zedeus / nitter

Alternative Twitter front-end
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
9.92k stars 530 forks source link

nitter.net certificate expired on 15:08:30 GMT #1155

Open IdfbAn opened 7 months ago

TheHCJ commented 7 months ago

Luckily, this doesn't impact usability due to the removal of guest accounts #1154

serhiisp commented 7 months ago

Luckily, this doesn't impact usability due to the removal of guest accounts #1154

"You cannot visit nitter.net right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later."

TheHCJ commented 7 months ago

Luckily, this doesn't impact usability due to the removal of guest accounts #1154

"You cannot visit nitter.net right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later."

I mean't that the website doesn't even work 😅

zacanger commented 7 months ago

Not the first time: https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/issues/714#issuecomment-1297392803 is there any reason not not have certbot renew in crontab on the reference instance?

zedeus commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

cmj commented 7 months ago

yes. thank you for all your work.

zacanger commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

Just skimmed the other issues. This sucks, but wasn't really unexpected given the way X has been going. Thanks for all your work over the last 5 years.

BarbzYHOOL commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.


lolcatw commented 7 months ago

@zedeus Thank you for the service and the time you spent making this. Maintaining a project like this is very time consuming.

It's clear to me that the only path forward is gated communities, selfhosted on private networks. You did what you could and I commend you for that. Thanks again.

kurisufriend commented 7 months ago

there goes all my interaction with twitter as a website :D

Sqaaakoi commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

Thank you for your service. I like opening everything sent to me in incognito/private mode, and Nitter made the modern "Twitter" work for me properly. It had to happen eventually, and I'm sad it has, but forgetting about Twitter entirely is probably the best thing to do. I understand not wanting to fight against a lost cause of a website. Again, thank you.

Mr-Andersen commented 7 months ago

Thank you for making twitter bearable. Nitter will be missed

IdfbAn commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

Other instances (at least https://nitter.unixfox.eu) seem to still work, at least for me, so I don't think it's time to declare Nitter dead just yet.

TheHCJ commented 7 months ago

Thank you for everything ❤️

SnowzNZ commented 7 months ago

apolgy for bad english it is my first languagen’t

where were you when nitter die

i was at house eating dorito when phone ring

“nitter is kil”


leafstrat commented 7 months ago

The project can always transition into being a faster front-end utilizing user-credentials which would be easier to maintain compared to always trying these guest token gimmicks and utilizing "secret tokens" from old embedded systems and what not.

The main appeal for me was how speedy it was, rather than it allowing anonymous twitter usage. I think this is a more productive way to go anyway, requiring user authentication, otherwise you have all sorts of people using these generously hosted projects to lazily scrape.

lnoss commented 7 months ago

The main appeal for me was how speedy it was, rather than it allowing anonymous twitter usage.

Meanwhile, the README:

A free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy and performance.

leafstrat commented 7 months ago

@lnoss I understand. 👍🏻

But personally I'd rather the project continues in a vein that's actually realistic for the circumstances, rather than discontinuing altogether or requiring all these cat and mouse games for zedeus and co trying to fight Twitter.

9Morello commented 7 months ago

Thanks for supporting it for this long. Nitter was a fantastic piece of software that allowed me to see links from Twitter other people sent me, without loading their terrible web app.

I agree with @lolcatw , there's no point in playing this cat and mouse game with Twitter. The winning move is to not play it at all. If you want a vaguely similar experience, use distributed services that don't fight against their own users.

Chiroyce1 commented 7 months ago

Is it not viable at all to keep a public instance? I might use nitter once or twice a week, but I guess with several thousand users that does add up in requests.

cristeigabriel commented 7 months ago

But personally I'd rather the project continues in a vein that's actually realistic for the circumstances, rather than discontinuing altogether or requiring all these cat and mouse games for zedeus and co trying to fight Twitter.

It seems like you want something very different then, so why don't you do it?

you have all sorts of people using these generously hosted projects to lazily scrape

Excuse me for seeing some irony with the aforementioned in mind.

Pawlicker commented 7 months ago

Thanks for supporting it for this long. Nitter was a fantastic piece of software that allowed me to see links from Twitter other people sent me, without loading their terrible web app.

I agree with @lolcatw , there's no point in playing this cat and mouse game with Twitter. The winning move is to not play it at all. If you want a vaguely similar experience, use distributed services that don't fight against their own users.

"that don't fight against their own users" is the funniest thing given that invite-only Bluesky is basically very much centralized and Mastodon instances can feel like they're run by forum moderators. Or to quote one internet artist, "why should I use Bluesky if I'll get 2 retweets while on Twitter I'll get 100"?

The reason Nitter was used so much has to do with the fact that Twitter is still the center of cultural discussions online, at least in the mainstream sense. Elon Musk knows this, which is why he can get away with forcing logins, just like how there are stories of people turning off the adblockers because of the YouTube nag screens. The only people who end up using fedi religiously are banned from Twitter or are too abrasive for it, and this is the inconvenient truth (look how many Mastodon users have inactive accounts, you'll be surprised).

There needs to be a culture shift somehow to move the zeitgeist away from Twitter, but as of now it's going to stay there.

amogusussy commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

Long live nitter.

TheBSODAndWSODFan commented 7 months ago

btw, if you type thisisunsafe in "your connection is not private", it will bypass the hsts or certificate error. so, nitter still works in my side

TheBSODAndWSODFan commented 7 months ago

if you using a phone to access nitter, try using otg keyboard, and type thisisunsafe


Chiroyce1 commented 7 months ago

btw, if you type thisisunsafe in "your connection is not private", it will bypass the hsts or certificate error. so, nitter still works in my side

Sure it works but I don't think its a great idea to use it over http

Silur commented 7 months ago

We need more heroes like you, thanks for the years of selfless effort to save the internet

cassepipe commented 7 months ago

You'll be missed

Tourfaint commented 7 months ago

Welp, been using this after i randomly got banned for "manipulation and spam" (i never posted anything btw, only followed). Seems like unless i get a new phone number and start ban evading i have no other way to follow the artists that refuse to use other platforms, am i right?

9Morello commented 7 months ago

"that don't fight against their own users" is the funniest thing given that invite-only Bluesky is basically very much centralized and Mastodon instances can feel like they're run by forum moderators. Or to quote one internet artist, "why should I use Bluesky if I'll get 2 retweets while on Twitter I'll get 100"?

If you think Twitter as it is is a better fit for your use case than a Mastodon instance, by all means use what works best for you.

The only people who end up using fedi religiously are banned from Twitter or are too abrasive for it

That really is a pointless and baseless insult. The Asahi Linux project has a Mastodon account where they answer questions from users. They are not banned from Twitter or abrasive at all. Please do not insult random users like that.

Pawlicker commented 7 months ago

"that don't fight against their own users" is the funniest thing given that invite-only Bluesky is basically very much centralized and Mastodon instances can feel like they're run by forum moderators. Or to quote one internet artist, "why should I use Bluesky if I'll get 2 retweets while on Twitter I'll get 100"?

If you think Twitter as it is is a better fit for your use case than a Mastodon instance, by all means use what works best for you.

The only people who end up using fedi religiously are banned from Twitter or are too abrasive for it

That really is a pointless and baseless insult. The Asahi Linux project has a Mastodon account where they answer questions from users. They are not banned from Twitter or abrasive at all. Please do not insult random users like that.

The instance that account is on also uses authorized fetch, and hides their blocklist. That's how I know if I'm blocked from it because they don't let you see their list: image

ProGamerGov commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

@zedeus Are you ceasing development on it? Or are all the nitter instances going to go down?

zedeus commented 7 months ago

@ProGamerGov Both.

iiTzRichie commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

@zedeus Forgive me, but why is Nitter dead? Also, I'm still able to use various instances (including ones with a guest account) just fine, so I'm a bit confused rn. If we're talking about Nitter.net exclusively, that has never worked for me and I was never able to establish a connection to it, but other instances work fine.

cooljeanius commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

So, if that's the case, at what point will it be time to archive this repository?

the-blank-x commented 7 months ago

Forgive me, but why is Nitter dead? Also, I'm still able to use various instances (including ones with a guest account) just fine, so I'm a bit confused rn. If we're talking about Nitter.net exclusively, that has never worked for me and I was never able to establish a connection to it, but other instances work fine.

Currently, Nitter uses guest accounts to access content on Twitter. Guest accounts expire after 30 days (IIRC) of them being created. Guest account creation has been shut off, so all existing guest accounts will be dead after 30 days max. Nitter instances with working guest accounts are not dead yet, but they will be.

iiTzRichie commented 7 months ago

Forgive me, but why is Nitter dead? Also, I'm still able to use various instances (including ones with a guest account) just fine, so I'm a bit confused rn. If we're talking about Nitter.net exclusively, that has never worked for me and I was never able to establish a connection to it, but other instances work fine.

Currently, Nitter uses guest accounts to access content on Twitter. Guest accounts expire after 30 days (IIRC) of them being created. Guest account creation has been shut off, so all existing guest accounts will be dead after 30 days max. Nitter instances with working guest accounts are not dead yet, but they will be.

Thanks for explaining it, but I'm still majorly confused, mostly because I never understood all the lingo to begin with. And also because, I'm now reading about this online (on Twitter, Reddit, HN, Github, etc) and comments are so mixed and saying so many different things that I can't even attempt to comprehend it. Legitimately read a comment saying, "You're so stupid if you believe Nitter is dead."

the-blank-x commented 7 months ago

Understandable, hopefully this explanation (from when guest accounts was starting to be used) helps:

Just to be clear on what a "guest account" is, it's this strange anonymous account old versions of the Android and iOS apps used to make when you opened them for the first time. It doesn't use an email address, a password, or even a customizable username, and they cannot be viewed anywhere or logged into. For all intents and purposes it's essentially a set of temporary credentials API that work for about a month. Is is therefore not equivalent to setting up a bot farm to create fake X/Twitter accounts, and it's not quite the same route as Aurora (the Google Play store that used a very large pool of Google accounts).

randompasser commented 7 months ago

@ProGamerGov Both.

Would it be feasible to downsize the project to just maintaining the ability to view profile pages and generate RSS feeds out of them? that part appears to work without the need for valid tokens.

hynet-mel commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

@zedeus Thank you so much for running this project over the last years, it made my experience of tuning in with friends their works a lot more bearable.

expertmanofficial commented 7 months ago

That's so much damn sad. Can't you try to use real Twitter accounts? Like, create one, and use it to browse Twitter via Nitter. I've seen someone recently recommended it before.

Try everything. Try everything but don't let Nitter die. It's the only tool I need to browse Twitter. Try everything. Don't let Nitter die.

BANKA2017 commented 7 months ago

Can't you try to use real Twitter accounts?

If you want to use the real account, you can use https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/issues/983#issuecomment-1688495284 to get the open_account of a real account, and then write it to guest_accounts.jsonl

j-fbriere commented 7 months ago

@BANKA2017 Just out of curiosity, do you know what is the expiration time of the real Twitter account token obtained from the login steps? I know it doesn't really matter because you can always login again, just curious.

BANKA2017 commented 7 months ago

~@j-fbriere The developer FAQ mentions that access tokens are not explicitly expired~

I made a mistake. The one with no clear expiration time is the bearer token, and I don’t know the expiration time of the oauth token.

gschmidl commented 7 months ago

I'm finally free. Thank you.

Cragsand commented 7 months ago

I just wanted to leave my thanks for all your hard work. Nitter has been a very useful resource when looking up accounts, especially for moderation purposes related to other platforms.

It's understandable how maintaining something like this is a constant uphill battle. Myself I've almost given up on convincing users to abandon the platform. Becoming "that Mastodon guy" I can relate with the struggle. Thanks again for as long as it lasted!

SavSanta commented 7 months ago

Just want to say shoutout for even making this. It was great. I don't always want to login on sensitive/untrusted networks or just to look at one tweet. So using it was great! Unfortunately I know Shillicon Valley companies are creeps that want that logged in usertrackong data so this was prob the inevitable end result. Thanks for the memories!

compaq213 commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your project man. You made Twitter usable for a while. Very very thanks for that. Because of you I manage to use Twitter. Just wanted to share that.

HaZeust commented 7 months ago

Nitter is dead.

Thanks for your hard work.

y0nei commented 7 months ago

Thank you for all your hard work on this project and the dedication on providing the best piece of software as you can to the community :heart: I wish peace and joy upon all the maintainers and contributors, and good luck on your future projects!