zeffii / b3d_osc_panel

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OSC Panel specs #1

Open zeffii opened 8 years ago

zeffii commented 8 years ago

First some thoughts about what is needed from such a panel and how to implement it conveniently for generic use. Best define this before writing any code ( all existing code in this repo was written prior to starting the repo)

First the UI needs properties

    ip = StringProperty(name="ip", default="")
    port  = IntProperty(name='port', default=57120)  # supercollider for testing..
    interval = FloatProperty(default=0.1)  # interval (in seconds) between updates.

Essentially the panel will be a UI for a modal operator which will repeatedly checks the OSC message queue every <interval> seconds.

zeffii commented 8 years ago

eventually there's going to be an elegant way to add paths and define functions to be called when the paths pass new values.. but for now a reference to a bpy.data.text['OSC_COMMANDS'] file would be OK to get us started.

Imagine one might write a class to accept individual messages

some scraps (Send)

+class FileOverOsc(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
 +    def run(self, edit):
 +        view = self.view
 +        file_name = view.file_name()
 +        print(file_name)
 +        client = udp_client.UDPClient("", 6449)
 +        msg = osc_message_builder.OscMessageBuilder(address="/filepath")
 +        msg.add_arg(file_name)
 +        msg = msg.build()
 +        client.send(msg)


# routine to execute when `/filepath` is received, fp in this case is the string being sent
# as filepath.
def filepath_handler(uh, fp):
    temp_path = osc_statemachine['tempfile']
    with open('/home/zeffii/Desktop/OSC/fp.io', 'w') as f:
        print('received: ', fp)

# commence OSC receiver
def start_server_comms():
    ip = ""
    port = 6449

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--ip", default=ip, help="The ip to listen on")
    parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=port, help="The port to listen on")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    disp = dispatcher.Dispatcher()
    disp.map("/filepath", filepath_handler)
    osc_statemachine['dispatcher'] = disp
    osc_statemachine['args'] = args

        server = osc_server.ForkingOSCUDPServer((args.ip, args.port), disp)
        osc_statemachine['server'] = server
        print('already active')
        server = osc_statemachine['server']

    server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
    print("Serving on {}".format(server.server_address))


zeffii commented 8 years ago

test values sending from Supercollider

b = NetAddr.new("", 7771);
t = Task({
    loop {
        var a, c;
        a = Pcauchy(0.0, 1.0, inf);
        c = a.asStream.nextN(1);
        b.sendMsg("/hello", c[0]);

zeffii commented 8 years ago

seems like I might have to take a different approach, because i'm using this on windows... and..

  File "C:\blender-2.7\2.77\python\lib\socketserver.py", line 591, in process_request
    pid = os.fork()
AttributeError: module 'os' has no attribute 'fork'
zeffii commented 8 years ago



zeffii commented 8 years ago

or.. use something other than server = osc_server.ForkingOSCUDPServer :)

zeffii commented 8 years ago


zeffii commented 8 years ago

spitting increments the stupid way?

b = NetAddr.new("", 7771);
t = Task({
    var total_points = 40;
    var theta = 2pi / total_points;
    var points = Array.fill(total_points, { arg i; (i * theta)});
    var pindex = 0;

    loop {
        var a, c;
        a = Pcauchy(0.0, 1.0, inf);
        c = a.asStream.nextN(1);
        b.sendMsg("/random_integer", c[0]);
        b.sendMsg("/circle", points[pindex].cos);
        pindex = pindex + 1;
        if (pindex == total_points) { pindex = 0; };


then in bpy.data.texts have a block called 'do_circle' with the following content

bpy.data.objects['Cube'].location.x = value
zeffii commented 8 years ago




enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

Is "Tahiti" the latest good good for now?

zeffii commented 7 years ago

yes (i think so), i could push Tahiti to master if it's working as expected.

enzyme69 commented 5 years ago

@zeffii Hi Zeffii, is it possible to have this OSC thing to work with Blender 2.80 or via SV as nodes?

zeffii commented 5 years ago

sure. read up about the changes needed for 2.80, try it yourself.