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Astro language server fails to start #8186

Closed BryanSchuetz closed 3 weeks ago

BryanSchuetz commented 3 months ago

Check for existing issues

Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it

The astro-language-server fails to start, here is the message from the log: 2024-02-22T05:22:18-05:00 [ERROR] failed to start language server "astro-language-server": Request initialize failed with message: Can't find typescript.js or tsserverlibrary.js in node_modules/typescript/lib


Zed: v0.123.2 (Zed) OS: macOS 14.1.0 Memory: 32 GiB Architecture: x86_64

If applicable, add mockups / screenshots to help explain present your vision of the feature

No response

If applicable, attach your ~/Library/Logs/Zed/Zed.log file to this issue.

If you only need the most recent lines, you can run the zed: open log command palette action to see the last 1000.

No response

Princesseuh commented 3 months ago

I'll note that even if you install typescript in your project, which does fix this particular error, the language server still fails to start with the following error:

2024-02-22T12:41:08+01:00 [ERROR] crates/lsp/src/lsp.rs:274: cannot read LSP message headers

and then every request looks like this:

2024-02-22T12:42:05+01:00 [WARN] Generic lsp request to @volar/language-server failed: server shut down

For the error in the OP, probably that Zed should use its own bundled version of TypeScript, just like it (presumably) does for the TypeScript language server. Or at least, emit a notification in the UI that the server failed to start with the error message.

joshrutkowski commented 3 months ago

Logs when attempting to test with cargo run --release in a new astro project (with typescript) via npm create astro@latest

[2024-02-25T09:17:26-07:00 ERROR util] crates/fs/src/repository.rs:101: Error { code: -9, klass: 4, message: "reference 'refs/heads/master' not found" }
[2024-02-25T09:17:53-07:00 ERROR util] crates/lsp/src/lsp.rs:276: cannot read LSP message headers
[2024-02-25T09:17:53-07:00 ERROR util] crates/editor/src/editor.rs:3655: oneshot canceled
[2024-02-25T09:17:53-07:00 ERROR util] crates/editor/src/editor.rs:3702: oneshot canceled
[2024-02-25T09:17:55-07:00 ERROR util] crates/lsp/src/lsp.rs:298: Broken pipe (os error 32)

Zed: v0.123.6 (Zed) OS: macOS 14.3.1 Memory: 32 GiB Architecture: aarch64 (m1 pro)

youngxhui commented 3 months ago

same problem, lsp not work in astro

Zed 0.123.6 macOS

maxbrunsfeld commented 3 months ago

/cc @alvgaona could you take a look at the chance if you get a chance?

alvgaona commented 3 months ago

@maxbrunsfeld I've been looking into it for the past few days. I have some changes attempting to fix it but haven't solved it yet. I'll create a draft PR.

JoltCode commented 3 months ago

Can repro as well, astro lsp doesn't work :( Zed 0.123.6

maxbrunsfeld commented 3 months ago

Can anyone share any details about the problem that they're seeing. Is anything notable showing up in the language server logs view, or the zed logs?

Princesseuh commented 3 months ago

Arf, so checking the logs more deeply it seems like it.. might be my fault. The language server is supposed to work even if no instance of Prettier is available, unfortunately a refactor for Volar's 2.0 caused it to throw. I fixed the issue here https://github.com/volarjs/services/pull/81

(though this definitely worked before, and that change was done some time ago now, I assume Zed might've previously provided Prettier to the language server?)

Moshyfawn commented 3 months ago

LSP logs for context.

stderr: /<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/volar-service-prettier/index.js:18
stderr: throw new Error("Could not load Prettier: " + e);
stderr: ^
stderr: Error: Could not load Prettier: Error: Cannot find module 'prettier'
stderr: Require stack:
stderr: - /<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/volar-service-prettier/index.js
stderr: - /<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/@astrojs/language-server/dist/languageServerPlugin.js
stderr: - /<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/@astrojs/language-server/dist/nodeServer.js
stderr: - /<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/@astrojs/language-server/bin/nodeServer.js
stderr: at Object.create (/<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/volar-service-prettier/index.js:18:23)
stderr: at createServiceContext (/<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/@volar/language-service/lib/languageService.js:156:65)
stderr: at createLanguageService (/<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/@volar/language-service/lib/languageService.js:39:21)
stderr: at Object.getLanguageService (/<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/@volar/language-server/lib/project/typescriptProject.js:74:76)
stderr: at sendDocumentDiagnostics (/<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/@volar/language-server/lib/server.js:278:66)
stderr: at async updateDiagnostics (/<user-path>/Library/Application Support/Zed/languages/astro-language-server/node_modules/@volar/language-server/lib/server.js:267:13)
stderr: Node.js v18.15.0
BryanSchuetz commented 3 months ago

Arf, so checking the logs more deeply it seems like it.. might be my fault. The language server is supposed to work even if no instance of Prettier is available, unfortunately a refactor for Volar's 2.0 caused it to throw. I fixed the issue here volarjs/services#81

(though this definitely worked before, and that change was done some time ago now, I assume Zed might've previously provided Prettier to the language server?)

This fix in Volar/Services still won't keep the LSP from looking for Typescript directly in the project though, right?

Princesseuh commented 3 months ago

Arf, so checking the logs more deeply it seems like it.. might be my fault. The language server is supposed to work even if no instance of Prettier is available, unfortunately a refactor for Volar's 2.0 caused it to throw. I fixed the issue here volarjs/services#81 (though this definitely worked before, and that change was done some time ago now, I assume Zed might've previously provided Prettier to the language server?)

This fix in Volar/Services still won't keep the LSP from looking for Typescript directly in the project though, right?

The client passes the path to TypeScript as an init parameter, so it doesn't have to be in the project I think so?

alvgaona commented 3 months ago

Arf, so checking the logs more deeply it seems like it.. might be my fault. The language server is supposed to work even if no instance of Prettier is available, unfortunately a refactor for Volar's 2.0 caused it to throw. I fixed the issue here volarjs/services#81 (though this definitely worked before, and that change was done some time ago now, I assume Zed might've previously provided Prettier to the language server?)

This fix in Volar/Services still won't keep the LSP from looking for Typescript directly in the project though, right?

The client passes the path to TypeScript as an init parameter, so it doesn't have to be in the project I think so?

We're passing the TypeScript path from node_modules/@astrojs/language-server, like other LSP servers such as Svelte and Vue.

BryanSchuetz commented 2 months ago

I see the fix to 'volar-service-prettier' has been merged. I updated it in my local copy—but I still see log messages from the language server about trouble with prettier:

2024-02-29T15:14:01-05:00 [INFO] Language server with id 1 sent unhandled notification window/showMessage:
  "message": "Couldn't load `prettier` or `prettier-plugin-astro`. Formatting will not work. Please make sure those two packages are installed into your project.",
  "type": 2
3ddyBoi commented 2 months ago

Is there anything I can do to fix this locally for me before it's properly fixed?

BryanSchuetz commented 2 months ago

@3ddyBoi I tried a couple things—but couldn't get it working. Hopefully someone that understands the problem will get it fixed soon. I noticed there was a bug fix related to prettier in the latest pre-release, but it doesn't seem to solve the problem with Astro LSP. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Princesseuh commented 2 months ago

Sorry for the delay, we're currently working on a lot of things at Astro and I haven't found time for an upstream fix for this.

FWIW, the upstream fix probably won't fix this fully, it fixes a "bad path" being worse than it should, and a fix on Zed's side could make this work right now.

I wonder if locally, installing typescript, prettier and prettier-plugin-astro into your project would make it work?

BryanSchuetz commented 2 months ago

Sorry for the delay, we're currently working on a lot of things at Astro and I haven't found time for an upstream fix for this.

No need to apologize—that's life on the bleeding edge. FWIW—I've tried installing those locally to the project, but no joy.

eur2 commented 2 months ago

@Princesseuh I'm using Astro with Zed without prettier and prettier-plugin-astro installed but it seems that Astro has them built-in. Does anyone have issue with auto-completion with <style/> included in .astro file?

Princesseuh commented 2 months ago

Hey, the upstream issue has been fixed and the server should not crash anymore when Prettier and the Astro plugin are not present. If it still doesn't work - the issue is most likely on Zed side, as it works in VS Code and Neovim.

Moshyfawn commented 2 months ago

I'm still seeing the Volar failure warnings, but the Astro server looks fine 🚀

[WARN] Generic lsp request to @volar/language-server failed: server shut down
[ERROR] crates/lsp/src/lsp.rs:327: Broken pipe (os error 32)
BryanSchuetz commented 2 months ago

FWIW, with "2.8.0" of the language-server I still see the same message in the logs:

2024-03-12T12:04:41-04:00 [INFO] Language server with id 1 sent unhandled notification window/showMessage: { "message": "Couldn't loadprettierorprettier-plugin-astro. Formatting will not work. Please make sure those two packages are installed into your project.", "type": 2 }

And still don't get any completions/code actions in astro templates.

Princesseuh commented 2 months ago

FWIW, with "2.8.0" of the language-server I still see the same message in the logs:

2024-03-12T12:04:41-04:00 [INFO] Language server with id 1 sent unhandled notification window/showMessage: { "message": "Couldn't loadprettierorprettier-plugin-astro. Formatting will not work. Please make sure those two packages are installed into your project.", "type": 2 }

And still don't get any completions/code actions in astro templates.

Yes, the message is normal, what was fixed is that it crashed previously when those packages were missing, when it should just warn (as it does in your log)

BryanSchuetz commented 2 months ago

OK, so I guess we're back to just not knowing why completions/linting aren't working.

BryanSchuetz commented 2 months ago

So... should I just close this in favor of a new issue around why there are no completions or linting in the Astro files?

Not really sure what to do—but it's hard to choose Zed over VSCode when working on my Astro projects at the moment because aside from syntax highlighting the Astro integration is not really doing much for me.

alvgaona commented 2 months ago

So... should I just close this in favor of a new issue around why there are no completions or linting in the Astro files?

Not really sure what to do—but it's hard to choose Zed over VSCode when working on my Astro projects at the moment because aside from syntax highlighting the Astro integration is not really doing much for me.

Hey, Bryan. I see you're hyped about Zed and that's awesome; remember Zed it's in its early stages and a lot of things are probably going on. Also, Astro support was added by Zed supporters like me, we just need to be patient.

This one looks pretty confusing but surely one of us will work it out.

BryanSchuetz commented 2 months ago

Honestly, wasn't trying to be pushy—I can just leave it I guess.

alvgaona commented 1 month ago

I don't have this issue, which is puzzling...

You do get autocompletion on .astro files?

CapitaineToinon commented 1 month ago

Facing the same issue. Color syntaxing and formatting works fine but I have no autocompletion on anything, not the script section or the html. The LSP server seems to just return empty completion for some reason. If I hit command space in an astro file, regardless of the content of the file I get this sort of messages:

// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"textDocument/didChange","params":{"textDocument":{"uri":"file:///project-path/src/pages/index.astro","version":10},"contentChanges":[{"range":{"start":{"line":6,"character":7},"end":{"line":6,"character":7}},"text":" "}]}}
// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Send:
// Receive:
// Receive:
// Receive:
// Receive:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Receive:
// Send:
// Receive:

So I'm not sure where to look since it seems to be working, just returning empty results for everything.

This is on Zed 0.133.5

imkarthikk commented 3 weeks ago

I don't have this issue, which is puzzling...

You do get autocompletion on .astro files?

Nope. Autocomplete won't work because of this issue. The LSP seems to fail, and wondering when this could be fixed.

Princesseuh commented 3 weeks ago

We're working on something upstream that might fix this (mostly by coincidence), but I can't guarantee anything

imkarthikk commented 3 weeks ago

We're working on something upstream that might fix this (mostly by coincidence), but I can't guarantee anything

That's great. Thank you for your work. Can't wait to get rid of the other editor for Zed.

Princesseuh commented 3 weeks ago

Last version published just now seems to work:

imkarthikk commented 3 weeks ago

Last version published just now seems to work:


Thank you for your work Erika. :)

alvgaona commented 3 weeks ago

@maxbrunsfeld I think this issue can be closed now. @Princesseuh fixed it upstream and now seems to work. Checked the logs and nothing strange in it.

BryanSchuetz commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @Princesseuh for the fix!