The SRD monsters use secret blocks to specify attack and action details, and use the description to include a player-friendly version of the text that doesn't "give away" too much information.
This means that for SRD monsters, you have to enable display of secrets inline. But, this means that the player-friendly text is duplicated, making the monster block more verbose and harder for the DM to scan through quickly.
It would be nice to have an additional secret-related setting, that when enabled only displayed the secret information in the monster block, if any is present, and hides non-secret text. If no secrets are present, then current behavior would be preserved.
The SRD monsters use secret blocks to specify attack and action details, and use the description to include a player-friendly version of the text that doesn't "give away" too much information.
This means that for SRD monsters, you have to enable display of secrets inline. But, this means that the player-friendly text is duplicated, making the monster block more verbose and harder for the DM to scan through quickly.
It would be nice to have an additional secret-related setting, that when enabled only displayed the secret information in the monster block, if any is present, and hides non-secret text. If no secrets are present, then current behavior would be preserved.