zeebe-io / benchmark-helm

Contains a helm chart to execute zeebe benchmarks
Apache License 2.0
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Update to recent platform chart version #171

Closed Zelldon closed 1 month ago

Zelldon commented 1 month ago

Update Camunda platform dependency

Updating to the recent version involved several changes, as some behaviors and properties changed in the parent chart. See https://docs.camunda.io/docs/self-managed/setup/upgrade/#deprecation-notes


Migration work:


Closes https://github.com/zeebe-io/benchmark-helm/pull/158 Closes https://github.com/zeebe-io/benchmark-helm/pull/145

Zelldon commented 1 month ago

With the and especially setting SPRING_CONFIG_ADDITIONALLOCATION we can now install the chart again. We can also see the config has been applied via:

 k port-forward svc/zeebe-benchmark-test-zeebe 9600

And accessing http://localhost:9600/actuator/configprops

In the gateway the threads are set 2024-08-07_11-19 In the brokers the properties are set as well 2024-08-07_11-20 2024-08-07_11-20_1

Zelldon commented 1 month ago

Benchmark is successfully running here https://grafana.dev.zeebe.io/d/zeebe-dashboard/zeebe?orgId=1&refresh=10s&var-DS_PROMETHEUS=prometheus&var-cluster=All&var-namespace=ck-update-helm&var-pod=All&var-partition=All&from=now-3h&to=now

Zelldon commented 1 month ago

As the aftermath we have to adjust the benchmark helm install settings/configs in the Camunda repo.

Zelldon commented 1 month ago

❓ Should we enable Identity eventually? We can't benchmark multi-tenancy without it, for example. And we already know there are some performance issues surrounding it (e.g. blocking calls in gateway). Plus, they will start using Zeebe as a DB, so we will likely want that. Not in this scope of course, just saying because you mentioned disabling it 😄

Thanks for the question. I don't think we need to do this in the defaults for now. This can be done via --set camunda-platform.identity.enabled=true for example. I actually planned to do once a chaos day with identity, but had never time for it, unfortunately.

🔧 Did you start a line with upstream about extensible configuration? An issue, Slack thread, or something?

See slack thread https://camunda.slack.com/archives/C03UR0V2R2M/p1722947834149849 See github issue https://github.com/camunda/camunda-platform-helm/issues/2197