zefei / vim-wintabs

Modern buffer manager for Vim
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Setting g:wintabs_display = 'none' followed by :WintabsRefresh does nothing #50

Open tmandry opened 5 years ago

tmandry commented 5 years ago

In this context I'm trying to disable wintabs in goyo. I would expect the steps in the title would cause the wintabs to disappear, but they remain.

This is minor because I found a workaround (enabling Goyo after doing all of this works), but I have to manually keep track of state and it's a little surprising.

tmandry commented 5 years ago

~Actually, I thought I had a workaround, but it seems like toggling g:wintabs_display back and forth between none and statusline can get into a weird state where the vim tabline doesn't update anymore (or it does, but only after a delay). This seems to happen or not WintabsRefresh is run.~

EDIT: This appears to be an interaction with Goyo specifically; I can't reproduce it without. I think I'll leave the overall issue open since that behavior is still unexpected, but you can ignore what's in this comment.

zefei commented 5 years ago

Can you give me a minimal repro vimrc? I'd like to support interaction with other plugins when possible.