zefoy / ngx-color-picker

Color picker widget for the Angular (version 2 and newer)
MIT License
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Position fixed? #173

Open yannicke opened 5 years ago

yannicke commented 5 years ago

I don't know why, but when i scroll my ngx-color-picker is fixed:


Is it normal? I would like a relative position (it's the case in the demo when you scroll the component is not fixed...).

Thank you for your help!

jeffyzxc commented 5 years ago

Have you resolve this issue ? also encountered this one i tried changing the position css but no luck

yannicke commented 5 years ago

@jeffyzxc I'm not able to resolve this issue, still waiting for help! (I tried lot of things but it didn't work)

vsevolodKuznietsov commented 5 years ago

@yannicke I resolved it with help of restyling it with to position: absolute(with important) and set top/left properties which I need. for now I see only one way

yannicke commented 5 years ago

@vsevolodKuznietsov Thanks, your solutions works. Unfortunately my color picker is wrapped in a perfect-scrollbar container with overflow:hidden. The position:fixed property allow the picker to be visible outside the container :(

sconix commented 5 years ago

There is the use root view container option which can be used to place the dialog to the root container hence not effected by the parent. Its bit tricky to use, but should do the trick.

nq0w72G commented 2 years ago

i set cpUseRootViewContainer to true,but color picker still has a fixed positon,how toresolve it ?

manuelatexier commented 1 month ago

As a workaround, we found this solution: 1) Programmatically adjust the color picker’s position to ensure it fits within the viewport on colorPickerOpen 2) Listen to the wheel event to re calculate position

<div class="field-group">
  <label class="field-label">
    {{ label | translate }}
  <div class="field-input-color-group">
    <input type="text" class="field-input-color"  #colorPickerInput 
    [(colorPicker)]="color" [value]="color"
    <span class="field-input-color-preview" [style.background]="color" (click)="onClickFieldInputColorPreview()"></span>

export class FormColorpickerComponent {

  // Paramètres
  @Input() color: string;
  @Input() label: string;
  @Output() colorChange: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>();

  @ViewChild('colorPickerInput', { static: true }) colorPickerInput: ElementRef;

   * Ajuster la position du colorPicker par rapport à son input
  adjustColorPickerPosition(): void {
    const inputRect = this.colorPickerInput.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
    const picker = document.querySelector('.color-picker') as HTMLElement;
    picker.style.position = 'fixed';
    picker.style.top = `${inputRect.bottom - inputRect.height}px`;
    picker.style.left = `${inputRect.left - picker.clientWidth - 14}px`;

   * Permet d'ajuster la position du color picker
   * Permet de corriger un bug d'affichage du colorpicker dans un contexte où l'overflow du container est hidden ou scroll.
  onColorPickerOpen() {

   * Evènement de modification de l'input induit émission de la nouvelle valeur
  onColorPickerChange() {

   * Permet d'ouvrir le color picker sur clic de la prévisualisation de la couleur
  onClickFieldInputColorPreview(): void {

   * Handle wheel event
  @HostListener('window:wheel', ['$event'])
  onWindowScroll(event: WheelEvent) {