zed-industries / zed

Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
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Zed Editor Window Invisible #15673

Open BinaryNerd01 opened 1 month ago

BinaryNerd01 commented 1 month ago

Check for existing issues

Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it

I have a RHEL 9.4 Linux system and installed the Zed editor using the command from the official website: curl -f https://zed.dev/install.sh | sh.

The installation was successful, and the app appeared on my home screen. However, when I launch the Zed editor, it opens with an invisible screen. Please see the screenshot below:


I would like to know how to resolve this issue and start using the application. I didn't expect this behaviour. I waited a long time for it to be available on Linux, and now that I finally tried using it, it isn't working.


Virtualization: vmware Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 (Plow) Kernel: Linux 5.14.0-427.22.1.el9_4.x86_64 Architecture: x86-64 package: 1469(rpm) Shell: bash Resolution: 1920x1080 Desktop Environment and Window Manager: GNOME CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8362 CPU @ 2.80GHz

If applicable, attach your ~/Library/Logs/Zed/Zed.log file to this issue.


[INFO] ========== starting zed ==========
[INFO] Compositor detection: _NET_WM_CM_S?=false, _NET_WM_CM_OWNER=false, _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK=true
[INFO] x11: compositor present: true, gtk_frame_extents_supported: true
[INFO] Try connect ibus
[INFO] perform;
[INFO] read_command;
[INFO] read_command;
[INFO] Opening main db
[INFO] socket reader;
[INFO] new;
[INFO] Using git binary path: None
[INFO] extensions updated. loading 1, reloading 0, unloading 0
[INFO] activate is not implemented on Linux, ignoring the call
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[INFO] Opening main db
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[INFO] perform;
[INFO] read_command;
[INFO] read_command;
[INFO] socket reader;
[INFO] XConnected server on 8388614, transport version: 0.0, TRANSPORT_MAX: 20
[INFO] Using Visual { id: 77, colormap: 0, depth: 32 }
[INFO] Creating colormap 31457283
[INFO] Enabling Vulkan Portability
[INFO] Enabling color space support
[INFO] Adapter "llvmpipe (LLVM 17.0.6, 256 bits)"
[INFO] No ray tracing extensions are supported
[INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
[INFO] set environment variables from shell:/bin/bash, path:/u01/home/BinaryNerd/.local/bin:/u01/home/BinaryNerd/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/u01/home/BinaryNerd/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts:/u01/home/BinaryNerd/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts:/u01/home/BinaryNerd/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts:/u01/home/BinaryNerd/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts:/u01/home/BinaryNerd/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts
[WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
[INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 16 sets
[INFO] Creating a descriptor pool for at most 16 sets
[INFO] Initializing Blade pipelines for surface SurfaceInfo { format: Bgra8UnormSrgb, alpha: Ignored }
[INFO] Refreshing at 16666 micros
[INFO] Using GPU: GPUSpecs { is_software_emulated: true, device_name: "llvmpipe (LLVM 17.0.6, 256 bits)", driver_name: "llvmpipe", driver_info: "Mesa 23.3.3 (LLVM 17.0.6)" }
[INFO] Using surface present mode MAILBOX
[WARN] Unable to forbid exclusive full screen
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[INFO] Opening main db
[INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
[ERROR] no worktrees when constructing ProjectLspAdapterDelegate
[INFO] Node runtime install_if_needed
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[INFO] keep_updated;
[INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[INFO] Initializing default prettier with plugins {}
[INFO] starting language server. binary path: "/u01/home/BinaryNerd/.local/share/zed/node/node-v22.5.1-linux-x64/bin/node", working directory: "/", args: ["/u01/home/BinaryNerd/.local/share/zed/copilot/copilot-v0.5.0/dist/agent.js", "--stdio"]
[WARN] request completed with error: failed to connect to the server
[INFO] Language server with id 0 sent unhandled notification LogMessage:
  "level": 0,
  "message": "[DEBUG] [agent] [2024-08-01T16:27:28.890Z] Agent service starting",
  "metadataStr": "[DEBUG] [agent] [2024-08-01T16:27:28.890Z]",
  "extra": [
    "Agent service starting"
[INFO] Language server with id 0 sent unhandled notification client/registerCapability:
  "registrations": [
      "method": "workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders",
      "registerOptions": {}
[INFO] Language server with id 0 sent unhandled notification LogMessage:
  "level": 0,
  "message": "[DEBUG] [agent] [2024-08-01T16:27:28.914Z] Telemetry initialized",
  "metadataStr": "[DEBUG] [agent] [2024-08-01T16:27:28.914Z]",
  "extra": [
    "Telemetry initialized"
[ERROR] DBus error Prompt was dismissed

JosephTLyons commented 1 month ago

Hey @BinaryNerd01, we've had a few other issues similar to this - do either of these feel like they cover what you are experiencing? If so, I'll close this one, in favor of one of those, to keep everything in one spot. Thanks!

BinaryNerd01 commented 1 month ago

Linking this issue didn't solve my problem. No solutions were proposed for the mentioned issue.

JosephTLyons commented 1 month ago

Those haven't been solved yet, I'm just trying to consolidate potentially-identical issues.

BinaryNerd01 commented 1 month ago

Any ETA on this?

alyraffauf commented 1 month ago

hey, jumping in: not sure it's the same as either of those issues, but there is definitely something going on here. I'm on NixOS + Hyprland (also tried Sway) and nothing can seem to match the desktop file to the window when opened. so, if I use rofi in window mode to swap menus, it looks like this: image

Most other apps are readily matched to their desktop files, so they have an icon and reasonable name set. Not so with zed. My first thought is that it perhaps is not setting the right class in the desktop file? Which could prevent it from matching to the appropriate icon etc. Here's a selection from the out put of hyprctl clients:

Window c473680 -> settings.nix — nixcfg:
    mapped: 1
    hidden: 0
    at: 8,40
    size: 1424,852
    workspace: 2 (code)
    floating: 0
    pseudo: 0
    monitor: 0
    class: dev.zed.Zed
    title: settings.nix — nixcfg
    initialClass: dev.zed.Zed
    initialTitle: nixcfg
    pid: 1479692
    xwayland: 0
    pinned: 0
    fullscreen: 0
    fullscreenmode: 0
    fakefullscreen: 0
    grouped: 0
    swallowing: 0
    focusHistoryID: 1

That said, I can open and use zed no problem. It's just this that seems to be the issue--perhaps @BinaryNerd01 could clarify if the window is showing up on their Gnome workspace, even if the preview is missing? I am not sure these issues are related but it may be worth figuring out which is which.

notpeter commented 4 weeks ago

@BinaryNerd01 I'm not super familiar with the RHEL release cycle, could you provide some info about your setup? Specifically

@alyraffauf As the first person I've seen report this on NixOS, could you do the same?

stevenhaggerty commented 3 weeks ago

Hi folks,

I have the same thing on a vanilla Ubuntu install (kernel 6.8.0-40-generic) Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Vulkan v1.3.204 on a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

Invisible window, shows up in activities, but only Quit works. "New Window" & "Open a new workspace" result in a "busy" mouse pointer.

notpeter commented 3 weeks ago

@stevenhaggerty Can you try the workaround listed in this comment to see if it helps?

stevenhaggerty commented 3 weeks ago

"sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" - Allows Zed to run.

Unfortunately it looks like my 1050Ti will no longer cut it, as it tells me it's unsupported and performance will be bad.

Thanks for your help.
