I/O error: No such file or directory (os error 2)

Here are the logs just running with WAYLAND_DISPLAY=''' Zed.log

Zed_MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT&DRI_PRIME.log, Unsupported GPU, but window is displayed

There are no logs at all when MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT_FORCE_DEFAULT_DEVICE=1 is set. No logs are created in .local/share/zed/logs/Zed.log

Logs in console are the following:


WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only.

With VK_ICD_FILENAMES=nvidia_icd.json as well logs return an error from blade_graphics::hal::init


[2024-07-26T13:00:06-05:00 ERROR blade_graphics::hal::init] Instance extension "VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2" is not supported
Person-Who-Exists commented 4 months ago

I have also started having this same exact issue on my arch Linux install. Probably NVIDIA causing more issues.

king-11 commented 4 months ago

does regular zed even work in wsl 2?

brys0 commented 4 months ago

does regular zed even work in wsl 2?

No, which is what I said in my issue as well. I tried both regular and preview and neither worked.

jonbri commented 4 months ago

In WSL, I was able to get past the error popup with ZED_ALLOW_EMULATED_GPU=1

zhaoyuheng200 commented 3 months ago

In WSL, I was able to get past the error popup with ZED_ALLOW_EMULATED_GPU=1

ZED_ALLOW_EMULATED_GPU=1 removes the error popup by acknowledging "using a emulated GPU is find by me", but it doesn't solve the issue that zed is using an emulated GPU

sunflower-knight commented 3 months ago

I have the same problem , zed dont use nvidia gpu in wsl2 , even though I unset wayland ; And when I use glxinfo -B too see gpu infomation , Nvidia Gpu is working , But zed didn't use it when I open zed

apestel commented 2 months ago

I think I've been down the rabbit hole...

TLDR; it's not a direct issue with Zed but with Blade the Vulkan library used by Zed which require a Vulkan extension called VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block like OP mentionned in the former post. Our first hope is a support in Dozen/Mesa for this extension to use our GPU.

Zed is not using your nvidia GPU under WSL2 because the Mesa/Dozen Vulkan implementation which is a passthrough to Direct3D12 lack of VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block extension.

This command show the issue: VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/dzn_icd.x86_64.json RUST_LOG='blade_graphics=debug' ./zed --foreground . [2024-09-07T20:26:17+02:00 INFO blade_graphics::hal::init] Enabling Vulkan Portability WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. [2024-09-07T20:26:18+02:00 INFO blade_graphics::hal::init] Adapter: "Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090)" [2024-09-07T20:26:18+02:00 WARN blade_graphics::hal::init] Rejected for device extension "VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block" not supported. Please update the driver! [2024-09-07T20:26:18+02:00 INFO blade_graphics::hal::init] Adapter: "Microsoft Direct3D12 (AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics)" [2024-09-07T20:26:18+02:00 WARN blade_graphics::hal::init] Rejected for device extension "VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block" not supported. Please update the driver! error opening [PathWithPosition { path: "/home/adrien/.local/zed.app/bin", row: None, column: None }]: NoSupportedDeviceFound

And now it makes more sense. If you want to check which driver implement which extension: $ vulkaninfo

When looking at Blade, the Vulkan library used by Zed, it's written: On Vulkan we'll require certain features to make the translation simple:

I'm now looking at Dozen which was merged two years ago in Mesa if and when the missing VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block will be implemented. I'll let you know if I find something new. 😅

brys0 commented 2 months ago

I think I've been down the rabbit hole...

TLDR; it's not a direct issue with Zed but with Blade the Vulkan library used by Zed which require a Vulkan extension called VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block like OP mentionned in the former post. Our first hope is a support in Dozen/Mesa for this extension to use our GPU.

Zed is not using your nvidia GPU under WSL2 because the Mesa/Dozen Vulkan implementation which is a passthrough to Direct3D12 lack of VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block extension.

This command show the issue: VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/dzn_icd.x86_64.json RUST_LOG='blade_graphics=debug' ./zed --foreground . [2024-09-07T20:26:17+02:00 INFO blade_graphics::hal::init] Enabling Vulkan Portability WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. WARNING: dzn is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only. [2024-09-07T20:26:18+02:00 INFO blade_graphics::hal::init] Adapter: "Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090)" [2024-09-07T20:26:18+02:00 WARN blade_graphics::hal::init] Rejected for device extension "VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block" not supported. Please update the driver! [2024-09-07T20:26:18+02:00 INFO blade_graphics::hal::init] Adapter: "Microsoft Direct3D12 (AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics)" [2024-09-07T20:26:18+02:00 WARN blade_graphics::hal::init] Rejected for device extension "VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block" not supported. Please update the driver! error opening [PathWithPosition { path: "/home/adrien/.local/zed.app/bin", row: None, column: None }]: NoSupportedDeviceFound

And now it makes more sense. If you want to check which driver implement which extension: $ vulkaninfo

When looking at Blade, the Vulkan library used by Zed, it's written: On Vulkan we'll require certain features to make the translation simple:

I'm now looking at Dozen which was merged two years ago in Mesa if and when the missing VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block will be implemented. I'll let you know if I find something new. 😅

Thank you seriously for all this.

chicagobuss commented 2 months ago

If it helps, I'm also getting the emulation in zed on WSL2 with a working Radeon 7900XT. vkcube works fine with all three of my available GPU options, and here is the list output:

:~$ MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=list zed --foreground
  GPU 0: 10005:0 "llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits)" CPU
  GPU 1: 1002:744c "Microsoft Direct3D12 (AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT)" discrete GPU
  GPU 2: 1002:164e "Microsoft Direct3D12 (AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics)" integrated GPU
# dedicated GPU
:~$ vkcube --gpu_number 0
Selected GPU 0: Microsoft Direct3D12 (AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT), type: 2

# emulated
:~$ vkcube --gpu_number 1
Selected GPU 1: llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits), type: 4

# dedicated integrated GPU
:~$ vkcube --gpu_number 2
Selected GPU 2: Microsoft Direct3D12 (AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics), type: 1

zed does work but it doesn't matter which GPU I try to select, it always uses emulation:


MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=1002:744c && zed --foreground .



chiddekel commented 3 weeks ago

https://github.com/microsoft/wslg/issues/40 Zed developers can contribute to this implementation of MESA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade

That brind d3d deveice to WSL 2 as mesa. So GPU ZED layer can by develop for WSL2 separately - for Ubuntu on WSL2.