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Test runner integration #5242

Open chriskrycho opened 2 years ago

chriskrycho commented 2 years ago

Check for existing issues

Is your feature request related to a problem?

Other editors and IDEs (e.g. IntelliJ, Code, Visual Studio, Nova, Xcode, etc.) have the ability to put test results in a panel and often to run specific tests from a gutter indicator as well as the panel. Bonus: showing test results inline.

Describe the solution you'd like

If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help present your vision of the feature

Here's how VS code presents a test you can run directly inline via the gutter:

Screen Shot 2022-08-18 at 8 24 02 AM

And here's its testing panel:

Screen Shot 2022-08-18 at 8 24 20 AM
iamnbutler commented 1 year ago

@chriskrycho From the design side this is a pretty giant task – A few questions:

FYI we probably won't work on this immediately, just trying to get ahead of design here.

chriskrycho commented 1 year ago

@iamnbutler sorry for the delay in response—busy couple of weeks!

One additional note: I wouldn’t say it’s truly an MVP hard requirement to have the test runner integrate with debugger tools… but it’s pretty close. Debug-stepping through a failing test is super helpful.

w01fgang commented 1 year ago

For me having Wallaby.js is a game changer.

ojkelly commented 1 year ago

VS Code with Go has the best IDE testing feedback loop I've ever used. Everything else seems to have difference pieces of the puzzle, for me this includes the following:

And then the following are the game changers, that I don't think fit into a minimal feature set, but let me move faster:

I found line highlighting of test coverage much easier to grok that gutters. That might be a matter of preference between engineers, like debug-stepping which I've never found helpful.

I think most languages and frameworks can be supported without much extra work, if you're able to build on VS Code's Testing API (like the LSP).

tomekowal commented 11 months ago

Is there a minimal set of features to make a test runner useful, or is it an all or nothing sort of feature?

I believe Spacemacs has a pretty minimalistic approach

  1. Define keybinding for
    • run test under cursor
    • run tests in the current file
    • run all tests in a project
    • re-run the previous test command (one of those above)
  2. New buffer with test results (possibly could send a command to the terminal and reuse terminal window)
  3. Allow clicking on stacktrace in test result to get back to code that produced it

It would probably save some time on adding the whole UI with test selection pane including checkmarks and buttons.

This minimal set of features enables quick test driven development:

  1. Write a new test
  2. Run and see it red
  3. Iterate over code while constantly hitting "re-run previous test command"
  4. See it green and go to 1.
kellyfelkins commented 10 months ago

Also, the ability to navigate between tests and test subjects.

In intellij, this is cmd-shift-t. It bounces you from the source file to the test file and vice versa. If the destination file is already open, moves you to that tab.

baldwindavid commented 8 months ago

The minimal keyboard-driven set of features that @tomekowal mentions are the only ones that I even care to use, so that's what I'd love to see as well. But really anything that makes it a little more possible to run a given test would be a welcome addition.

As of right now the closest I've found is editor::CopyRelativePath to copy the path and then paste alongside the test command in the terminal (e.g. mix test test/myapp/mytest.exs). Not ideal, but I can run a test file with this. A helpful small step might be adding a keybinding (e.g. editor::CopyRelativePathAndLineNumber) to get the path AND line number as test/myapp/mytest.exs:42 so that a test under cursor can be targeted.

PJUllrich commented 8 months ago

I mentioned this before in https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/4913 but it would be great to be able to define my own keybindings to run 1. all tests in the current file 2. only the test currently focused on 3. all tests of the project.

In VSCode, I achieve this with custom tasks.json commands. If Zed would allow me to run CLI commands from custom keybindings, that'd fix already this issue for me.

derekperkins commented 7 months ago

One of my favorite features in Goland (IntelliJ) is that there isn't just top-level test integration, but per case integration if you are using table tests. I haven't seen that in VS Code, but maybe there's some plugin for it. That makes it even easier to run just an individual test by clicking the run icon in the gutter. https://www.jetbrains.com/help/go/performing-tests.html


coolemur commented 6 months ago

For VSCode I'm using https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Orta.vscode-jest for Jest tests.

Well, it works. And has useful view of tests with links to each test location. Might be something for inspiration.

tomekowal commented 6 months ago

For those waiting for a proper test runner. I was able to work around it using commands in zed preview: In ~/.config/zed/tasks.json

    "label": "test file",
    "command": "my-test-command",
    "args": ["$ZED_FILE"]
    "label": "test one",
    "command": "my-test-command",
    "args": ["$ZED_FILE", "$ZED_ROW"]

and then in ~/.confing/zed/keymap.json

    "bindings": {
      ", t t": ["task::Spawn", { "task_name": "test one" }],
      ", t b": ["task::Spawn", { "task_name": "test file" }]

That makes the issue less relevant for me.

niclas-j commented 4 months ago

For those waiting for a proper test runner. I was able to work around it using commands in zed preview: In ~/.config/zed/tasks.json

    "label": "test file",
    "command": "my-test-command",
    "args": ["$ZED_FILE"]
    "label": "test one",
    "command": "my-test-command",
    "args": ["$ZED_FILE", "$ZED_ROW"]

and then in ~/.confing/zed/keymap.json

    "bindings": {
      ", t t": ["task::Spawn", { "task_name": "test one" }],
      ", t b": ["task::Spawn", { "task_name": "test file" }]

That makes the issue less relevant for me.

Thanks for the suggestion. Managed to get vitest to test the current file on a simple keybind.

    "label": "Test current file",
    "command": "pnpm run test ${ZED_FILE}"

Then you can just bind the "Test current file" task as you mentioned above.

christian-gama commented 4 months ago

I've found a way to easily run my tests. I can run tests from a file or directly from the test file. For example, if I run the script inside the users.controller.ts file, it will automatically find the test related to this file as long as you're following the idiomatic approach of naming a test file which in this case would be users.controller.(spec|test|e2e-spec).ts. If no test files are found with the expected format, it will then run all the tests in the current directory.

Then I created a shortcut to run the tests by simply pressing space r t (I thought something like r for run and t for test).

The script is located at .zed/ folder in my project workspace, so I can easily adjust the script to other languages or projects in the future.



dirname=$(dirname $filename)
basename=$(basename $filename)


function makeArgs() {
    args=(run test --detectOpenHandles --silent=false --verbose $1)
    echo "${args[@]}"


for ext in e2e-spec.ts spec.ts test.ts; do
    if [ -f $dirname/$base.$ext ]; then
        echo $dirname/$base.$ext
        $cmd $(makeArgs $dirname/$base.$ext)
        exit $?

pnpm run test --detectOpenHandles --silent=false --verbose $dirname

exit $?


        "label": "Test",
        "command": "$ZED_WORKTREE_ROOT/.zed/test.sh",
        "use_new_terminal": false,
        "reveal": "never"

For the shortcuts, I'm using this (note that I use Vim, so you may need to change the context): .zed/keymap.json

    "context": "VimControl && !VimWaiting && !menu",
    "bindings": {
      "space r t": ["task::Spawn", { "task_name": "Test" }]
kcamcam commented 4 months ago

If this helps anyone this is how I got it working with RSpec (Ruby):

  "label": "RSpec",
  "command": "bundle exec rspec",
  "args": ["$ZED_FILE:$ZED_ROW"],
  "tags": ["rspec-test"]
GrxE commented 3 months ago

Here is my solution for just one test in Rust. Select the test-fn´s name and then it runs the selected test. Unfortunately it does not recognize if several tests are selected with a multiselection. Add in tasks.json :

    "label": "Run Test selected",
    "command": "cargo test $ZED_SELECTED_TEXT",
    "use_new_terminal": true,
    "allow_concurrent_runs": true

and in keymap.json:

    "context": "Workspace",
    "bindings": {
      "ctrl-r": ["task::Spawn", { "task_name": "Run Test selected" }]
JosephTLyons commented 3 months ago

Just to update this issue for any users who haven't been in Zed for awhile - we now have the ability to run tests in Zed, so long as your language extension provides the plumbing to inform Zed what a test is how to run it. You can run tests under your cursor, and we decorate the gutter with a run button next to the test. What we don't have yet is some test panel that shows all of the discovered tests.

Scalahansolo commented 3 months ago

On the latest version of Zed, I'm not seeing this for a Jest test in typescript. Are there specific issues(s) out there for various language services supporting this?

CleanShot 2024-06-06 at 10 41 59@2x

paulyoung commented 2 months ago

Can we customize keybindings for this?

MusaGillani commented 1 month ago

Just to update this issue for any users who haven't been in Zed for awhile - we now have the ability to run tests in Zed, so long as your language extension provides the plumbing to inform Zed what a test is how to run it. You can run tests under your cursor, and we decorate the gutter with a run button next to the test. What we don't have yet is some test panel that shows all of the discovered tests.

is there is anyway to change the default command in settings for the play button in the gutter?

tindzk commented 1 month ago

@MusaGillani Not to my knowledge, but you can change it in the sources. For example, I made the following local changes to use cargo-limit in Zed: https://gist.github.com/tindzk/4515c859182fa1bb9a0281582e303192

Perfectio07 commented 1 month ago

Yeah the play button does not work for me because it spawns a new terminal and runs python3 without my poetry environment, thus immediately failing the test due to imports. I looked around and was not able to find any way to spawn new terminals inside the venv. Alternatively, if we could change the command somehow, I could just prepend it with poetry run python3 and that would make it happy but I have no clue if thats even possible

nerder commented 1 month ago

Just to update this issue for any users who haven't been in Zed for awhile - we now have the ability to run tests in Zed, so long as your language extension provides the plumbing to inform Zed what a test is how to run it. You can run tests under your cursor, and we decorate the gutter with a run button next to the test. What we don't have yet is some test panel that shows all of the discovered tests.

How can we configure that? I our mono-repo the entry point is different from the top level package.json and we need to be able to configure it to execute correctly

cc @JosephTLyons