zeel01 / scene-tiler

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Grape Juice Isometric Compatibility #1

Open Grrrbear opened 3 years ago

Grrrbear commented 3 years ago

There is another fantastic Module called Grape Juice Isometric. It adds a lot of fantastic features, that unfortunately slow down scene creation, which is where Scene Tiler could help with creating prefabricated buildings etc.

We suggested this to Grape Juice and they are willing to make these modules work together. Here is what they said on their discord server.

"Thanks for the suggestion! it's actually one of the suggestions a few patrons brought up when we were brainstorming way to improve scene building. In order for this to work, the Scene Tiller dev needs to add a few patches to take the Isometric Module into account, I'd be happy to help though, please tell them to contact me and we'll see what needs to be added."

Currently what happens when an isometric scene is imported into an isometric scene, is tokens are transposed slightly, and tiles from the imported scene get warped.


Grrrbear commented 3 years ago

I forgot to include what the imported scene looks like before dragging it into a new scene.


zeel01 commented 3 years ago

This is something I probably won't work on myself unless I get multiple additional requests. The priority simply isn't very high, this isn't a module I use, and I'm not really sure where to start making it work better/differently.

That being said, I would be more than happy to review and merge a Pull Request that adds this functionality. So if anyone wants to contribute, that would be awesome.